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Police school opens education year with prayer in eastern province

So what you're saying is all secularists don't want Muslims to pray?

You really got this idea out of my comment? I never said all secularists do not want muslims to pray (though, there are many extremist people who are against "others" to practice their religion. You can add some other extremists who are against others because they do not practice as they do). You said something and I disproved it. I never generalize such a thing. But noone can deny that all those things were done by so called secularists people (I personally do not prefer to use this word because secularism is a system so that people cannot be classified as secular or none secular, but it is used in our country anyway). What I tried to say is that for the sake of secularism many turkish citizens faced punishment, oppression, otherization etc. If we really believe in secularism then everyone should practice his/her believes or not to forced to practice everybody should free to do whatever they want and believe whatever however whoever they want.
Look at what the liberal secularists have done in Egypt, instigated a coup destroyed democracy and trying to destroy a party that won 5 elections in a row

The same with kemalists in turkey almost a century of abuse of Muslims banning Muslims who prayed who had a beard or wore a headscarf from education government and business

The Muslim turks have fought back but don't forget the devious scum who oppressed you for decades abused your wives and daughters

The taksim liberals are lucky you are so kind that you didn't clear them like the secular liberals of Egypt cleared Muslims from a peaceful sit in
That's the fear..... I mean current government began to fvck the educational system, that is the biggest threat.

They first start by eliminating your national Identity and try to teach Turks that a " Sunni Somali Muslim " is closer to you than an "Alevi Turk " , when they reach this point then understand they simply want to destroy turkey .
If Majority of Turkish People want to start official meeting with prayer, there is no harm. The US is a SECULAR Country and all Congress and Senate proceedings start with Recitations from Bible, Torah and sometimes even Quran. That does nothing to the Secular character of our Government.
There is no issue,why do you think they made it news?

so,u are an indian too :yay:
Haahahahahaha,good one but i better not comment on the subject.
Look at what the liberal secularists have done in Egypt, instigated a coup destroyed democracy and trying to destroy a party that won 5 elections in a row

The same with kemalists in turkey almost a century of abuse of Muslims banning Muslims who prayed who had a beard or wore a headscarf from education government and business

The Muslim turks have fought back but don't forget the devious scum who oppressed you for decades abused your wives and daughters

The taksim liberals are lucky you are so kind that you didn't clear them like the secular liberals of Egypt cleared Muslims from a peaceful sit in

Last time I checked there are mosques every 2 blocks at every single city in Turkey.

So I suggest you should provide evidence to this mass oppression. Or you simply don't know what oppression means. In this case I suggest you look at world wide cases of REAL oppression.
Should opening school/institutions with prayer be even an issue in a muslim majority country? What's the big fuss about it?
I did not know there were significant number of conservative Turks , hope they do not ruin Turkey up like how conservatives did to Afghanistan , Somalia , Pakistan and Sudan under the excuses of " saving islam " .

It's true that we have high numbers of religious conservatives but we also have a significant number of secularists. I don't think that Turkey will be ever a unprogressive Sharia state like other Muslim countries. Ataturks legacy is just too strong for that

The majority of Turks oppose the Sharia law for their country and are definitely mostly secular


The most funny thing here is that even European Muslim countries like Bosnia and Kosovo have more Sharia supporters than Turkey lol. :lol:

LOCAL - More secular, green Turkey wanted: Poll
It's true that we have high numbers of religious conservatives but we also have a significant number of secularists. I don't think that Turkey will be ever a unprogressive Sharia state like other Muslim countries. Ataturks legacy is just too strong for that

The majority of Turks oppose the Sharia law for their country and are definitely mostly secular


The most funny thing here is that even European Muslim countries like Bosnia and Kosovo have more Sharia supporters than Turkey lol. :lol:

LOCAL - More secular, green Turkey wanted: Poll

thanks a lot for info , hope Turkey prospers under Ataturk guidelines and remember sharia only brings poverty , hatred and division within any society .
thanks a lot for info , hope Turkey prospers under Ataturk guidelines and remember sharia only brings poverty , hatred and division within any society .

Thank you! I also hope for Malaysians a peaceful and democratic country where everyone can live free no matter if Malaysian Muslims. Buddhist Chinese or Hindu Indians. These things are not possible with the intolerant Sharia law who opresses everything which is non convervative Sunni Muslim. Don't let Islamists rule you and your country!
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