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Political, religious orgs violating Constitution, NAP by establishing militias: interior ministry

The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing

You're preaching to the wrong class...

These folks don't know actual American history, they know oxfordian American history...

What do these folks know of the power of militias?? I think it's time for a history lesson...

It was backwater American militias and farmers, who with the help of France, defeated the British Empire, the Empire on which the Sun never Set...

Well, that was more than 300 years ago, people with limited critical thinking skills might argue...

We now have air force, army, navy....do we still need militias??

Well, consequently, the US Armed Forces have also been defeated by backwater Afghan militias and farmers. :D

The 1947 war wasn't started by the good for nothing Armed Forces but by Tribal Militias...obviously helped by PA after the war started.

PA/PAF has tried multiple times to take back Kashmir to no avail. It's time for someone else to give it a shot. Of all the times I have seen Pakistan shoot its own foot, leg, brain or heart, this is just another time...

your posts in the past seem quite opposite to the message you convey on this thread.

I love how you're so interested in this thread...

You must be relieving yourself now that you know your enemy is shooting itself.

Yeah light years ahead in school massacres. Spare us the freedom bullshit.

Only the state has the right to bear arms. If you want to jack off on an AR-15, join the military.

Civilians own more guns in the US than even the Pakistani Armed Forces has...

The US ain't a peace loving nation and it is proud to not be one. Because if you want to see peaceful folks, you should look no further than the ruins of Mohenjo Daro & Harappa.

That's going to be Pakistani future also if you guys don't get your heads out of the sand or whatever is the local most abundant material.
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The onus is on you to prove it isn't a legitimate state. I look forward to reading your argument

The illegal state of israel was conceived by the Zionist Movement (established 1897). The Zionist sought to establish the state of israel in the Holy Land, or as the Jews refer to it as, the "Promised Land." The reason why they (Jews) refer to the Holy Land (Can'aan/Philistine) as the "Promised Land" is the Covenant between God and Prophet Abraham, wherein God gifted the Holy Land to Abraham, as a reward for His (Abraham) devotion and sacrifices to spread the message of God to the people. This is where Zionism takes a leaf out of Judaism's scripture and uses it as the basis of their efforts to establish the state of israel.

"The concept of the Promised Land is the central tenet of Zionism"

That "Covenant" is the basis of their (zionists) argument for a homeland for the Jews, in the so-called "Promised Land." That claim is a false claim, since the Covenant between God and Abraham was NOT unconditional. For God made it clear unto Abraham, that only those of His progeny may dwell in the Holy Land who did not commit acts of wickedness.

This is where the creation of the zionist state of israel, falls apart. As the Jewish King, Herod sought the murder of the coming Messiah by killing all male infants born in the Holy Land. The wife of King Herod, sought the head of John the Baptist (Prophet of God) on a silver platter. The murder of Prophet Zachariah was also sanctioned by the Jewish Rabbis of the Temple Mount. All of this was supported by the Jewish population. They rallied behind their Rabbis, egging on the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah, son of the blessed Virgin Mary. All of this has been documented, as the Holy Qur'an testifies to these acts of wickedness by the Jews. And there is yet another act of wickedness, as the basis of the Holy Qur'an testifying to the acts of wickedness by the Jews, it is because they (Rabbis) changed the word of God, the Holy Book, Torah.

Even Jews themselves have declared that the creation of the state of israel is sinful, since the Jews have been banned from returning to the Holy Land, in light of their acts of wickedness.

Thieving israelis land grab of Palestine!

Illegal UNSC Resolution, against the will of the Palestinian people.

British promise to Zionists to establish homeland for Jews, Balfour Declaration. Based zero consent of the Palestinian nation. Thereby the commencement of the British plot to first break up the Khalafah of the Islamic World. And then to occupy, isolate and then smuggle zionist jews into the occupied territory.


The proverbial "ball" is in your court!
You're preaching to the wrong class...

These folks don't know actual American history, they know oxfordian American history...

What do these folks know of the power of militias?? I think it's time for a history lesson...

It was backwater American militias and farmers, who with the help of France, defeated the British Empire, the Empire on which the Sun never Set...

Well, that was more than 300 years ago, people with limited critical thinking skills might argue...

We now have air force, army, navy....do we still need militias??

Well, consequently, the US Armed Forces have also been defeated by backwater Afghan militias and farmers. :D

The 1947 war wasn't started by the good for nothing Armed Forces but by Tribal Militias...obviously helped by PA after the war started.

PA/PAF has tried multiple times to take back Kashmir to no avail. It's time for someone else to give it a shot. Of all the times I have seen Pakistan shoot its own foot, leg, brain or heart, this is just another time...

I love how you're so interested in this thread...

You must be relieving yourself now that you know your enemy is shooting itself.

Civilians own more guns in the US than even the Pakistani Armed Forces has...

The US ain't a peace loving nation and it is proud to not be one. Because if you want to see peaceful folks, you should look no further than the ruins of Mohenjo Daro & Harappa.

That's going to be Pakistani future also if you guys don't get your heads out of the sand or whatever is the local most abundant material.
Correct! One must always be able to defend against the belligerents or withdraw to gandhi like existence with no clothes and imploring empathy of the occupier!
The illegal state of israel was conceived by the Zionist Movement (established 1897). The Zionist sought to establish the state of israel in the Holy Land, or as the Jews refer to it as, the "Promised Land." The reason why they (Jews) refer to the Holy Land (Can'aan/Philistine) as the "Promised Land" is the Covenant between God and Prophet Abraham, wherein God gifted the Holy Land to Abraham, as a reward for His (Abraham) devotion and sacrifices to spread the message of God to the people. This is where Zionism takes a leaf out of Judaism's scripture and uses it as the basis of their efforts to establish the state of israel.

"The concept of the Promised Land is the central tenet of Zionism"

That "Covenant" is the basis of their (zionists) argument for a homeland for the Jews, in the so-called "Promised Land." That claim is a false claim, since the Covenant between God and Abraham was NOT unconditional. For God made it clear unto Abraham, that only those of His progeny may dwell in the Holy Land who did not commit acts of wickedness.

This is where the creation of the zionist state of israel, falls apart. As the Jewish King, Herod sought the murder of the coming Messiah by killing all male infants born in the Holy Land. The wife of King Herod, sought the head of John the Baptist (Prophet of God) on a silver platter. The murder of Prophet Zachariah was also sanctioned by the Jewish Rabbis of the Temple Mount. All of this was supported by the Jewish population. They rallied behind their Rabbis, egging on the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah, son of the blessed Virgin Mary. All of this has been documented, as the Holy Qur'an testifies to these acts of wickedness by the Jews. And there is yet another act of wickedness, as the basis of the Holy Qur'an testifying to the acts of wickedness by the Jews, it is because they (Rabbis) changed the word of God, the Holy Book, Torah.

Even Jews themselves have declared that the creation of the state of israel is sinful, since the Jews have been banned from returning to the Holy Land, in light of their acts of wickedness.

Thieving israelis land grab of Palestine!

Illegal UNSC Resolution, against the will of the Palestinian people.

British promise to Zionists to establish homeland for Jews, Balfour Declaration. Based zero consent of the Palestinian nation. Thereby the commencement of the British plot to first break up the Khalafah of the Islamic World. And then to occupy, isolate and then smuggle zionist jews into the occupied territory.


The proverbial "ball" is in your court!


Correct! One must always be able to defend against the belligerents or withdraw to gandhi like existence with no clothes and imploring empathy of the occupier!

and killed by a fellow Indian...a RSS follower...

Say no to Mohenjo Daro. :D

Those folks paid for not having weapons.
The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing

Lol, you live in Canada and militia's are illegal here.

You can't even engage in private military training in Canada as per Section 70 of the Canadian Criminal code which states:

70 (1) The Governor in Council may, by proclamation, make orders​
  • (a) to prohibit assemblies, without lawful authority, of persons for the purpose
    • (i) of training or drilling themselves,
    • (ii) of being trained or drilled to the use of arms, or
    • (iii) of practising military exercises; or
  • (b) to prohibit persons when assembled for any purpose from training or drilling themselves or from being trained or drilled.

Canada also has far lower gun crime and our murder rate overall is almost 300% lower per capita than the US.

Furthermore, the militia's you're referring to in the US constitutions 2nd Amendment were, according to that same constitution, to be regulated by the Government of the Union considering it was the US Congress, as confirmed by Article 1 Section 8 Clause 15, which would have the power:

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

Only morons have this idea that they were there to protect the public from government tyranny as some last bulwark of defense.

Many of those militia's running amok in the US now represent some of the greatest threats to the United States alongside White Supremacists many of whom are in those very militias.

Militias/individuals baring arms fought and won U.S. independence.

The guy hasn't read the US constitution or ignores the parts that are inconvenient.

that munafi and deen farosh harami diesel needs to be curbed today or else prepare for another civil war.

We won't have a civil war but what we will have are serious threats to the safety of our state used by enemy nations to harm our freedoms, corrupt our peoples and destroy our economy.

The same is true for media personalities bought by foreign nations within the Middle East, India and the United States

All of them, the whole PDM, needs to go. They're a collection of morons, criminals and sell outs.

Our media needs to be cleaned up as do our universities and terrorists like the PTM wiped out.

They're not the "fair and lovely" Pakistanis

Try some "Fair and Lovely" cream from India:

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The reason why they (Jews) refer to the Holy Land (Can'aan/Philistine) as the "Promised Land" is the Covenant between God and Prophet Abraham, wherein God gifted the Holy Land to Abraham,

Indeed, even the Quran confirms this Covenant, and says it was specifically for the Israelites:

یٰقَوۡمِ ادۡخُلُوا الۡاَرۡضَ الۡمُقَدَّسَۃَ الَّتِیۡ کَتَبَ اللّٰہُ لَکُمۡ وَ لَا تَرۡتَدُّوۡا عَلٰۤی اَدۡبَارِکُمۡ فَتَنۡقَلِبُوۡا خٰسِرِیۡنَ
‘O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has ordained for you and do not turn back, for then you will turn losers.’ (Surah 5:21)
Indeed, even the Quran confirms this Covenant, and says it was specifically for the Israelites:

یٰقَوۡمِ ادۡخُلُوا الۡاَرۡضَ الۡمُقَدَّسَۃَ الَّتِیۡ کَتَبَ اللّٰہُ لَکُمۡ وَ لَا تَرۡتَدُّوۡا عَلٰۤی اَدۡبَارِکُمۡ فَتَنۡقَلِبُوۡا خٰسِرِیۡنَ
‘O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has ordained for you and do not turn back, for then you will turn losers.’ (Surah 5:21)

The Verse-21, dovetails to the one prior, which is Verse 20, where the Holy Quran is reminding the audience of what occurred after God freed Moses and Jews, from the captivity of Pharoah. Reminding the Jews of the favor God has bestowed upon them, and to enter into the Holy Land, as it was promised to Abraham.

Also, the verse you have quoted, is chronologically working against your argument. Since they had not yet murdered Prophets of God, nor had they attempted to change the Torah, nor did they engage in Usury in the House of God.

You conveniently fail to mention that the covenant does not include those of Abraham's progeny who have committed heinous acts of wickedness.

وَإِذِ ابْتَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ رَبُّهُ بِكَلِمَاتٍ فَأَتَمَّهُنَّ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّي جَاعِلُكَ لِلنَّاسِ إِمَامًا ۖ قَالَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي ۖ قَالَ لَا يَنَالُ عَهْدِي الظَّالِمِينَ

And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled: He (the Lord) said: “I hereby appoint you as the Imam (religious and spiritual leader) of all mankind.” He (Abraham) enquired: “And also from my offspring?” (Will they also share of this status?) He answered: “My Covenant (or Promise) will not reach (i.e., include) those who commit acts of Dhulm (i.e., injustice, oppression, tyranny, repression, suppression).

The Noble Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:124


Jewish Acts of Wickedness:

1. King Herod of the Jews, ordered the slaughter of all young male infants, this was if not supported, wasn't opposed by the Jews either.

2. The wife of King Herod of the Jews, ordered the head of Prophet John (Yahya Alaihi Salam) on a plate and this was done unopposed by the Jews themselves.

3. The murder of Prophet Zachariah (Zakariyyah Alaihi Salam) was ordered by the Rabbis of Temple Mount, unopposed by the Jews.

4. The Rabbis of Temple Mount plotted the attempted (but failed) crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah (Isa Alaihi Salam), by coercion of Roman General, siting Jesus the Messiah as a direct threat to the Roman Empire's Palestine colony.

5. The Rabbis of Temple Mount, practiced Usury, where they would mint "Sacred Coins" for the Jews, in exchange for Roman coins, on a disparaging ratio.

6. The Rabbis of Temple Mount, changed the Torah, replacing Prophet Ishmael, who is the first born of Prophet Abraham, with Prophet Isaac, and labeling Prophet Ishmael as a "Wild *** of a Man".

7. The Rabbis of Temple Mount changed the Torah, where they made it into Law, that a Jew can lend money to anyone, but a Jew cannot lend money to another Jew.

These are but a few of the main acts of heinous wickedness committed by the Jewish King and the Temple Mount Rabbis, and supported (if not opposed) by the Jewish population.

So your pathetic attempt at quoting the Noble Quran, to support your claim of Jews having any right to be in the Holy Land, is debunked.

Quoting the Holy Quran, without having read it with sincerity in your heart, will result in a response that exposes your illiteracy ... i.e .... Jahiliyyah!
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