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Political, religious orgs violating Constitution, NAP by establishing militias: interior ministry


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Political, religious orgs violating Constitution, NAP by establishing militias: interior ministry
Zulqarnain Haider On Dec 7, 2020 Last updated Dec 7, 2020
interior ministry political religious parties constitution nap militias

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Interior has issued a warning to the political and religious parties over gross violation of the Constitution and the National Action Plan (NAP) by establishing their militias, ARY News reported on Monday.
In a letter to the relevant authorities, the secretary interior Yousaf Naseem Khokhar stated that certain political and religious parties have established their militias which have even resorted to wearing and ranks like armed forces and law enforcement agencies besides depicting themselves as military organisations.

The ministry further stated that such actions are a gross violation of Article 256 of the Constitution and point 3 of the National Action Plan (NAP).

In its warning letter obtained by ARY News, the ministry said such developments may further aggravate the complex security situation if unchecked besides leaving a negative impact with regards to the national and international image of Pakistan.

interior ministry political religious parties constitution nap militias

“Such organisations are setting a wrong precedent for other political/religious parties who may resort to similar practices further compounding the law and order situation.’

The provincial governments have been directed to take immediate notice of the threat and adopt effective measures to check the functioning of such militias. It added that the federal government is ready to provide maximum assistance to the relevant authorities in this regards.

The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing
The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing
Yeah light years ahead in school massacres. Spare us the freedom bullshit.

Only the state has the right to bear arms. If you want to jack off on an AR-15, join the military.
The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing
yea form private armies to force vote respect
and take on state. good line for noon leage.
it must join TTP and BLA as it is a right you say.
. Last I know militia is formed under MqM and strengthen by ex- president musharaf ....
PPP had it's own also.....unknown of current status ..any how PPP is in contact with government ..so no issue ..
Currently Is there any other political party forming armed militia ?
Political, religious orgs violating Constitution, NAP by establishing militias: interior ministry
Zulqarnain Haider On Dec 7, 2020 Last updated Dec 7, 2020
interior ministry political religious parties constitution nap militias

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Interior has issued a warning to the political and religious parties over gross violation of the Constitution and the National Action Plan (NAP) by establishing their militias, ARY News reported on Monday.
In a letter to the relevant authorities, the secretary interior Yousaf Naseem Khokhar stated that certain political and religious parties have established their militias which have even resorted to wearing and ranks like armed forces and law enforcement agencies besides depicting themselves as military organisations.

The ministry further stated that such actions are a gross violation of Article 256 of the Constitution and point 3 of the National Action Plan (NAP).

In its warning letter obtained by ARY News, the ministry said such developments may further aggravate the complex security situation if unchecked besides leaving a negative impact with regards to the national and international image of Pakistan.

interior ministry political religious parties constitution nap militias

“Such organisations are setting a wrong precedent for other political/religious parties who may resort to similar practices further compounding the law and order situation.’

The provincial governments have been directed to take immediate notice of the threat and adopt effective measures to check the functioning of such militias. It added that the federal government is ready to provide maximum assistance to the relevant authorities in this regards.


This behavior of forming militias by political parties in Pakistan, is a sign which exhibits their sheer desperation to not be held to account of their criminal activities whilst they were in power. It also shows that the Government of Pakistan has comprehensively refused to give these criminal political parties, an NRO. So now they are resorting to their true form of being traitors. For if they truly were innocent, they wouldn't have resorted to forming militias.

As for the example of america having militias is concerned. Well only amateurs who have zero understanding of the subject and ones who blindly follow the West, seek to give such examples. In 244 years, the country being called "light years ahead" has gone through Civil War, unabated racism, continuous wars across the globe, "regime change" of countries who stand for their independence both economically and politically and of course a steady stream lies and deceit through network of tv channels.

Pathetic is the state of mind, of those who are a country that has conducted and led brutal wars of oppression against Muslim States, to further strengthen the illegal and illegitimate, zionist state of israel.
As for the example of america having militias is concerned. Well only amateurs who have zero understanding of the subject and ones who blindly follow the West, seek to give such examples. In 244 years, the country being called "light years ahead" has gone through Civil War, unabated racism, continuous wars across the globe, "regime change" of countries who stand for their independence both economically and politically and of course a steady stream lies and deceit through network of tv channels.

Pathetic is the state of mind, of those who are a country that has conducted and led brutal wars of oppression against Muslim States, to further strengthen the illegal and illegitimate, zionist state of israel.

Israel is not an illegal state. It is an internationally recognized nation - except by countries that are themselves authoritarian regimes, including the Pakistani State and also Iran.

America is actually one of the least racist countries in the world. Blacks who complain about racism in the States should try living a few days in China or Pakistan. I've been to Pakistan and I've seen the color of those who are in the worst poverty. They're not the "fair and lovely" Pakistanis like Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif.

As for wars, every war America has fought in recent memory was for liberation of the oppressed and for justice.
No private militia should exist full stop. Order them to join a national defence volunteer force, otherwise disband and send the forces to do it.
Anyone wanting to join an armed force has a great set of options, the main being the armed forces.
Israel is not an illegal state. It is an internationally recognized nation - except by countries that are themselves authoritarian regimes, including the Pakistani State and also Iran.

America is actually one of the least racist countries in the world. Blacks who complain about racism in the States should try living a few days in China or Pakistan. I've been to Pakistan and I've seen the color of those who are in the worst poverty. They're not the "fair and lovely" Pakistanis like Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif.

As for wars, every war America has fought in recent memory was for liberation of the oppressed and for justice.

Weren't you some ahmedi Indian who tried to get Pakistani citizenship but was arrested in Pakistan for acting like a weirdo and deported?
The US Bill of Rights, in the 2nd Amendment, guarantees the right to form militias. This means the US Constitution, which is from the late 18th century, is more advanced than Pakistan's constitution. This is the real reason why the West is lightyears ahead of Muslim countries. Muslim countries never learn that statism and authoritarianism keep a nation from progressing
Time and place, Che! Time and place!
Militias/individuals baring arms fought and won U.S. independence. Since you're a zealot but not a citizen you wouldn't know that early militias were integrated as national guard. Since, states regulate and run national guard, laws differ... what you are instead inferring is a citizen's militias which are again not possible in all states besides they're registered... A common clause that most cling on to is the insurrection theory which has been rejected by the Supreme Court.
Do you identify with sovereign citizen movement by any chance?
Israel is not an illegal state.

Really? Please, indulge us by proving your point on how israel could claim to be a legitimate state. I would really like to read your argument.
Really? Please, indulge us by proving your point on how israel could claim to be a legitimate state. I would really like to read your argument.

The onus is on you to prove it isn't a legitimate state. I look forward to reading your argument
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