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Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

You should say sorry and apologize to the Kashmiri people for investing so much money and blood into their oppression not ask a medal for it. It makes you guys more horrible that you even did that on top of all the oppression you inflicted on the Kashmiris to begin with.

So thats no excuse.

Kashmir has the lowest poverty rate in the whole of India.
Look, it has nothing to do with the issue, we won't kill your soldiers on the insistence of the Bangladeshis, we'll kill them because its the right thing to do in the absence of you rejecting the peaceful solution.

You have a choice. Take it or leave it.

Wow!! what a fantastic way of imposing peace.....by kiiling somebody.

Well the way we have a choice..... we take it or leave it the same way you also have a choice....you take it or leave it. Whatever choice we are making, it has consequences attached to it. We know it, both of us. And then......we are making our choice and you are making yours...why to cry now...??? And no..no BS about oppression on Kashmiris suppression of their voice and all...you get those nice you tube video coz GOI allows media coverage there. What are you people doing at Balochistan...any youtube??? Look on your own backyard first and then at other's before pointing fingers
May the members of Asim's tribe increase exponentially. This I say without a hint of sarcasm. More there are clueless people in Pakistan, more Kashmir will be out of their reach, not that it is within their reach anymore. But whatever snow flake of a sympathy the world has for Pakistan, with regard to Kashmir, will just vanish.
It's not a threat, I don't control Pakistan's policy, I'm just giving you my assessment of the Public opinion based on which the country's direction in the long run would be set up.

You have your one option from Pakistan. You don't like it, you can do something about it sure. But no one in Pakistan believes you really can attack Pakistan, but we're very motivated to keep attacking your soldiers in Kashmir to free Kashmir.

No one in India too believes that Pakistan has the might or the economy to attack India, just like India does not have the will to attack Pakistan.

Pakistan is killing Indian soldiers and civilians thru proxies (read terrorists/insurgents/freedom fighters) in Kashmir and other places like Mumbai and if Pakistani members on this forum are to be believed, India is doing the same in almost all areas of Pakistan..

As you said in another post, Party on.. Lets see who gets drunk and crashes out first...:azn:
Dont worry, we will progress slow but steadily. By following "Israeli" like policies of capturing it inch by inch, securing it and then moving forward will enable us to take entire siachun glacier by next 50-60 years.

Walllah ho ma'as sabireen.
Patience pays off.

While you wait for next 60 years, do refer to history and evaluate the increase /decrease in the size of Pakistan in last 60 years.. You are right.. Patience does pay off.. May be if India continues its existing path, in 60 years or so, the problem of Pakistan for India may cease to exist..??
indian friends still living in the old dreams of kargil and false story i can't forget that indian PM called the american president clinton and ask him to pressurised pakistan to withdraw from the war it is a fact the time when pakistanis about to get out of there than they attacked and made the story they won the war
indian friends still living in the old dreams of kargil and false story i can't forget that indian PM called the american president clinton and ask him to pressurised pakistan to withdraw from the war it is a fact the time when pakistanis about to get out of there than they attacked and made the story they won the war

Look, it has nothing to do with the issue, we won't kill your soldiers on the insistence of the Bangladeshis, we'll kill them because its the right thing to do in the absence of you rejecting the peaceful solution.

You have a choice. Take it or leave it.

Left it long back.. We will rather kill your soldiers (state actors or other wise) right back...
indian friends still living in the old dreams of kargil and false story i can't forget that indian PM called the american president clinton and ask him to pressurised pakistan to withdraw from the war it is a fact the time when pakistanis about to get out of there than they attacked and made the story they won the war

Yes....and now you are trying to prove that becaue India didn't capture one of the point which is supposedly in Pak side of LOC so India lost and we won:victory:

Its like saying we captured your ten goats and brought them to our home....you came, whipped our arses and took all of them back....but hey wait..you didn't take my gaots Salma and Rukshana so we won and you lost:taz:
We had just cause, India was moving in troops to Kashmir.
You are getting confused with the timeline. You started sending your regulars on he pretext that the maharaja was suppressing an indigenous rebellion in the western part of Jammu & Kashmir. It was Pakistan that first started interfering in Kashmir, then an independent state. India was nowhere in the picture, we had our own problems trying to get our house in order. So instead of setting your house in order, you started a mad rush for territorial expansion by trying to grab Kashmir.
According to India, but Pakistan believes India was already moving its troops into Kashmir and moreover, Kashmiri population wanted Pakistan.
There is a huge difference between ground realities and things you are made to believe in. GoP successfully propagandized that GoI was sending in troops in Kashmir, while the truth was quite the contrary.
The maharaja came running to us when his subjects reported the presence of Pakistani regulars in the 'rebel' forces. So there goes your theory that Kashmiris wanted to be 'with' Pakistan. I suggest you read up on some neutral sources.
Mountbatten and Nehru along with Sardar Patel set up conditions that unless the Marajah acceded with the Indian union, India will not help Kashmiris. And so, AFTER, the accord was a done deed, did India send in troops to hold Srinagar airport and subsequently pushed your troops to a position they are holding to this day, and that war was stopped by Nehru by going to UN (which he so naively believed would help solve your infiltration attempt).
Yeah you didn't let us take the rest of Kashmir, so that sucks. But you know what they say, try try again.
Immature statement. Pity.
You went to the UN, you called for a ceasefire. We immediately accepted. You said we'll do it peacefully, we accepted.
You accepted ceasefire, because you knew if the war went on for a few more days, whatever military gains you had would be lost. Your military wasnt prepared, like all other misadventures you initiated, to sustain a prolonged conflict.
And yet, Pakistan choose to ignore the UN resolutions calling for Pakistan to withdraw their regulars and the bozos they controlled form Kashmir for India to set up a plebiscite.
Now the fight was over - thats what ceasefire and accepting peaceful means - means. Now there are two choices, do the peaceful way or do it the violent way. So India has chosen the violent way.
Two choices,
peaceful way - for a prosperous Pakistan or
the violent way - for a really really unstable Pakistan which may or maynot withstand the rigors of violence on such a scale.
Its your choice.

The last time India chose a violent way, Pakistan was relieved of its eastern wing. You dont want to relive that experience now, do you?
indian friends still living in the old dreams of kargil and false story i can't forget that indian PM called the american president clinton and ask him to pressurised pakistan to withdraw from the war it is a fact the time when pakistanis about to get out of there than they attacked and made the story they won the war

where did you get this from ? Zaid Hamid ? lol wake up and smell the coffee my friend. Its your navies senior officers who started taking "Emergency Leave" when they heard that the Indian Navy was getting ready lol You can verify this fact with any naval officer in Pakistan.
indian friends still living in the old dreams of kargil and false story i can't forget that indian PM called the american president clinton and ask him to pressurised pakistan to withdraw from the war it is a fact the time when pakistanis about to get out of there than they attacked and made the story they won the war

if i is true dhn im the happiest person on earth,,,is it not proud to belong to a nation whose prime minister can "pressurize" the president of the most powerful nation on the earth..:lol:
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