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Featured PNS Tabuk has been commissioned in Pakistan Navy

What kind of air search radar beside weapons going to be added ?

Do not see Air search radar ??

Only has 1 CIWS on the starboard side, which severely hampers its defence capabilities against any incoming AShM.
Only has 1 CIWS on the starboard side, which severely hampers its defence capabilities against any incoming AShM.

It is an OPV, which can carry AShM during a crisis with other ships providing air cover.
Someone posted in
Other thread that additional two were ordered as well now, lastly the sigma corvette which is based on this opv chaises but opv is cheaper and has 30 mm cannon vs 76 mm gun on sigma corvette

pn opv also has fire 🔥 fighting capability with two water cannons one on each side
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probably chaff and other decoys launcher goes here on the sides not sure what will go in the middle.
If I was incharge of the PN I would focus more on building Tabuk Class sized Corvettes and MILDEN sized Submarines. Aiming for a minimum of 16 of each rather than building large warships beyond 4000+ TNs.

It is absolutely crucial and in Pakistan geostrategic interest to expand the Babur Cruise Missiles range to 1500-2000 KM minimum. Even NK just tested a similar ranged cruise missile.

Eventually even Corvette sized crafts could be equipped with 8 Vertical Launched Super Baburs. The Russians are already expanding upon this concept. They have launched long range Kaliber cruise missiles from Corvettes in the black sea unto targets in Syria.

Imagine PN Corvettes stationed in the strait of Hormuz could target and strike IN warships sitting in Mumbai with long range Super Baburs.
I think military brass of pak and Bangladesh 🇧🇩 Should be replaced by pdf folks since they can revolutionize the forces and bring them into 24th century at minimum may be 30th

😉 😂


Kidding do not take it toooo seriously 😐
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