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PM's Monumental Incompetence on the Pakistan Issue

That is a given in this scenario , but perhaps it does matter at an electoral level. Certain votebanks will feel betrayed if Modi takes anything other than a hardline against Pakistan and as an additional consequence- Muslims in India.

Considering you joined yesterday? How do you know I shot the messenger? Shooting the messenger is a common thing with desis.. get off your high horse.

If those certain vote banks feel angry what will they do? Vote for Rahul Gandhi? ( I hope this isn't a flaming level statement ) :)
So far Modi has not taken hardline against Pakistan. Nobody from his supporters are mad at him.
Recent surveys show that if re-elections are held BJP will get 25-30 MORE seats.

Indian muslims have had their modi phobia busted. They alive, well and in the same situation as before. Maybe a bit scared of rioting like mad but Saharanpur proved that wrong. Modi did not invoke President rule, send in the army and butcher the rioters. He let Home Ministry co-ordinate with the dysfunctional UP govt. and a few CRPF companies were sent in.

He went soft on the Saharanpur rioters no backlash against him.
If those certain vote banks feel angry what will they do? Vote for Rahul Gandhi? ( I hope this isn't a flaming level statement ) :)
So far Modi has not taken hardline against Pakistan. Nobody from his supporters are mad at him.
Recent surveys show that if re-elections are held BJP will get 25-30 MORE seats.

Indian muslims have had their modi phobia busted. They alive, well and in the same situation as before. Maybe a bit scared of rioting like mad but Saharanpur proved that wrong. Modi did not invoke President rule, send in the army and butcher the rioters. He let Home Ministry co-ordinate with the dysfunctional UP govt. and a few CRPF companies were sent in.

He went soft on the Saharanpur rioters no backlash against him.

The BJP has no alternative leadership? Can these votebanks not cause electoral issues?

Your assertion is again against exactly what I am saying; Modi is NOT what this extremist votebanks thinks him to be, yet he has to maintain a certain image with them as well so to not anger them.
The BJP has no alternative leadership? Can these votebanks not cause electoral issues?

Your assertion is again against exactly what I am saying; Modi is NOT what this extremist votebanks thinks him to be, yet he has to maintain a certain image with them as well so to not anger them.

There are no extremist vote banks, even if you like to think there is . The whole problem was started by giving special treatment to particular religion over the other and when one cries foul he is called " Evil Yindu, extremist Baniya blah blah blah"

There is no Alternative to Modi , the kind of victory he has given is unprecedented and unparalleled since Congress back in their 70s and 80s. A majority govt. all on its own after Congress..
After Modi its going to be Amit shah . He is being groomed for that ...
The BJP has no alternative leadership? Can these votebanks not cause electoral issues?

Your assertion is again against exactly what I am saying; Modi is NOT what this extremist votebanks thinks him to be, yet he has to maintain a certain image with them as well so to not anger them.

Nope TINA to Modi.
Advani is gonna die in a few years.
Arun Jaitely is from a elitist club with no ground connect. Lost elections in Amritsar which is a sikh-hindu saffron hub.
Sushma Swaraj is not a national level leader. She is from Haryana but represents Madhya Pradesh as she is a flop in her home state.
Rajnath Singh is hated by the modi brigade which is the vote bank we are discussing.

What Modi really is or not matters less as he needs to deliver on the economy unless he wants Segment #2 and #5 to gravitate to AAP/Congress/Regional parties. referring to your shades of saffron image.

#1 angry saffronists have no alternative in internal BJP.

Plus you are assuming only way to dislodge modi is internal coup but you forget that Amit Shah is BJP President now not Rajnath Singh. Amit Shah was Modi's junior and sidekick since early 90's. He still is a loyal worker to Modi first then anybody after that.
The BJP has no alternative leadership? Can these votebanks not cause electoral issues?

Your assertion is again against exactly what I am saying; Modi is NOT what this extremist votebanks thinks him to be, yet he has to maintain a certain image with them as well so to not anger them.

The reason Modi was chosen as PM candidate was his dual identity of Hindutva strong man and Pro-development & no non-sense image. No other politician in the entire country comes under this category.

There is no option for hardcore hindutva voters, they have to go with BJP (Since, a BJP govt is more likely to be pro hindus than any other govt).
Mani Shankar Aiyar does have a point when he mentions that GoI's latest gambit has made heroes out of the Hurriyat. But after spending so many years in Politics, is he still this naive, that he cannot fathom the effects of what this new-found support for the Hurriyat will do to electoral politics in Kashmir?

And who exactly is he blaming for projecting Modi as a petulant, truculent obstructionist? Does he even bother to read his own articles and ponder over the kind of image that he has tried to provide for the likes of Modi and Amit Shah?

I guess he really is naive! :sarcastic:
Its the oppositions's job to oppose anything that the govt. does.
Had he not cancelled the talks, Aiyar would have been on Modi's a$$ saying how is Modi any different from the lame duck that is MMS ?

I personally am of the opinion BJP govt.did the right thing in making Indian stand clear to Pakistan.

Kashmir is a part of India,This part is non negotiable.
You can not meddle in our internal affairs if you want to have a productive discussion.
You can either talk with Indian govt. which represents 66% odd population of Kashmir who took part in elections or you can talk to Hurriyat (btw what a stupid name) who don't represent anyone but themselves.

The gauntlet has been laid.
This is what I expected from a strong PM.
Taking decisive, clear cut decisions, not pussyfooting on every friggin issue like Mauni Sir.

Next, I would like to see Bugti and his entourage invited to India for "talks".
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I agree 200% with the stand taken by BJP. Congress allowed this to go on for far to long and should have nipped these meetings when they first took place. No more discussions....this topic is closed for debate. What we have left of Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan and CHina and give independence to the parts they controlled. I suggest to the BJP to let Pakistan continue bombing the border areas and civilians.....this will opentheir eyes and let the ppl see who is killing them. Plus, these border towns and villages should have been dismantled and moved further into the interior as a security and safety precautiion. Abdullah and family is a an English agent like Rahul and family....Hurriyat engages in anti national activities outside of India....no more. Kick them out and never allow them in.
Modi, Swamy and Amit Shah are type of friends even money couldn't have bought for Pakistan. ;)
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