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PM’s bad diplomacy

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PM’s bad diplomacy
December 18, 2019

IN perhaps the umpteenth U-turn of his prime ministerial career, Imran Khan has decided not to attend the Kuala Lumpur summit hosted by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

The pretext, provided by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to journalists yesterday, was that Saudi Arabia and the UAE had reservations about the meeting and Pakistan was playing a role in addressing them. However, he said, since these concerns could not be addressed within the time that was available, Pakistan was stepping back from the summit.

The concerns apparently revolved around two questions: first, would the summit divide the ummah; and second, was it an effort to create an organisation parallel to the OIC. He said Pakistan would continue its efforts to bridge these gaps.

That may be so, but the fact is that Pakistan has already painted itself into a corner and cut a sorry figure.

Prime Minister Khan’s urge to play the mediator may be a noble one but the course of action he has taken should have been thought out better. The divisions between blocs of Muslim countries are no secret and neither are those issues that are sources of disagreement.

If Mr Khan thought he could successfully manage a diplomatic tightrope act between Saudi Arabia and the UAE on one side and Malaysia and Turkey on the other, then he should have acted on a well-crafted plan that allowed for such diplomatic finesse. Yet he had jumped the gun at the UN General Assembly session in New York where he made plans with prime ministers Mahathir Mohamad and Recep Tayyip Erdogan for joint collaborations in various fields including launching a channel together.

Why were the ramifications of these diplomatic initiatives not considered then? Why were the reactions of countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE not factored into this policy? Why did Mr Khan accept the invitation to attend the Malaysian summit before understanding how this would be perceived by the leadership of the Gulf countries?

As a result of its amateurish diplomatic manoeuvres, Pakistan has placed itself between a rock and a hard place. It has in the process alienated both sides without gaining anything in return except a red face. This despite the personal investment that Mr Khan had made in reaching out to the leaderships of these countries.

Pakistan should learn the right diplomatic lessons from this debacle.

We may harbour noble intentions about playing a role as mediator in various conflicts but, as this foreign policy faux pas has shown, greater thinking is needed about the costs and benefits of such ambitious adventures.

It will now take some delicate diplomacy to smooth ruffled feathers and mend fences that were needlessly fractured.

It may also be an opportune time for the Prime Minister’s Office to start relying more on advice from professionals in the Foreign Office and less on whims and fancies.

How much more is this PM Cartoon-e-Azam Imran Khan, going to humiliate Pakistan globally?

He thinks like a Shaikh Chilli, talks like a Shaikh Chilli and he behaves like a Shaikh Chilli. Why has Allah cursed our nation with this Shaikh Chilli?
He is naive. He need to brush up his diplomatic skill. His ideal of world do not works in reality...
How much more is this PM Cartoon-e-Azam Imran Khan, going to humiliate Pakistan globally?

He thinks like a Shaikh Chilli, talks like a Shaikh Chilli and he behaves like a Shaikh Chilli. Why has Allah cursed our nation with this Shaikh Chilli?

The only one we have been cursed with is you on this forum.
Because people like you lack the brain and then impose your corrupt thug mafia on the entire country.
People like you should be hanged in public for having supported and voted for the thug mafia and still supporting them despite having seen what they have done to the country.

And if you can gather a bit of brain right now.
The summit is happening because of PM in the first place. And him not being there won't disrupt the progress, because we are not living in stone age but information age. Both Malaysia and Turkey would already have been taken into confidence and he didn't go to address the Saudi thing. What does a visit or no visit have to do with diplomacy? Does it take more than a phone call now a days?
How much more is this PM Cartoon-e-Azam Imran Khan, going to humiliate Pakistan globally?

He thinks like a Shaikh Chilli, talks like a Shaikh Chilli and he behaves like a Shaikh Chilli. Why has Allah cursed our nation with this Shaikh Chilli?
why not he behave like that???? he never bought anything for his kitchen in entire life, he mostly sponsored by others and even his dresses are mostly sponsored by others.

forget about rest of things .. Punjab is the largest province by population and does it really deserve a CM like Buzdar??? i insist PM should appoint CM punjab as chairman of Shokat Khanam hospital or may be Nimal Uni so that both institutions also get benefited by the brilliance of CM punjab.... for them he hired the right man power but for country wasim akram plus .... very good
This decision of Imran Khan is one of the biggest backstabbing event after Kargil decision of Nawaz Sharif.
How much more is this PM Cartoon-e-Azam Imran Khan, going to humiliate Pakistan globally?

He thinks like a Shaikh Chilli, talks like a Shaikh Chilli and he behaves like a Shaikh Chilli. Why has Allah cursed our nation with this Shaikh Chilli?

I am a supporter of Imran Khan ... And I agree, this was a misstep by IK. He tends to over promise and under delivery due to his lack of maturity.

But I think he will figure a way out of this.... Hopefully learns to keep his mouth shut the next time and realize that Pakistan needs to balance its alliances carefully.
Bowing out of KL summit

By first confirming to attend the Kuala Lumpur Summit in Malaysia, then deciding to send Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in his stead and eventually bowing out of the affair altogether, Prime Minister Imran Khan has yet again provided an excellent example of bad ineffective and embarrassing diplomacy.

That Saudi Arabia and the UAE would not be happy with Pakistan’s attendance at the Summit, to which they aren’t invited, which is being dubbed a probable replacement to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference is not new information, and should have been anticipated and prepared for.

The rationale being peddled for skipping the moot is to ‘avert division in Ummah’ and that there is not enough time now to smooth things out between the opposing sides. This is purely a result of Mr Khan jumping at any opportunity to adopt the role of a mediator and somehow resolve an international diplomatic crisis without giving it much thought or planning; and it is even more troubling when it is revealed that no such request had been made by either of the other countries involved in the crisis in the first place.

Then there is the involvement of financial assistance being provided to Pakistan by ‘friendly’ foreign allies that buys them considerable leverage to influence our foreign policy. But if Saudi Arabia is showering us with billions of dollars in loans then Pakistan too has dedicated a section of the Army to support the Saudis on their turf in their fight against terrorism. This is no small commitment considering our own security requirements at home. Why was Mr Khan or his team unable to take advantage of this position in their dialogue with their Saudi counterparts where we instead practically left everything on the table?

Such incidents of bad diplomacy expose our weaknesses to other countries as well, especially those who have already or are planning on supporting our economy through generous loans.

Some serious introspection is required on the foreign policy front starting with the Prime Minister who should listen to and act on the advice and input of his more experienced advisors.

He is naive. He need to brush up his diplomatic skill. His ideal of world do not works in reality...

That is not it friend, you are totally wrong here. Actually Imran Khan's party is infiltrated with traitors from N league.

The whole Pakistan loves Imran Khan, he is our great leader and our hopes/dreams are in him.

What we do not understand is how we reach our leader, who is being kept in the dark or given false advise by advisers.

The love for Imran Khan is not dampened, because we understand the perilous needs of our country in this economic and financial crisis. We are waiting for the lion to rise again, in full form, and it will happen soon, in sha Allah.

First some traitors need to be hanged/exiled, and some dependence on false allies like US and KSA/UAE needs to be nixed.
That is not it friend, you are totally wrong here. Actually Imran Khan's party is infiltrated with traitors from N league.

The whole Pakistan loves Imran Khan, he is our great leader and our hopes/dreams are in him.

What we do not understand is how we reach our leader, who is being kept in the dark or given false advise by advisers.

The love for Imran Khan is not dampened, because we understand the perilous needs of our country in this economic and financial crisis. We are waiting for the lion to rise again, in full form, and it will happen soon, in sha Allah.

First some traitors need to be hanged/exiled, and some dependence on false allies like US and KSA/UAE needs to be nixed.
if a person is not able to asses the situation around him, how can you call him a leader? i dont consider him a leader he is just a good statesman
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