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Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

The plebiscite was signed when Pakistan was Pakistan + Bangladesh way back in 1948. For treaty to hold today, you will have to first swallow Bangladesh.

Legally you are in a disadvantageous position.

The world has moved on, and so should all Paksitanis still telling their grandchildren to ensure the plebiscite happens in their lifetimes.
Whaat? Another Indian hop scotch around the UN resolutions.

Look you're trying to convince me, not to come and kill you. I'm giving you an option to either choose the peaceful way or we'll fight.
Whaat? Another Indian hop scotch around the UN resolutions.

Look you're trying to convince me, not to come and kill you. I'm giving you an option to either choose the peaceful way or we'll fight.

I am saying you have no locus standi for a fight. That is all. Pakistan circa 2010 is not the Pakistan that was party to the whole UN thing. Reconcile to that.
I am saying you have no locus standi for a fight. That is all. Pakistan circa 2010 is not the Pakistan that was party to the whole UN thing. Reconcile to that.
Of course we do, let the UN administered plebiscite take place or we'll inflict physical harm on to your soldiers in Kashmir. That's the offer from Pakistan.
Look as I said you folks are wrong and we're right. You want to hide behind nuances to continue oppressing and killing Kashmiris and play hop scotch with the UN resolutions, we'll keep killing your soldiers. Simple.

actually this is fine, If Pakistan wants to do so use there legitimate army and not proxies. If a Kashmiri does smthing it can be termed as movement and if a Pakistani or its proxy does the same its terrorism.

But there are two things one is movement by Kashmiris and another is dirty game being played by Pakistanis through Proxies and deliberately trying to keep normal lives of kashmiris on boil for there political leverage.
Of course we do, let the UN administered plebiscite take place or we'll inflict physical harm on to your soldiers in Kashmir. That's the offer from Pakistan.

No you are wrong there & I just told you why. Compare the situation in Kashmir to that in Bangladesh when PA went on a genocidal spree in its Eastern flank. You had refugees spilling into India.

What is the amount of refugees spilling into Pakistan or Pakistan Occupied Kashmir today?
As a young Indian, I was always open to solve the Kashmir issue by dialogue. I would also be ready to discuss a territorial compromise amicable to both, if that solves the problem.

But after Pakistan's full time cross border interference began in the 90's, India has invested too much money and has lost too many lives to keep Kashmir with ourselves.

Now there is no question of giving even one inch to Pakistan. Any further dialogue (if any) has to be based on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and how to take it back.

You see, pakistan has just complicated this issue to a point of no return by indulging in cross border terrorism. Any compromise now by India would mean that all the sacrifices and the billions that India has pumped in into Kashmir will go down the drain, which will not happen.

Now, to solve this issue,if anybody has to compromise, it has to be Pakistan.
actually this is fine, If Pakistan wants to do so use there legitimate army and not proxies. If a Kashmiri does smthing it can be termed as movement and if a Pakistani or its proxy does the same its terrorism.

But there are two things one is movement by Kashmiris and another is dirty game being played by Pakistanis through Proxies and deliberately trying to keep normal lives of kashmiris on boil for there political leverage.
Killing Indian soldiers is not terrorism. They are enemy combatant. By definition killing them is okay.
Of course we do, let the UN administered plebiscite take place or we'll inflict physical harm on to your soldiers in Kashmir. That's the offer from Pakistan.

This is welcome development if Pakistan has decided to use there legitimate forces to fight it war and not using poor ppl from villages who cant earn there livelihood normally and fall int jehad trap.
Whaat? Another Indian hop scotch around the UN resolutions.

Look you're trying to convince me, not to come and kill you. I'm giving you an option to either choose the peaceful way or we'll fight.

Man this seriously getting idiotic..you are serving death threats on internet.:hitwall:

Ok lets try this...what ever you do to us in Kashmir ..we will do to you in Pakistan.
I know we have had this conversation before and therefore know how it ends ..but still this is the bottom line.
As a young Indian, I was always open to solve the Kashmir issue by dialogue. I would also be ready to discuss a territorial compromise amicable to both, if that solves the problem.

But after Pakistan's full time cross border interference began in the 90's, India has invested too much money and has lost too many lives to keep Kashmir with ourselves.

Now there is no question of giving even one inch to Pakistan. Any further dialogue (if any) has to be based on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and how to take it back.

You see, pakistan has just complicated this issue to a point of no return by indulging in cross border terrorism. Any compromise now by India would mean that all the sacrifices and the billions that India has pumped in into Kashmir will go down the drain, which will not happen.

Now, to solve this issue,if anybody has to compromise, it has to be Pakistan.
You're talking as if India was on the brink of holding UN administered plebiscite :D

India is the one that is continually committing an act of war by staying in Kashmir. Everything else from that point on - its fair game against India. The day India says, okay fine, we won't impose our tyranny upon the Kashmiris and we'll ask them "Do you want to be free or you want to be with India?" and let a UN team do the balloting, I'll be the first one to say "Stop killing Indian soldiers". Till then party on!
Of course we do, let the UN administered plebiscite take place or we'll inflict physical harm on to your soldiers in Kashmir. That's the offer from Pakistan.

I have already shown you how you are on a weak legal footing vis a vis Kashmir. That Pakistan continues to harp on resolutions signed by somebody else is impersonation. Will you take resolutions signed by USSR as binding on Kazakhistan today? Just because Pakistan has not undergone a change of name, does not mean you twist logic where it suits you.
Killing Indian soldiers is not terrorism. They are enemy combatant. By definition killing them is okay.

Actually I am supporting ur point here. But stop using poor villagers and kids. If its a righteus cause for yuo then Try ur trained legal army to kill Indian army.
Of course we do, let the UN administered plebiscite take place or we'll inflict physical harm on to your soldiers in Kashmir. That's the offer from Pakistan.

Lol theres only so much that you can do. Fortunately we dont have to do anything. Your own people are killing your own soldiers, what do you have to say about that? (dont bring in unsubstantiated ridiculous BS claims of India/RAW/Mossad and all the rest of the world supporting TTP!)

Here's how I see it. Stop formulating your policies through a narrow Kashmir prism, stop being India-phobic and demonizing India as a reason d'etre for Pakistan's existence, stop supporting extremists and fundamentalists in your neighborhood, subscribe to the world order (China is a good benefactor) for your own good and we shall see to it that multiple '71s are not repeated. Thats the offer from India and the rest of the world. Take it or leave it at your own peril.

Sounds good enough?

Btw, where exactly do you see Pakistan 10-20 years down the lane? I would appreciate an honest answer, considering what is going on in your country and your neighborhood, and its implications on other countries and their subsequent or even pre-emptive responses.
Man this seriously getting idiotic..you are serving death threats on internet.:hitwall:

Ok lets try this...what ever you do to us in Kashmir ..we will do to you in Pakistan.
I know we have had this conversation before and therefore know how it ends ..but still this is the bottom line.
It's not a threat, I don't control Pakistan's policy, I'm just giving you my assessment of the Public opinion based on which the country's direction in the long run would be set up.

You have your one option from Pakistan. You don't like it, you can do something about it sure. But no one in Pakistan believes you really can attack Pakistan, but we're very motivated to keep attacking your soldiers in Kashmir to free Kashmir.
Actually I am supporting ur point here. But stop using poor villagers and kids. If its a righteus cause for yuo then Try ur trained legal army to kill Indian army.
If they want to attack you, we'll support them. Basically an internal uprising is more likely to be effective than anything that Pakistan brings in from the outside. So its even better for the freedom struggle that Kashmiris kill Indian soldiers than for Pakistanis to kill Indian soldiers. Why should we stop doing something thats good?
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