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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

New here, been following this pretty closely. Thankfully the situation has improved from all reports. But would just like to say that the way this entire thing has been handled is disgraceful. And not just the government but the 'protesters' who stopped the entire capital from function to now this - paralyzing the entire country. In any country that had a strong civilian government and a sense of law and order the miscreants would've been dealt with immediately and would be spending a long long time in prison. But this is my Pakistan so I guess we had to make a show out of it.
You are free to identify me as you wish, but calling me kafar for not agreeing to constitution will not be appropriate as it's reserved for Islamic... But the constitution is also Islamic... So, you have power of fatwa as well...

Lol you guys are so paranoid here
so what's up with this Zahid guy ? It makes no sense to make an amendment in the constitution/act/bill only to repeal it ! Testing the waters ?
its all for the devilish house of Sherifs
the main satan is Nawaz Sherif
Zahids bayan Hufi should have been done by Nawaz instead
that scumbag has on purpose instigated this chaos and directed his people to escalate it.
chaos serves him well. the attention goes away from his corruption and then he can appeal to the western governments of (international establishment) to save his liberal ideas and save him from Pakistan army and fanatics.
Nawaz will go to any depth to destabilize the state and discredit Pakistan army because it will help him to play victim card and ensure the stranglehold over Punjab and rest of Pakistan.
its all for the devilish house of Sherifs
the main satan is Nawaz Sherif
Zahids bayan Hufi should have been done by Nawaz instead
that scumbag has on purpose instigated this chaos and directed his people to escalate it.
chaos serves him well. the attention goes away from his corruption and then he can appeal to the western governments of (international establishment) to save his liberal ideas and save him from Pakistan army and fanatics.
Nawaz will go to any depth to destabilize the state and discredit Pakistan army because it will help him to play victim card and ensure the stranglehold over Punjab and rest of Pakistan.
the g.c college's kuggo he is , no wonder every time he comes up with a plan it back fires gravely
Beghairata, they came to protest. Nobody expects to go their to capital city to be shot at.

Nobody expects to sit in the capital city for 20 days, block major roads and pretty much paralyze half the province even with daily govt warnings. If they didn't expect to be shot then what did they expect ? Halway key baarish ?
Nobody expects to sit in the capital city for 20 days, block major roads and pretty much paralyze half the province even with daily govt warnings. If they didn't expect to be shot then what did they expect ? Halway key baarish ?
You seem to know it all, why don't you tell n
Stupid libs should realize that the only person that needs to be hung at this moment is nawaband Ghoonda party, not the protesters.
What? First of all no one needs to be hung but rather need to be under trial by fair law but going by your previous few posts that concept seems quite alien to you. Which is surprising considering you live in the states. You defending these religious zealots is pretty pathetic since they've brought the country to an absolute halt and have done a tremendous amount of damage to public property ... chaos in general. Why the hell is this acceptable?
The worst part of this whole incident is that if anything it has given confidence to these subhumans that they can bully the govt to deciding who leaves and who stays. Plus theyll transfer this same ideology to their 8 children and the vicious cycle continues. A plague is needed.
The worst part of this whole incident is that if anything it has given confidence to these subhumans that they can bully the govt to deciding who leaves and who stays. Plus theyll transfer this same ideology to their 8 children and the vicious cycle continues. A plague is needed.

Yaaay democratic
Beghairata, they came to protest. Nobody expects to go their to capital city to be shot at.
You live in the US. The US government despite being the most democratic in the world will crush any protest that effects public life with non-lethal force. Why want a different sets of rules for place you call home and Pakistan?
The worst part of this whole incident is that if anything it has given confidence to these subhumans that they can bully the govt to deciding who leaves and who stays. Plus theyll transfer this same ideology to their 8 children and the vicious cycle continues. A plague is needed.

Mate the banana government is confused its priorities are somewhere else and that is to defend their unchecked corruption the rest of the awaam can get screwed according to their logic, the problem in Pakistan too many jahil awaam voting for the same venomous duo parties Zardari and Godfather who have destroyed this country for their corruption. unfortunately this plague will continue until these corrupt mafia are held accountable.
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