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Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

Pt 5353 is the highest mountaintop

in the Dras sector. It offers a vantage point to observe movement on the Srinagar-Leh highway (National Highway 1). Pakistani forces occupied Pt 5353 after senior commanders of 56 Mountain Brigade failed in a mission to recapture the peak. Just as the mission to capture Pt 5353 was botched, another Indian post, called Saddle Ridge, came under Pakistani occupation after senior commanders of 56 Mountain Brigade in Dras bungled

are you joking with me ? your telling me where point 5353 is, please kid stop embarrassing yourself, i have seen you non sense on other threads but i dint reply. Next time come up with something more credible than youtube.
no one care these type of words here bro. india can't be a winner on us else there is no indian on earth that day.only way you have table as soon as you come there its better for you.

bhaijan we will come to the table when half of you guys stop uttering this rhetoric again and again. Accept what happened in Kargil and stop coming up with dream scenarios. We have nothing against peace in this region but that is only possible when people stop talking about doing another Kargil etc etc.
are you joking with me ? your telling me where point 5353 is, please kid stop embarrassing yourself, i have seen you non sense on other threads but i dint reply. Next time come up with something more credible than youtube.

What is wrong with his post?

just try it and believe me thats the last thing you will do. Another Kargil will be the biggest and last mistake that Pakistan makes. The LOC is not a whatever border, its a legitimate line that divides India and Pakistan. You might not recognize it but we do and any stupid tries again from Pakistan or the so called Jihadi's will not go unpunished.

In regards to this peak and point 5353, this is a nice cooked up tale by a couple of misguided Indian media and Pakistani media who still want to prove that Pakistan got something out of the Kargil war except defeat. Let me explain. Point 5353 lies of the north western side of the Kargil valley and is one of the thousands of small peaks that are scattered in this location. Now during the Kargil war, the Indian army identified the major peaks that post a direct threat to the highways and Indian position along the border. Famous ones like Tiger Hill, point 5680 and point 5676 were captured with priority as they gave the Pakistani Army a direct line of sight on the crucial highway that leads to Leh. Now coming back to this point 5353 which has been romanticized by many Pakistani's on this forum, its a minor peak very very close to Pakistani territory and the Indian army did not want to get that close to Pakistan during and after the war. some reasons why -

a) India did not want to cross the International border and give Pakistan a crying point like always

b) This point does not even give the Indian's any significant advantage over this area.

C) The LOC is a very faintly mapped line and there is much confusion still surrounding it. Snow patterns and glacier retreat cycles change the line slightly every year. So what could be in Indian territory could be in Pakistani territory the next season visa versa. Point 5353 is one of those peaks.

d) By the end of the Kargil war India had got back over 95% of the lost territory and had set things back according to the Shimla accord. As I said earlier, this area is subject to constant change and peaks often get interchanged in nationality. Altogether India got back what is lost.

India is very much in control of all major peaks in this region which are higher and better positioned that point 5353 so if we ever have the need to recapture this, it wont take us very long.

Now this info was given to me by a major in the Indian army, who was also part of the Kargil war in his time. So please stop thinking that Kargil was anything else other than a huge defeat for Pakistan, you did not achieve even one strategic goal and only managed to destabilize your own country even further. Sorry I had to write all this but im kinda sick of kids here quoting youtube videos and talking like they know everything.

Id like to disagree with what you are saying since I was there with an otherwise dissident brigadier back in 99 while this was going on, Who while criticizing the whole operation did praise it for landing us a few nuggets which we still hold.."peaks" is what he meant.
As far from the whole viewpoint to Leh is concerned, many of these peaks are still in areas which like always are so inhospitable that they have to be vacated for a month or so during the harsh seasons.
I dont have a map otherwise Id mark them for you since I remember them vividly from what I was shown.

And please type the meaning of LOC and then tell me if its meaning even seems coherent with the definition of border.
Kargil war was a massive strategic defeat ..there is NO doubting that fact and it does overshadow the that at one point in the war, before India escalated the conflict( it would have, had to happen..).. the NLI had Indian forces in Kashmir by the Jugular Vein and nuts..
Never underestimate the advantage of the high ground.
I have heard radio intercepts of Indian troops cursing their commanders to get them out of traps..others pleading and moaning for supplies. Ive seen still pictures of tens of convoys of Indian supply trucks blown to smithereens thanks to the wonderful Sony Mavica...and I do pity those poor fellows who were literally like ducks in an arena shootout..running helter skelter..hiding between burning trucks to escape bullets...most did not make it...
Before the escalation.. and the withdrawal. The tally was one of ours for twenty of yours, infact most Indian losses in that war were incurred on supply troops.. It was the severity of the situation that promoted the massive buildup.
Once the airstrikes began, Our troops took hits, .. and then.. when they had to withdraw.. they were massacred by Indian troops from the very peaks they once held.
I saw the troops and I saw the maps.. and the bodies first hand.. Id trust them more than your major.

Will another kargil be the last mistake?? very likely, but unlike before.. the consequences will be dire for both. Your arrogance betrays your ideas of giving Pakistan a Spanking as a wet dream.
It is deducible by a paper war alone that India will eventually gain the upper hand in a prolonged conventional war..But you seem to factor the nukes out every time in these rosy scenario's for India.
To believe that nobody in the chain of Pakistan's command will use them.. or that the Americans will prevent their use by some failsafe system.. is another bollywood concept you all seem to preach and hold dear.. an almost laughable and ironic concept that in whatever war with Pakistan ..India and its Citizens will come out unscathed and continue to enjoy Domino's 30 minutes or free offer.
bhaijan we will come to the table when half of you guys stop uttering this rhetoric again and again. Accept what happened in Kargil and stop coming up with dream scenarios. We have nothing against peace in this region but that is only possible when people stop talking about doing another Kargil etc etc.

in my point of view

even our gov is wrose ever now and in past they try there whole best to solve the issue on table sadlly indian side is until today not serius on table. issues are not simple but problim is if one side don't wanna even talk on issues then? yes then more power to another kargil sporters in both side.:rolleyes:
What is wrong with his post?


Because he first of all has no idea what he is talking about. Point 5353 is not where near being the highest mountain top in the region. I dont know where is he getting that crap from. The rest of the post is crap as well. He is a new troller here and wrecked the other kargil thread just a few days ago.
in my point of view

even our gov is wrose ever now and in past they try there whole best to solve the issue on table sadlly indian side is until today not serius on table. issues are not simple but problim is if one side don't wanna even talk on issues then? yes then more power to another kargil sporters in both side.:rolleyes:

bhaijan peace is what we and everyone else wants, sadly a few misguided souls will keep on raising this issue again and again and we go back to sq1.
just try it and believe me thats the last thing you will do. Another Kargil will be the biggest and last mistake that Pakistan makes. The LOC is not a whatever border, its a legitimate line that divides India and Pakistan. You might not recognize it but we do and any stupid tries again from Pakistan or the so called Jihadi's will not go unpunished.

In regards to this peak and point 5353, this is a nice cooked up tale by a couple of misguided Indian media and Pakistani media who still want to prove that Pakistan got something out of the Kargil war except defeat. Let me explain. Point 5353 lies of the north western side of the Kargil valley and is one of the thousands of small peaks that are scattered in this location. Now during the Kargil war, the Indian army identified the major peaks that post a direct threat to the highways and Indian position along the border. Famous ones like Tiger Hill, point 5680 and point 5676 were captured with priority as they gave the Pakistani Army a direct line of sight on the crucial highway that leads to Leh. Now coming back to this point 5353 which has been romanticized by many Pakistani's on this forum, its a minor peak very very close to Pakistani territory and the Indian army did not want to get that close to Pakistan during and after the war. some reasons why -

a) India did not want to cross the International border and give Pakistan a crying point like always

b) This point does not even give the Indian's any significant advantage over this area.

C) The LOC is a very faintly mapped line and there is much confusion still surrounding it. Snow patterns and glacier retreat cycles change the line slightly every year. So what could be in Indian territory could be in Pakistani territory the next season visa versa. Point 5353 is one of those peaks.

d) By the end of the Kargil war India had got back over 95% of the lost territory and had set things back according to the Shimla accord. As I said earlier, this area is subject to constant change and peaks often get interchanged in nationality. Altogether India got back what is lost.

India is very much in control of all major peaks in this region which are higher and better positioned that point 5353 so if we ever have the need to recapture this, it wont take us very long.

Now this info was given to me by a major in the Indian army, who was also part of the Kargil war in his time. So please stop thinking that Kargil was anything else other than a huge defeat for Pakistan, you did not achieve even one strategic goal and only managed to destabilize your own country even further. Sorry I had to write all this but im kinda sick of kids here quoting youtube videos and talking like they know everything.
Dude, what's the point in trying to convince us? We're going to attack the Indian army and take Kashmir the day we can. Till we can't we won't.

India can't do anything about it just like it's never been able to make good on any of its empty threats so many times.
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Because he first of all has no idea what he is talking about. Point 5353 is not where near being the highest mountain top in the region. I dont know where is he getting that crap from. The rest of the post is crap as well. He is a new troller here and wrecked the other kargil thread just a few days ago.

Well if it is about height than yes he is correct. It is highest in the drass sector.

Standing tall and dominating the famous Tiger Hill on the Line of Control (LoC) is a grim reminder of the Kargil war. Point 5353, the highest peak in the region which has a clear view of the National Highway 1 D, remains occupied by Pakistan even a decade after the battle.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied

Will another kargil be the last mistake?? very likely, but unlike before.. the consequences will be dire for both. Your arrogance betrays your ideas of giving Pakistan a Spanking as a wet dream.
It is deducible by a paper war alone that India will eventually gain the upper hand in a prolonged conventional war..But you seem to factor the nukes out every time in these rosy scenario's for India.
To believe that nobody in the chain of Pakistan's command will use them.. or that the Americans will prevent their use by some failsafe system.. is another bollywood concept you all seem to preach and hold dear.. an almost laughable and ironic concept that in whatever war with Pakistan ..India and its Citizens will come out unscathed and continue to enjoy Domino's 30 minutes or free offer.
This is exactly what makes the world nervous.

Nukes in the hands of a bunch of irresponsible blokes, ever ready to squeeze that nuclear trigger, is hardly an image to brag about.
Id like to disagree with what you are saying since I was there with an otherwise dissident brigadier back in 99 while this was going on, Who while criticizing the whole operation did praise it for landing us a few nuggets which we still hold.."peaks" is what he meant.
As far from the whole viewpoint to Leh is concerned, many of these peaks are still in areas which like always are so inhospitable that they have to be vacated for a month or so during the harsh seasons.
I dont have a map otherwise Id mark them for you since I remember them vividly from what I was shown.

And please type the meaning of LOC and then tell me if its meaning even seems coherent with the definition of border.
Kargil war was a massive strategic defeat ..there is NO doubting that fact and it does overshadow the that at one point in the war, before India escalated the conflict( it would have, had to happen..).. the NLI had Indian forces in Kashmir by the Jugular Vein and nuts..
Never underestimate the advantage of the high ground.
I have heard radio intercepts of Indian troops cursing their commanders to get them out of traps..others pleading and moaning for supplies. Ive seen still pictures of tens of convoys of Indian supply trucks blown to smithereens thanks to the wonderful Sony Mavica...and I do pity those poor fellows who were literally like ducks in an arena shootout..running helter skelter..hiding between burning trucks to escape bullets...most did not make it...
Before the escalation.. and the withdrawal. The tally was one of ours for twenty of yours, infact most Indian losses in that war were incurred on supply troops.. It was the severity of the situation that promoted the massive buildup.
Once the airstrikes began, Our troops took hits, .. and then.. when they had to withdraw.. they were massacred by Indian troops from the very peaks they once held.
I saw the troops and I saw the maps.. and the bodies first hand.. Id trust them more than your major.

Will another kargil be the last mistake?? very likely, but unlike before.. the consequences will be dire for both. Your arrogance betrays your ideas of giving Pakistan a Spanking as a wet dream.
It is deducible by a paper war alone that India will eventually gain the upper hand in a prolonged conventional war..But you seem to factor the nukes out every time in these rosy scenario's for India.
To believe that nobody in the chain of Pakistan's command will use them.. or that the Americans will prevent their use by some failsafe system.. is another bollywood concept you all seem to preach and hold dear.. an almost laughable and ironic concept that in whatever war with Pakistan ..India and its Citizens will come out unscathed and continue to enjoy Domino's 30 minutes or free offer.

I can agree with most of your most and this is the kind of reply that I am looking for, sensible and dignified.

Now down to business yes even i can say that the Indian army was caught of guard and you did have us in shock for sometime until more troops were rushed into the area. The tide turned once the Air Force got involved, something that the Pakistani planners did not think would happen. In the frogginging you had the upper hand but by the end it was us who were calling the shots.

The LOC is not the international border but cannot be crossed by either nation as it still signifies the boundaries between India and Pakistan. I have many friends in the Indian Army and as per them the LOC changes almost every year according to glacier patterns. Pakistan did manage to hold onto some peaks near the LOC but those were never among the most crucial and the Indian army never made a serious thrust for them. Crucial points like 4590 or the tiger hill were under Indian control by the end of the war. Those who know point 5353 would also know that there is no real point 5353. Its split by a fork down the middle and as per the last report i heard, these individual peaks are to steep to be controlled by either force. Point 5353 is often mixed up with point 5356 which is on the Pakistani side of the border and is under Pakistan control and yes from here the Pakistan do have a good view of the highway. All in all Kargil is a closed story and bringing it up again is useless.

In regards to another Kargil, hope it never happens and the results will be very damaging to both of us. We rather invest our resources into something more constructive.
Dude, what's the point in trying to convince us? We're going to attack the Indian army and take Kashmir the day we can. Till we can't we won't.

India can't do anything about it just like it's never been able to make good on anyway of its empty threats so many times.
I will give you credit for being honest enough to admit that Pakistan doesn't want any peaceful solution.
Dude, what's the point in trying to convince us? We're going to attack the Indian army and take Kashmir the day we can. Till we can't we won't.

India can't do anything about it just like it's never been able to make good on anyway of its empty threats so many times.

sorry that day is never coming Asim and im sure even you know that. This same attitude is what still remains prevalent in Pakistan. And they say that Indians dont want peace lol

Ohh India will do everything to stop any misguided trials from Pakistan. What we say we do, im sure our previous wars are a testament to that. Its best we stop this d1ck waving and indulging in some talks, peace is what will benefit us both. India can afford many wars, but I cant say the same about Pakistan.
I will give you credit for being honest enough to admit that Pakistan doesn't want any peaceful solution.
When did I say that? It is only on the rejection of a peaceful solution of UN administered plebiscite and the continued violence against Kashmiris will the option of war be used.

India's committing acts of war on continual basis, each and every second by just being in Kashmir.
Well if it is about height than yes he is correct. It is highest in the drass sector.

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied



its the highest in the vicinity not in the drass sector as per many sources. The highest point in this sector is point 131. Look at the fork through that i was talking about, in reality that fork cut right through the LOC and divides into Pakistan territory therefore it remain in a could zone in terms of ownership. Notice the difference between the LOC and the Indian LOC, they change every year.

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