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Political Test: Where do you stand?

Hahaha you know what that means uncle :D :D :D :D see I told you before too...on the inside, somewhere you are sane ;)

I'm sane in the inside & fit on the outside whereas you are like mashed potatoes on the inside & like a round medicine ball on the outside.....you Kashmiri Cow ! :P
You mean ?



This sht literally made me lol.

:omghaha: :omghaha:
Full test results

You are a leftist Nationalistic Authoritarian. 1 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 27 percent are more extremist than you.



So I am not a fascist after all. :D
I have no issue if a law or morality comes from religion as long as it is debated and analysed objectively. If that is what you mean by non separation of religion and state I agree.

I did not say secular principle demands that all your morality should necessarily 'not be' in any religion. That has not happened anywhere as far as I know.

Its about the 'space' to express myself & my ideas; I find that, within reason & the ubiquitously accepted notions of civility, any bar whatsoever in the democratic discourse is an impediment. I would find it perfectly reasonable if someone were discussing, whilst sitting in the Parliament, the rationality of euthanasia as a viable alternative to the higher costs associated with the care for the irrevocably, seriously, disabled whilst someone else was talking about the irrationality of disassociating abortion from premeditated murder & vice versa. Let the discourse flow...let the talk continue & let the 'democratic rule' be the touch stone about what does or does not become institutionalized.

Unfortunately I find that both the advocates of religious paradigms & secular paradigms & at that conservatives & liberals are self-righteous to the point of being obnoxious & deeply condescending & that I find in most political discourses out there.

I was talking about a specific single religion influencing the state.

Agreed, I don't buy into the whole 'Islamic Republic' idea either but I respect it & I can see that its not without a rational basis however that said I'd personally want pluralism, democracy & mutual respect to be the foundations of any socio-political discourse ! Part of that entails that you listen to the religious & the non-religious, the conservatives & the liberals & above all the majority & the minority, with respect. Something that very few of us actually do.
Its about the 'space' to express myself & my ideas; I find that any bar whatsoever in the democratic discourse is an impediment. I would find it perfectly reasonable if someone were discussing, whilst sitting in the Parliament, the rationality of euthanasia whilst someone else was talking about the irrationality of disassociating abortion from premeditated murder & vice versa. Let the discourse flow...let the talk continue & let the 'democratic rule' be the touch stone about what does or does not become institutionalized.

Unfortunately I find that both the advocates of religious paradigms & secular paradigms & at that conservatives & liberals are self-righteous to the point of being obnoxious & deeply condescending & that I find in most political discourses out there.

Agreed, I don't buy into the whole 'Islamic Republic' idea either; pluralism, democracy & mutual respect should be the foundations of any socio-political discourse ! Part of that entails that you listen to the religious & the non-religious, the conservatives & the liberals & above all the majority & the minority.

Them pretty words Mullah Omar.
@hinduguy Don't fall into his trap.

Me and @Secur can tell you that he's planning to behead you the minute he ever sees you. That and roast biharis.

BTW Butt bhai..is Hype getting more and more extremist or what..he ain't even joking any more when he talks of wanting to nuke Jhang. :blink:
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