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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

I think there's more to the picture than this. There are some questions in your description of events, in which the lone sentry engaged and pinned down the attackers, for enough time till his blood ran out, and presumably he lost consciousness.

If this is how the events would have unfolded, then the sound of the gunplay between the sentry and the attackers, would have alerted other guards as well as a lot of the cadets themselves, well before the final attack happened, and would therefore have given cadets time to escape as well the guards would have been able to mount a response.

Since it was only 3 attackers, and they managed to inflict maximum casualties, it's safe to assume that they maintained the element of surprise well into the assault. Which would indicate that they disposed of the lone sentry quickly and or they had inside help. Which I guess might become clearer on subsequent investigation.

information is very sketchy. there is only mention of one sentry.. as if the entrance was only being guarded by one person.

I agree with your conclusion that they disposed him off quickly. someone receiving single or multiple assault weapon wounds wont last long. maybe he died in a minute or two?

they would have sneaked closed to him and opened fire when his silhouette presented a good target . and yes you are also right that some of the terrorists breached the place from multiple locations.

one thing tells me that the security of the place was dismal .. and it appears that apart from customary guards on the entrance there was no opposition to the attackers.
the only solution is the turkish model.they pissed 2 super powers and entered syria and iraq at the same time.hit the terrorist where it hurts them.we need to come out of our shell.arm the afghan taliban to teeth.give them whatever necessary.in the same time take nuristan and kunar.bases of ttp.end indian influence in afghanistan.this cancer will never end untill the root is not cut.
but our policy makers are too cowards to act.they can take selfies and foto ops but cant act.look at turkey.it is safer then before.

ASWJ, LJ these terrorist are Pakistani nationals and enjoy, yes enjoying complete immunity from PMLN, they contest elections in Pakistan, how is entering Afghanistan will solve this, terrorist may be hiding in Afghanistan, but the majority of them are Pakistani national and have support within Pakistan.

They have the bodies of the dead terrorist, identify them post picture on the media arrest their living relatives demolish every property they own and confiscated everything up to a single cent and compensate the dead, until they are really punished this will continue. Feed the dead bodies of terrorist to the pigs.

Nothing and I mean Nothing will happen, not one person will be fired not one minister will resign, you know why becasue they are either in it or don't care.
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what's going to happen now? pm, president and head of all parties issue a statement of condemnation. they will call it a cowardly act of terrorism and terrorism is taking its last breaths in pak. army chief will visit the hosp . govt will announce compensation for the families of injured and dead which they will never receive. there will be slight more checking on the check post for a week more...............and then the things will get settled and we will wait for another attack.
ASWJ, LJ these terrorist are Pakistani nationals and enjoy, yes enjoying complete immunity from security agencies, they contest elections in Pakistan, how is entering Afghanistan will solve this, terrorist may be hiding in Afghanistan, but the majority of them are Pakistani national and have support within Pakistan.

They have the bodies of the dead terrorist, identify them post picture on the media arrest their living relatives demolish every property they own and confiscated everything up to a single cent and compensate the dead, until they are really punished this will continue. Feed the dead bodies of terrorist to the pigs.

Nothing and I mean Nothing will happen, not one person will be fired not one minister will resign, you know why becasue they are either in it or don't care.

They are protected by ruling party. security agencies have nothing to do with that. When your government is not willing to let security forces launch operation in base of LeJ and company in South Punjab then what can you do ?

NS and his daughter was more busy in executing plan against Army through Dawn than to act against these terrorists.
information is very sketchy. there is only mention of one sentry.. as if the entrance was only being guarded by one person.

I agree with your conclusion that they disposed him off quickly. someone receiving single or multiple assault weapon wounds wont last long. maybe he died in a minute or two?

they would have sneaked closed to him and opened fire when his silhouette presented a good target . and yes you are also right that some of the terrorists breached the place from multiple locations.

one thing tells me that the security of the place was dismal .. and it appears that apart from customary guards on the entrance there was no opposition to the attackers.

And they might have had help from someone on the inside also.. Seems a very well planned attack for just 3 attackers to inflict so much damage, they seemed to have well detailed info, much more than can be gathered from only external sources.
They are protected by ruling party. security agencies have nothing to do with that. When your government is not willing to let security forces launch operation in base of LeJ and company in South Punjab then what can you do ?

NS and his daughter was more busy in executing plan against Army through Dawn than to act against these terrorists.

I agree 100% and I will edit my previous post
I recently met and talked to one of my cousin and his friends who were also recruits there in training center and God willing they survived. They all said that they had finished their training 2 weeks ago but they were called back to the training camp. They were not getting any kind training during last two weeks, they were locked there for no reasons. They are still asking why they were called back when they had already completed their training. Something is fishy here.
I agree 100% and I will edit my previous post

You have every right to express your opinion. I have no issue with that. We should not curb opinions no matter how diffeent these are.

And they might have had help from someone on the inside also.. Seems a very well planned attack for just 3 attackers to inflict so much damage, they seemed to have well detailed info, much more than can be gathered from only external sources.

Such coordinated massive attacks always have inside information and help.

If you analyse the situation at your side you will also sense the same in Pathankot or any other such big attack.

I recently met and talked to one of my cousin and his friends who were also recruits there in training center and God willing they survived. They all said that they had finished their training 2 weeks ago but they were called back to the training camp. They were not getting any kind training during last two weeks, they were locked there for no reasons. They are still asking why they were called back when they had already completed their training. Something is fishy here.

Can verify this account kindly ?? It is very important and vital for investigation if true.
3 Indian paid Afghani assholes killed 61 people and 100 injured WHATA SECURITY SITUATION *******doon .... enough capability to kill 3 X - 100 Indians... we will take avenge! we will bleed ... asi jaga say ghuns kar mareengay India ke sara ****** bahir ajayegi.. wait and watch!

Calm down and let an official statement of indian involvement come in before barking at india. In kamra attack too, you guys started blaming india untill Mr. kiyani came with a statement that attckers were your own. They have an enemity with you and in past they have attacked Pakistan many times. How many time could you establish indian link? What you say will be good once an official statement involving india comes in.
information is very sketchy. there is only mention of one sentry.. as if the entrance was only being guarded by one person.

I agree with your conclusion that they disposed him off quickly. someone receiving single or multiple assault weapon wounds wont last long. maybe he died in a minute or two?

they would have sneaked closed to him and opened fire when his silhouette presented a good target . and yes you are also right that some of the terrorists breached the place from multiple locations.

one thing tells me that the security of the place was dismal .. and it appears that apart from customary guards on the entrance there was no opposition to the attackers.

Security of Police premises anywhere is in the shape as resemble their competence and performance that speaks volume so there is no such efforts or proper measures taken. Fat bellies are busy spending the funds and guarding political masters. This department needs a proper surgery and the current shape is not good and may remain a soft target as we witnessed.

KPK has improved a lot yet these political thugs are not willing to utilize the Military at best by providing proper training for other departments, fear of depoliticize of Police etc. It has been expressed and still it has to be noted that an OP in Punjab is as must as in Sindh. Soon we will be hearing people like Talal and Zaeem Qadri lipsing about incompetence of Military. It is enough now, I mean, these ----- crossed every limit of treason just to save their political luxury and power based upon greed.

Can verify this account kindly ?? It is very important and vital for investigation if true.

To eat the budget in the name of continue training, until & unless new batch is arrived for training. The top ranks never freed the training centre as the same has been happening in Sindh as well. Many recruits have been awaiting for the posting even after completion of 6 months training period and sometimes it takes 1 year to pass out.
This city quetta is attacked again and agin. Isn't it possible to beef up security? SOme time it is attacked with guns and some time with bomb. Guys, please do something and make it safe.
3 Indian paid Afghani assholes killed 61 people and 100 injured WHATA SECURITY SITUATION *******doon .... enough capability to kill 3 X - 100 Indians... we will take avenge! we will bleed ... asi jaga say ghuns kar mareengay India ke sara ****** bahir ajayegi.. wait and watch!

You reap what you sow . Nuff said!! Go behind good terrorists also, hunt them down.Let peace prevail in the region.
Calm down and let an official statement of indian involvement come in before barking at india. In kamra attack too, you guys started blaming india untill Mr. kiyani came with a statement that attckers were your own. They have an enemity with you and in past they have attacked Pakistan many times. How many time could you establish indian link? What you say will be good once an official statement involving india comes in.

Pakistani government does not issue official statement against India not even in the past.

When individuals on forums and other such foras mention India that has some background. It is not a new thing that any country do have an indirect hand in shape of finances, utilizing the enemy of the enemy in such situation.

In our case

The foot soldiers are mostly local Pakistanis along with foreigners (Afghan, Uzbek etc etc), trained in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Afghan training centers are directly funded by India along with kidnapping, ransom, drug money by these terrorists themselves. Afghan government directly facilitate them.

The failure at our end is more important because unless we cut off local supply chain of these terrorists, we will not be able to cripple foreign terror plans.
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