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Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

List of dead Govt. officials.

Looks like their entire power structure was wiped out.

Mr. Lech Kaczynski, Polish President

Mrs. Maria Kaczynska wife of Polish President


1. Mr Ryszard Kaczorowski, former president of Poland in Exile
2. Mr. Krzysztof Putra Sejm Marshal
3. Mr. Jerzy Szmajdzinski Sejm Marshal
4. Krystyna Bochenek Deputy Senate
5. BAHR Jerzy Ambassador of the Russian Federation
6. Mr. Wladyslaw STASIAK Chief Presidential Chancellery
7. Mr. Aleksander Szczyglo Head of National Security
8. Mr. Jacek Sasin Secretary of State, Deputy Head of the Presidential Chancellery
9. Mr. Paul WYPYCH Secretary of State in the President's Chancellery
10. Mariusz Handzlik Undersecretary of State in the Chancellery of the President
11. Mr. Andrzej Kremer, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs
12. Mr. Stanislaw Komorowski, Undersecretary of State in the Defence
13. Mr. Tomasz Merta Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture
14. Gen. Francis Gagor Chief of General Staff of Polish Army
15. Mr Andrew CARRIER Secretary ROPWiM
16. Mr. Maciej Plazynski President of the Association "Polish Community"
17. Mariusz KAZANA MFA Diplomatic Protocol Director


1. Mr. Leszek Deptula deputy to the Sejm
2. Mr. Gregory Dolniak deputy to the Sejm
3. Ms. Grazyna Gesicka deputy to the Sejm
4. Mr. Przemyslaw Gosiewski deputy to the Sejm
5. Mr. Sebastian KARPINIUK deputy to the Sejm
6. Ms. Izabela Jaruga - Nowacka Member of Parliament of the Republic of Poland
7. Mr. Zbigniew Wassermann deputy to the Sejm
8. Ms. Alexander Natallia - WORLD Member of the Sejm
10. Mr. Arkadiusz Rybicki deputy to the Sejm
11. Jolanta Szymanek - Deresz Member of the Sejm
12. Wieslaw WATER deputy to the Sejm
13. Mr. Edward Wojtas deputy to the Sejm
14. Janina FETLINSKA Senator RP
15. Mr. Stanislaw ZAJAC Senator RP


1. Mr. Janusz Kochanowski Ombudsman Citizen Laws
2. Mr Skawomir Skrzypek, President of the Polish National Bank
3. Janusz Kurtyka President of the Institute of National Remembrance
4. Janusz Krupski Director of the Office for War Veterans and Repressed Persons

REPRESENTATIVES Churches and Religious Affairs

1. Tadeusz Ploski Ordinary of the Polish Army
2. Miron Chodakowski Orthodox Ordinary Polish Army
3. Adam PILCH Ewangelickie Duszpasterstwo Polowe
4. Col. Adam Pilch Evangelical Chaplaincy
5. Lt. Col. John OSINSKI Ordinariate of the Polish Army


1. Mr. Edward Duchnowski Secretary General of Association of Siberian Deportees
2. Ks. Fr. Monsignor Bronislaw Gostomski
3. Ks. Fr. Parafiada Association President Joseph Joniec Parafiada
4. Ks. Fr. Zdzislaw KING Chaplain Warsaw Katyn Families 1987-2007
5. Ks. Fr. Chaplain Andrew Kwasnik Federation of Katyn Families
6. Pan Tadeusz LUTOBORSKI
7. Bozena Lojek President of the Polish Foundation for Katyn
8. Mr. Stefan Melaka Katyn Committee Chairman
9. Mr. Stanislaw Mikke Vice ROPWiM
10. Mrs. Bronislaw Orawiec - Löffler
11. Ms. Catherine Piskorska
12. Mr Andrew SARIUSZ - SKAPSKI President Federation of Katyn Families
13. Mr Wojciech SEWERYN
14. Mr. Leszek Solski
15. Ms. Teresa Walewska - PRZYJALKOWSKA Foundation "Golgotha of the East"
16. Ms. Gabriela Zych
17. Ewa Bakowska granddaughter of Brig. Mieczyslaw Smorawinski
18. Mrs. Maria Borowska
19. Mr. Bartosz BOROWSKI
20. Mr. Dariusz MALINOWSKI


1. Gen. Gen. Bronislaw KWIATKOWSKI Operational Commander of Polish Armed Forces
2. Gen. broni pil. Gen. pil. Andrew Blasik Polish Air Force Commander
3. Gen. dyw. Maj.-Gen. Tadeusz BUK Commander of Land Forces of Poland
4. Gen. dyw. Maj.-Gen. Wlodzimierz POTASINSKI Polish Special Forces Commander
5. Andrzej KARWETA Dowódca Marynarki Wojennej RP Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta Commander Navy
6. Gen. bryg. Brig. Kazimierz GILARSKI Commander Training Centre Warsaw
Time line

US wants to install missiles pointed at russia
Russia warns any country of consequences of doing so
Poland willing to put defence sheilds in its soil
Russia , invades georgia to make point
US and others persuade to calm things down momentarily
Russia commences transatlantic bomber missions
Russia plans to send S300 system to Iran
US tries to steal Russian Ally India
Israeli agents attempt to develop rift beween western nations and russia by assasinating palestinian leader on route to meet russians in UAE
US sends weapons to Tiwan angers China and indirectly Russia
Russia closes deal with India on defence
Israel beefs up proess to attack Iranian nuclear asset
Russia warns against any attak on its close allies
US ask Israel to halt the illegal building in Israel and begs put US security forefront
Israel launches its own operation to destabalize US/Russian relations so focus is not on its illegal buildings and occupation but becomes US vs Russia
Metro Bombing in Russia by unknown entities Russia is mad
CIA advices US to get in pact with russia on no nucelar launches
US and Russia discuss a no nuclear attack pledge use normal weapon
Stern warning from Russia to Israel on supplying weapons to georgia
Israel mosad agency becomes active
Assasination of Polish head of state, on Russian soil
Russia promises S300 system to iran once more
US is more focused on Israel as Ally and notices Russia as a threat
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Dudez Tupolev migs ka monh bola bhai hai

I have no doubt Russia is behind this.AFAIK this guy was very close to USA.Looks like Russians have started showing some spine now.They have done this kind of acts before so i would not be surprised if they've done it again but it is in interest of Pakistan that things heat up between US and RF.

I've no doubts russia has to do something with it..back to research lab!

Read the artical next time:

"According to preliminary reports, it got caught up in the tops of trees, fell to the ground and broke up into pieces. There are no survivors in that crash"

The aircrft was flying in thick fog and as a result skimmed the tops of trees, if Russia wanted to kill forign leaders they would start with Georgia.
Time line

US wants to install missiles pointed at russia
Russia warns any country of consequences of doing so
Poland willing to put defence sheilds in its soil
Russia , invades georgia to make point
US and others persuade to calm things down momentarily
Russia commences transatlantic bomber missions
Russia plans to send S300 system to Iran
US tries to steal Russian Ally India
Israeli agents attempt to develop rift beween western nations and russia by assasinating palestinian leader on route to meet russians in UAE
US sends weapons to Tiwan angers China and indirectly Russia
Russia closes deal with India on defence
Israel beefs up proess to attack Iranian nuclear asset
Russia warns against any attak on its close allies
US ask Israel to halt the illegal building in Israel and begs put US security forefront
Israel launches its own operation to destabalize US/Russian relations so focus is not on its illegal buildings and occupation but becomes US vs Russia
Metro Bombing in Russia by unknown entities Russia is mad
CIA advices US to get in pact with russia on no nucelar launches
US and Russia discuss a no nuclear attack pledge use normal weapon
Stern warnin from Russia to Israel on supplying weapons to georgia
Israel mosad agency becomes active
Assasination of Polish head of state, on Russian soil
Russia promises S300 system to iran once more
Russian /US relaions strained
US is not focused on forcing Israel end its illegal buildings in Palestine

:rofl: alot of mistakes but nevertheless a good laugh :lol: btw much of that has nothing to do with Russia.
Time line

US wants to install missiles pointed at russia
Russia warns any country of consequences of doing so
Poland willing to put defence sheilds in its soil
Russia , invades georgia to make point
US and others persuade to calm things down momentarily
Russia commences transatlantic bomber missions
Russia plans to send S300 system to Iran
US tries to steal Russian Ally India
Israeli agents attempt to develop rift beween western nations and russia by assasinating palestinian leader on route to meet russians in UAE
US sends weapons to Tiwan angers China and indirectly Russia
Russia closes deal with India on defence
Israel beefs up proess to attack Iranian nuclear asset
Russia warns against any attak on its close allies
US ask Israel to halt the illegal building in Israel and begs put US security forefront
Israel launches its own operation to destabalize US/Russian relations so focus is not on its illegal buildings and occupation but becomes US vs Russia
Metro Bombing in Russia by unknown entities Russia is mad
CIA advices US to get in pact with russia on no nucelar launches
US and Russia discuss a no nuclear attack pledge use normal weapon
Stern warnin from Russia to Israel on supplying weapons to georgia
Israel mosad agency becomes active
Assasination of Polish head of state, on Russian soil
Russia promises S300 system to iran once more
India being India notices the sanction on Iran will not succeed just plays its cards
and says India will not support sanctions of course becuae russia already said no.
Russian /US relaions strained
US is not focused on forcing Israel end its illegal buildings in Palestine

Janab aap ka koi match nahi hai!
:rofl: :rofl:
After reading all the posts in this thread its seem like General Zia C130 incidence , Put ever one in one plane and then .........
After reading all the posts in this thread its seem like General Zia C130 incidence , Put ever one in one plane and then .........

Exactly ...

I think the same when i see this news ..

Old Cards is being Played .... :hang2:

Small Countries should stay away from Super Powers ...
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