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Poland-Russia Cooperation and Friendship : News & Discussions


Jun 22, 2016
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Two years ago I started a thread China-Poland Cooperation: News & Discussions
Now I decided to start similar thread dedicated to Poland and Russia

Braniewo – commemoration of fallen Red Army soldiers

In the city of Braniewo in north-eastern Poland last week there was a commemoration of fallen Red Army soldiers buried in the local cementery.

Russian delegation, representatives of local government (miasta i gminy Braniewo, starostwa powiatowego and urzędu marszałkowskiego) and local inhabitants participated in the commemoration.
















Photos and informations from: http://www.gminabraniewo.pl/cms/ind...tarzu-zolnierzy-armii-radzieckiej-w-braniewie
Poland is in the NATO camp firmly there still mistrust between the Poles and Russians if am not mistaken it would be good if the Eastern European states have good ties with the Russian Federation
Katyn...........And that's everything Poland will ever get by cooperating with the "the horde".Luckily,Poles are smarter then that.
Two years ago I started a thread China-Poland Cooperation: News & Discussions
Now I decided to start similar thread dedicated to Poland and Russia

Braniewo – commemoration of fallen Red Army soldiers

In the city of Braniewo in north-eastern Poland last week there was a commemoration of fallen Red Army soldiers buried in the local cementery.

Russian delegation, representatives of local government (miasta i gminy Braniewo, starostwa powiatowego and urzędu marszałkowskiego) and local inhabitants participated in the commemoration.

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Photos and informations from: http://www.gminabraniewo.pl/cms/ind...tarzu-zolnierzy-armii-radzieckiej-w-braniewie




Photos from: http://www.tvbraniewo24.pl/aktualnosci/1388,rosyjscy-oficjele-i-motocyklisci-oddali-hold-czerw

Poland is in the NATO camp firmly there still mistrust between the Poles and Russians if am not mistaken it would be good if the Eastern European states have good ties with the Russian Federation

Until 2014 state to state relatons between Poland and Russia were good.
Polish solders even participated in Victory Parade in Moscow in 2010.

But in 2014 US regime organized coup against democratically elected President of the Ukraine Yanukovych and overthrow him. Many people in the Ukraine didn’t recognized US imposed coup. That’s why Crimea seceded from the Ukraine and after the referendum rejoined Russia. US regime founded the coup because it wanted US military bases in Crimea. That’s why after Crimea rejoined Russia US regime was infuriated and did everything to spoiled relations between Russia and other European countries. But it’s only a matter of time when state to state relations between Poland and Russia will be good again.

Katyn...........And that's everything Poland will ever get by cooperating with the "the horde".Luckily,Poles are smarter then that.

Khazars killed many Polish officers in Katyń, they killed many Russians as well.
Russian father of three, persecuted by Swedish bureaucrats and saved by Poland, returned to Russia

Russian Denis Lisov, together with his 3 daughters, returned today to Russia from Poland. He, together with his 3 daughters, fled Sweden because Swedish bureaucrats tried to steal his daughters. They tried to get to Russia via Poland but were stopped in Warsaw airport on the request of Swedish authorities. Later Polish court rejected Swedish request for extradition so the familly was free to return to Russia. They received a lot of help from Polish organisations. Lisov’s layers declared that they will take legal steps against Sweden for violation of human rights.

It’s not the first time when Poland saved someone from Skandinavian bureaucrats. Earlier Norwegian Silje Garmo received asylium from Poland. Norwegian bureaucrats violated her human rights.

Yet another Russian family saved from Scandinavian bureaucrats.

This time Poland saved Dombajev family. Denmark bureaucrats wanted to steal their children, so they fled to Poland and after that to Russia.


Russian FM Lavrov and OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Polish FM Zbigniew Rau hold press conference​


Chersoń bez Bandery: wicegubernator obwodu chersońskiego po polsku!​

Interview with Kirił Striemousow - vicegovernor of liberated Kherson region (he knows Polish).
Major points:
-Kherson region is historically Russian
-Zelensky is a clown
-USA is a prison

Chersoń bez Bandery: wicegubernator obwodu chersońskiego po polsku!​

Interview with Kirił Striemousow - vicegovernor of liberated Kherson region (he knows Polish).
Major points:
-Kherson region is historically Russian
-Zelensky is a clown
-USA is a prison

I wonder whhat he thinks about Russias because there you can get prison sentence for calling war a war.
Exactly. Russia hasn't even announced partial mobilization.
That's because they can't.

With what reason can Russia announce partial mobilisation? Mobilisation is reserved for Russia being attacked. Not when they attacked someone. In an invasion war, "mobilisation" is drafting. And if Russia did this, it would bankrupt the morale within its troop, it would have been a hard sell to basically conscript citizens to try to fight an invasion war

Putin wouldn't even let ethnic Russian to fight and die for this war, estimated 70% of Russian casualty are Ethnicity Minority. Do you think a mobilisation order would be welcomed by Russian in general?
That's because they can't.

With what reason can Russia announce partial mobilisation? Mobilisation is reserved for Russia being attacked. Not when they attacked someone. In an invasion war, "mobilisation" is drafting. And if Russia did this, it would bankrupt the morale within its troop, it would have been a hard sell to basically conscript citizens to try to fight an invasion war

Putin wouldn't even let ethnic Russian to fight and die for this war, estimated 70% of Russian casualty are Ethnicity Minority. Do you think a mobilisation order would be welcomed by Russian in general?

The lion's share of the man power is provided by rebels. Russians provide some air and artillery support, but in terms of combat troops 90% are rebels. The 10% who do come from Russia are mainly Cossacks and Chechens and private contractors such as Wagners.
Polish newspaper interview with official from Donetsk Peoples Republic. He explain why they decided to leave the Ukraine.

Aleksandr Kofman: Ukraina nas "przekonała"​

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