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Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

Look, in essence, "India has opted to fight". We have given India the option to not fight. In fact we are the ones insisting on not fighting. We're the ones actually making the case for saving human lives by not fighting.

We are the ones who said look lets not fight and do a simple vote.

India said no. So we have to fight, after all the dispute is still there. There're only two ways to settle it. One peaceful, one violent. India has chosen violence.

Now that India has chosen to fight, Pakistan will choose how to fight. Once you choose to fight, you can't be picky and say "Okay Pakistan, only throw punches at me, not kicks". We'll beat you up, down, left right, however, thats up to us. Not you.

I will translate in simple languaage.

We will not fight a direct war as cost is too hogh, Keep using Kashmiris kids as suicide bombs. If they win they get Pakistani passport and if they loose then hard luck guys
What do you want? Plebiscite or talks.

I have not heard the word "plebiscite" from the mouths of your leadership for a very long time.

If you really want plebiscite, then you should take out a morcha infront of the UN Assembly, instead ur politicians are begging India to resume high level dialogue.

What do you want to discuss in this dialogue? - On how to resolve Kashmir issue OR when is India going to hold a plebiscite?
India has to choose plebiscite itself, that much is evident to us. Nobody can make India choose plebiscite unless they start attacking and killing Indian soldiers too. There are only two ways.
Nobody gives a rats a$$ about the Pakistani sentiment.

Just as we believe status quo will remain in Kashmir. We continue to wait for the day an assertive leadership asks Pakistan to return GB and AJK rather than pliantly listening to Pakistani rhetoric on Kashmir.

Why are you so keen to declare Kashmir as your motherland?
A HOLOCAUST AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF KASHMIR COMMITTED BY INDIAN SOLDIERS AND ITs VERY OWN PEOPLE will haunt you down someday. That day is not far when Delhi will turn in to Somalia; you know why? Karma, yes you will pay everything you did to the innocent people. Now coming back to the topic, ask the local people of Kashmir what they want. Why is INDIA SO AFRAID to ask the local people about their opinion, referendum?
God damn, the sick mentality of your people will ruin Pakistan and the region. Hope there was no India!!!
THE WHOLE REGION has suffered from your existence and I hope India disintegrates in next 10 years!!!

MAN UP AND do not reply to this post until there is a referendum in Kashmir.
Dont worry, we will progress slow but steadily. By following "Israeli" like policies of capturing it inch by inch, securing it and then moving forward will enable us to take entire siachun glacier by next 50-60 years.

Walllah ho ma'as sabireen.
Patience pays off.

keep dreaming my friend, there is no tax on that.
I will translate in simple languaage.

We will not fight a direct war as cost is too hogh, Keep using Kashmiris kids as suicide bombs. If they win they get Pakistani passport and if they loose then hard luck guys
Kashmiris are not suicide bombing you, they are picking up weapons either guns or stones, and hitting you. They are impressive fighters.
A strategic hill, bang on the actual LoC. How can anyone launch an offensive, the proportions of which have to be gigantic considering the presence of IA in the area and the logistics involved without getting noticed, is beyond me. Can you care to explain as to how are you going to pull it off, under the eyes of all those terrain mapping and weather satellites India has pointed at the region, let alone the high tech equipment being fielded in recent years?

Seriously, AA? I do wonder.
C'mon there are lots of opportunities you get when controlling the high ground. Mix that up with an Indian slip up, something will turn up. We have patience.
Look, in essence, "India has opted to fight". We have given India the option to not fight. In fact we are the ones insisting on not fighting. We're the ones actually making the case for saving human lives by not fighting.

We are the ones who said look lets not fight and do a simple vote.

India said no. So we have to fight, after all the dispute is still there. There're only two ways to settle it. One peaceful, one violent. India has chosen violence.

Now that India has chosen to fight, Pakistan will choose how to fight. Once you choose to fight, you can't be picky and say "Okay Pakistan, only throw punches at me, not kicks". We'll beat you up, down, left right, however, thats up to us. Not you.

There there, you go again.

Lets refresh your memory. It was Pakistan who choose to fight by sending in regulars woefully disguised as rebels into Kashmir in 1948 meddling in the then independent state. Now isnt that a fact, eh?

India was not willing to interfere until the Maharaja agreed to accede (conditions were set - nothings for free) to the Indian Union. It was none of our business to interfere in Kashmir until then, unlike Pakistan, which did!

Once Kashmir acceded, then we did give you a fitting reply. History is replete with incidents when India made peace offers and time and again got backstabbed.

So, my friend, it was your choice, not ours. And you are still paying for it. Take a careful look at your country.

C'mon there are lots of opportunities you get when controlling the high ground. Mix that up with an Indian slip up, something will turn up. We have patience.
And you wont slip up? A fine example of a brilliant idea being undone by strategic/logistic/diplomatic blunders! If those arent slip ups, then what are? As to Indian slip ups, India got back on her feet again and let loose some hell.

As for patience, you are really underestimating Indian babudom!
If they want to attack you, we'll support them. Basically an internal uprising is more likely to be effective than anything that Pakistan brings in from the outside. So its even better for the freedom struggle that Kashmiris kill Indian soldiers than for Pakistanis to kill Indian soldiers. Why should we stop doing something thats good?

So i guess by that logic, What RAW is supposedly doing in Pakistan is right then ? Why risk our own soldiers when we can pay off a couple of Pakistani's to do our bid. Well I hope RAW's funding is doubled this year then lol Tit for Tat baby, you hit us and we will hit you back. Then Pakistani's should also stop crying about Indian involvement in Pakistan. What you do to us is what will we do to you, your not the only one who can play this game.
There there, you go again.

Lets refresh your memory. It was Pakistan who choose to fight by sending in regulars woefully disguised as rebels into Kashmir in 1948 meddling in the then independent state. Now isnt that a fact, eh?
We had just cause, India was moving in troops to Kashmir.

India was not willing to interfere until the Maharaja agreed to accede (conditions were set - nothings for free) to the Indian Union. It was none of our business to interfere in Kashmir until then, unlike Pakistan, which did!
According to India, but Pakistan believes India was already moving its troops into Kashmir and moreover, Kashmiri population wanted Pakistan.

Once Kashmir acceded, then we did give you a fitting reply. History is replete with incidents when India made peace offers and time and again got backstabbed.
Yeah you didn't let us take the rest of Kashmir, so that sucks. But you know what they say, try try again.

So, my friend, it was your choice, not ours. And you are still paying for it. Take a careful look at your country.
You went to the UN, you called for a ceasefire. We immediately accepted. You said we'll do it peacefully, we accepted.

Now the fight was over - thats what ceasefire and accepting peaceful means - means. Now there are two choices, do the peaceful way or do it the violent way. So India has chosen the violent way.
So i guess by that logic, What RAW is supposedly doing in Pakistan is right then ? Why risk our own soldiers when we can pay off a couple of Pakistani's to do our bid. Well I hope RAW's funding is doubled this year then lol Tit for Tat baby, you hit us and we will hit you back. Then Pakistani's should also stop crying about Indian involvement in Pakistan. What you do to us is what will we do to you, your not the only one who can play this game.
No actually RAW is not right since its not fighting the Pakistani soldiers in AJK, but its targeting Pakistani civilians all over Pakistan which are not disputed territories like AJK is.
Now the fight was over - thats what ceasefire and accepting peaceful means - means. Now there are two choices, do the peaceful way or do it the violent way. So India has chosen the violent way.

If you want to keep harping to resolutions signed by grand papa, then also include Bangladesh as a stake holder.
It's not a threat, I don't control Pakistan's policy, I'm just giving you my assessment of the Public opinion based on which the country's direction in the long run would be set up.

You have your one option from Pakistan. You don't like it, you can do something about it sure. But no one in Pakistan believes you really can attack Pakistan, but we're very motivated to keep attacking your soldiers in Kashmir to free Kashmir.

ya this is what you thought in 65, 71 and Kargil, that India will sit and watch Pakistan run over India lol Wake up, Pakistan is in shambles today and competing with India is a dream that people like Zaid Hamid cook for you guys everyday. There was no competition and there will be no competition. We split Pakistan into 2 the last time and we are prepared to do the same if another kargil is tried. Please stop with this war rant, its not good for you guys. Lets talk properly and try to come up with a solution. We can both hurt each other endlessly if you want it to be that way. Please dont think that if Pakistan does something to India, we will sit and watch, lol we are both of the same race and revenge is very sweet to both of us lol

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