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Political, religious orgs violating Constitution, NAP by establishing militias: interior ministry

The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing
I want to take the drugs you are using
The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing

I agree. TTP, MQM, Uzair Baloch, LeJ, SP etc have all contributed towards making Pakistan the great nation it is today.
Only the state has the right to bear arms. If you want to jack off on an AR-15, join the military.
I DISAGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT I THINK individuals should have the right to bears arms to defend their lives and property and law abiding citizens should have legal access to firearms equivalent to those in the possession of criminals. banning guns does not decrease crime as criminals have no obligation to follow the law it only servers to hamper peoples ability to defend themselves.
PS I agree such militias should not be allowed to exist my above comment are regrading the right of self defence of individuals
The Shari'ah never forbids ordinary people in their private capacities to possess arms. Also, the Shari'ah allows for the existence of militias. For example, tribes were under the jurisdiction of the central state but permitted to possess arms collectively to police their own.
The Shari'ah never forbids ordinary people in their private capacities to possess arms. Also, the Shari'ah allows for the existence of militias. For example, tribes were under the jurisdiction of the central state but permitted to possess arms collectively to police their own.
Pakistan is not a Sharia state like Iran. Pakistan is a constitutional state that doesn't allow any militia
Pakistan is not a Sharia state like Iran. Pakistan is a constitutional state that doesn't allow any militia

I know. Pakistan pretends to be Islamic but it is anything but. Also, Pakistan's constitution is a confused, jumbled mess, full of contradictory clauses and needlessly complicated. The best modern day constitution is America's, which ironically is the oldest one too.
Pakistan's constitution is really schizo, can't decide if it is Islamic or democratic (they're mutually exclusive)

Are you the Indian ahmedi weirdo who was deported from Pakistan?

I'm a Canadian citizen. My mom is from Pakistan. My dad is from India.
I'm a Sunni Muslim from an Ahmadi family background, I left Ahmadiyyah Jama'at many years ago.
I wasn't deported from Pakistan, I was granted bail by the High Court in a ridiculous case of 298-C against me. The Canadian High Commission put me on an emergency flight out of the country when they were evacuating Canadian citizens back in April. The Pakistani government thought I wouldn't be able to leave the country since they seized my passport and so granted me bail, but they were obviously wrong
The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing
who says us constitution is best or advanced? Reason for second amendment is totally different from what Pakistan has.
I'm a Canadian citizen. My mom is from Pakistan. My dad is from India.
I'm a Sunni Muslim from an Ahmadi family background, I left Ahmadiyyah Jama'at many years ago.
I wasn't deported from Pakistan, I was granted bail by the High Court in a ridiculous case of 298-C against me. The Canadian High Commission put me on an emergency flight out of the country when they were evacuating Canadian citizens back in April. The Pakistani government thought I wouldn't be able to leave the country since they seized my passport and so granted me bail, but they were obviously wrong

So your a criminal who escaped Pakistan??

Wait, is your real name Nawaz Sharif?
I DISAGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT I THINK individuals should have the right to bears arms to defend their lives and property and law abiding citizens should have legal access to firearms equivalent to those in the possession of criminals. banning guns does not decrease crime as criminals have no obligation to follow the law it only servers to hamper peoples ability to defend themselves.
PS I agree such militias should not be allowed to exist my above comment are regrading the right of self defence of individuals

They have LMG's and rocket launchers too.
The Shari'ah never forbids ordinary people in their private capacities to possess arms. Also, the Shari'ah allows for the existence of militias. For example, tribes were under the jurisdiction of the central state but permitted to possess arms collectively to police their own.

How many militias have you raised with the connivance of the tribes in Canada?
It was the political government's insistence on PTI tigers and youth interests in college and universities which restarted this phenomenon.

Ministry of Interior is non existent in this government
No private militia should exist full stop. Order them to join a national defence volunteer force, otherwise disband and send the forces to do it.
Not even the ones your Armed Forces have chosen to fight side by side (Read kargil) which in quite a comedic turn are also proscribed apparently by your own Ministry in Interior.
Not even the ones your Armed Forces have chosen to fight side by side (Read kargil) which in quite a comedic turn are also proscribed apparently by your own Ministry in Interior.

Yes not even those.
Still a damn sight better than the organisation the leader of your country comes from, who have among their greatest 'achievements' the mass rapes during the Gujarat riots.
Sadly it's not 'comedic', just outright horrible.
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