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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

Our biggest achievements after this attack

1. We know that attackers came from Afghanistan
2. We have cleared area from terrorists

It pains to see that state of Pakistan has stopped caring about Quetta altogether

Don't know what's up with Quetta . Even in the wilds of Miramshah and Waziristan there have been no blasts in a while now .
What the hell they didn't attack some fruit market, they attacked a POLICE training center for goodness sake .......... and this is not something for the first time it has happened before, police training centers targeted and hundreds massacred...... was there ever a lesson learnt? apparently not.

By this time if this nation and country had some shame left in it IG Balochistan Police would have been roasted and served to dogs. Going into foreign lands when we miserably fail to protect our own. These policemen were supposed to make Pakistani citizens feel secure and safe .............. look at their condition and mourn the eternal insensitivity, incompetence, corruption, lacking balls to take decisions.
Any security force is weakest in the training phase.Centre was poorly guarded and heads must roll on this but keep in mind they were unarmed cadets much like a college hostel nothing more and once they were in the hostel there was nothing stopping them.
But please enlighten me how do you expect to secure your whole country without going for our enemies in their own homes?Whenever your enemy is safe it means he is free to plan against you.Keep him worrying about his own safety!
First of all I don't HAVE any words to show or explain my sorrow and pain . I will only say RIP to the Shaheeds of Pakistan.
Second , I am F***ing Tiered of listening only one thing that India and Afghanistan are behind this and that, The both countries are our enemies so "the enemy do its best " they did .
My cry is when we going to hang some people responsible on our side , Just look at it ,
According to media there were reports of such attacks (warnings)
Y the recruits were still in the building " they spouse to be gone like 2 days ago"
Y the wall or the building is not properly protect or defended ( we have Lahore attack already as example )
Where were the building own security , y they don't have any night vison weapons or devices
Where the hell on earth NACTA ( Govt should be charged under article 6)
And last but important , who leak the news of the building with soft target (no protection , no arms ) to the terrorists.
We have to aske these questions now , time have come , for how long we going to blame our enemy , for how long we going to burry our young and old , men and women . For how long we will take all the loses , pain , and ................................................................... Sorry my brothers and sisters , I m out of words here.

@WAJsal , @The Sandman , @Zibago , @django , @Moonlight , @Windjammer , @Tipu7 , @Spring Onion , @waz , @ and every pakistani

Just look at the building , look at the seize of it , one blast burned it all
First of all I don't HAVE any words to show or explain my sorrow and pain . I will only say RIP to the Shaheeds of Pakistan.
Second , I am F***ing Tiered of listening only one thing that India and Afghanistan are behind this and that, The both countries are our enemies so "the enemy do its best " they did .
My cry is when we going to hang some people responsible on our side , Just look at it ,
According to media there were reports of such attacks (warnings)
Y the recruits were still in the building " they spouse to be gone like 2 days ago"
Y the wall or the building is not properly protect or defended ( we have Lahore attack already as example )
Where were the building own security , y they don't have any night vison weapons or devices
Where the hell on earth NACTA ( Govt should be charged under article 6)
And last but important , who leak the news of the building with soft target (no protection , no arms ) to the terrorists.
We have to aske these questions now , time have come , for how long we going to blame our enemy , for how long we going to burry our young and old , men and women . For how long we will take all the loses , pain , and ................................................................... Sorry my brothers and sisters , I m out of words here.

@WAJsal , @The Sandman , @Zibago , @django , @Moonlight , @Windjammer , @Tipu7 , @Spring Onion , @waz , @ and every pakistani

Just look at the building , look at the seize of it , one blast burned it all
I totally understand your frustration yaar, heads need to roll, I have been frustrated ever since a suicide bomber in 2006 attacked and martyred 42 Pak army jawaans doing early morning calisthenics in Dargai, their was absolutely no perimeter security whatsoever , when will we learn? Our counter intel needs to be better and their needs to be better intelligence sharing between the various security branches in our nation.Kudos
I totally understand your frustration yaar, heads need to roll, I have been frustrated ever since a suicide bomber in 2006 attacked and martyred 42 Pak army jawaans doing early morning calisthenics in Dargai, their was absolutely no perimeter security whatsoever , when will we learn? Our counter intel needs to be better and their needs to be better intelligence sharing between the various security branches in our nation.Kudos
At least during that time you could give them the benefit of the doubt that ok, it's a new breed of enemy we don't know much about. But it's been ten years. freaking ten years. we have seen numerous attacks of these kinds on military installation to civil and and police.

and still we have this docile attitude toward this enemy? still we can't build a ten foot wall with barbed wiring on top around these complexes? honestly it doesn't even cost that much. this stupid beyond stupid.
Even Afghanista
I totally understand your frustration yaar, heads need to roll, I have been frustrated ever since a suicide bomber in 2006 attacked and martyred 42 Pak army jawaans doing early morning calisthenics in Dargai, their was absolutely no perimeter security whatsoever , when will we learn? Our counter intel needs to be better and their needs to be better intelligence sharing between the various security branches in our nation.Kudos
Overconfidence bro overconfidence nothing more we can say
Pakistani government does not issue official statement against India not even in the past.

When individuals on forums and other such foras mention India that has some background. It is not a new thing that any country do have an indirect hand in shape of finances, utilizing the enemy of the enemy in such situation.

In our case

The foot soldiers are mostly local Pakistanis along with foreigners (Afghan, Uzbek etc etc), trained in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Afghan training centers are directly funded by India along with kidnapping, ransom, drug money by these terrorists themselves. Afghan government directly facilitate them.

The failure at our end is more important because unless we cut off local supply chain of these terrorists, we will not be able to cripple foreign terror plans.

The main problem is using these people as a tool of state Policy- Most of these guys have no loyalties and they would blow themselves up for whoever gives them better opportunities- I have seen some of these guy recruited by LeT and then joining Taliban- If you have any doubt- then there's a perfect example of Ilyash Kashmiri- Whom many Pakistanis still consider their hero for killing Indians or fighting for Kashmir- But little do they know that this guy was key in reorganizing Taliban and introducing the tactics he used in Kashmir to a great effect in Pakistan- attacking security bases, using communication to guide attackers, intercepting radio communication of security forces, use of Army uniforms and suicidal squads etc-

The point is that you have thousands of well equipped guys- motivated by their cause of fighting Jihad and willing to go great lengths at It- all anyone needs to do is give them a target- Its like gunpowder lying all around- and they have everything- They do chanda in the name of Palestine and Kashmir, They have the weapons they need- and millions of unemployed and uneducated youth- I have heard LeT pays PKR 3 lakh per Jihadi who gets killed in Kashmir-

Get the house in order is what Pakistan must do-
The Zarb-e-Azb ops have basically resulted in

i) Clearing of militants from FATA
ii) Their relocation to Afghanistan

Our options are
a) Take the fight to the militants inside Afghanistan or
b) Accept this as the new reality, keep thousands of troops on the border and accept a couple of major attacks a years.

Americans, Afghans and their Allies be damned. Its time to hit and degrade the enemy in Afghanistan. It was time 18 months ago.
At least during that time you could give them the benefit of the doubt that ok, it's a new breed of enemy we don't know much about. But it's been ten years. freaking ten years. we have seen numerous attacks of these kinds on military installation to civil and and police.

and still we have this docile attitude toward this enemy? still we can't build a ten foot wall with barbed wiring on top around these complexes? honestly it doesn't even cost that much. this stupid beyond stupid.

You are absolutely right. There is no excuse. The intelligence warning was there 2-3 days ago and still the security was so lax. One sentry.

A school in sheikhupura has walls, barbed wires, barriers and three sentries at the roof and two on the ground and this was a police academy!!!


We have to start criminally penalizing incompetence. Until and unless the higher ups are under severe threat of action against them due to inaction and lax attitude, they will not move and take proper precautions...

The institution has been attacked before, the road of saryab is considered the most dangerous yet the security was so lax.

We can blame our enemies all we want but they succeed in striking us bcz we are weak in our defence. We should by now gave complete capability to defend any attack.

Quetta is highly vulnerable so why isn't every institution protected with additional guards and QRF.

They attack lahore jail road on easter targeting Christians resulting in over 100 dead and turned out the security apparatus was weak but any action no!!

They attacked laywers at hospital resulting in 80+ dead in Quetta. Zero security was provided to a hospital with a gathering in a city that borders Afghanistan and has seen voilence. Any action. No!!

Now this !!!!!

What rubbish yar!!!
I hope all the people responsible for this heinous crime against humanity are punished, may God give strength to the family members who have lost their loved ones.
RIP to the shaheed, a very sad day. But how many more times will we say this?

Apparently the security was one lone fellow on a watch tower, who was easily shot and they just ran in. This is after the horrendous attack in the court house a few months back.

Pakistan seems to be prone to repeated mistakes. These savages should have been stopped at the gates.
RIP to the shaheed, a very sad day. But how many more times will we say this?

Apparently the security was one lone fellow on a watch tower, who was easily shot and they just ran in. This is after the horrendous attack in the court house a few months back.

Pakistan seems to be prone to repeated mistakes. These savages should have been stopped at the gates.
It's OK Allah ki yahi merzi thi. We'll be more prepared next time.

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