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Pmln's Ahsan Iqbal doing boot polish again

Defending the tubbar isn't easy you get 3/10
Three years ago a junkie Messiah claimed that he would fix the system in 90 days. PTI - a band of inept turncoats, sexual predators, hustlers & corporate thugs have failed miserably on every front. Qom e youth it's time to grow up, get your head out of *** and stop crying blues.
I have debated many leagues but they never win.
Wow that's a mighty statement, Would love to meet you in person, might benefit from your JEWELS. Let's see who wins, normally face to face it's only a matter of a few minutes for me. Many Bakhts, Ex jiyalas and Ex PTI members will testify to my tenacity and commitment.
you have come full circle, proven why jahil leaguey/peepee ماجے گامۓ چھیدے are cancers.
As I stated before a Sick Filthy fly will only seek to sit on others SHIT. Mate much of your kind will need REHABILITATION very soon, feel sorry for your state of mind.
Three years ago a junkie Messiah claimed that he would fix the system in 90 days. PTI - a band of inept turncoats, sexual predators, hustlers & corporate thugs have failed miserably on every front. Qom e youth it's time to grow up, get your head out of *** and stop crying blues.

Wow that's a mighty statement, Would love to meet you in person, might benefit from your JEWELS. Let's see who wins, normally face to face it's only a matter of a few minutes for me. Many Bakhts, Ex jiyalas and Ex PTI members will testify to my tenacity and commitment.

As I stated before a Sick Filthy fly will only seek to sit on others SHIT. Mate much of your kind will need REHABILITATION very soon, feel sorry for your state of mind.
you say all that, But you have been a noonie for most of your life. I have seen peepee supporters in Punjab switching support from peepee to tooi party many moons ago. They haven't gotten any richer for all the phand/merasi like support they gave the mian. But mian has gathered enough haram that many of its coming generations can thrive on it and the majority of leaguey ماجہ گاما چھیدا is no better!

So I always tell all noonie ماجے گامۓ چھیدے that their 'auqat' in front of their mian is less then the (s#it) stain in their mians shalwar/patloon. Your mian wouldn't even give the many millions of its poojari its own waste(s#it). again I say this because After the 35 years of mian's chooran that the poojari still believes it will attain.

So you and you tenacity should be focused of the keeping the mians arse clean.

Thank You.


This guy wanted to talk to mian and ask for a house for the years of support and life time of support he gave. gave best years of his life to mian. Has mian gotten him what he wished for?

perfect display for 'vote ko izzat do' Voter di ma di #&%$$£
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This guy wanted to talk to mian and ask for a house for the years of support and life time of support
Funny thing is this guy which you all show regularly is no longer in PMLN. Some PTI goon bought him out. Nevrtheless we should not stereotype one person for the whole organisation. I can show some awkward pictures of PTI supporters, you may not like.
Since you are in UK we can meet somewhere of your liking like NAWAB or Tipu Sultan Etc for a little chit chat!
Funny thing is this guy which you all show regularly is no longer in PMLN. Some PTI goon bought him out. Nevrtheless we should not stereotype one person for the whole organisation. I can show some awkward pictures of PTI supporters, you may not like.
Since you are in UK we can meet somewhere of your liking like NAWAB or Tipu Sultan Etc for a little chit chat!
I have told my relatives who are noonies that they are dead to me, why in f do I want to meet a close mulazim of the tubbar? If you cannot defend the tubbar online then what will you produce from your pittary in person?

I asked you if mian has given a league (Ayub Bhutta) who gave best years of his life to the mian like so many others! all he wanted was a house from the mian and he has been beaten up by mians security and even got run over once too.

Yep He will get nothing! So now you say he ain't affiliated with the party how shameful and a disgrace you BC are. But I expect this from a party like yours used like a bog roll to wipe mians arse and left with mian s#it all over it.

Sad but facts.
why in f do I want to meet a close mulazim of the tubbar?
That is a bit rude.
If you cannot defend the tubbar online then what will you produce from your pittary in person?
I have 100% success rate, some stuff cant be posted here.
I asked you if mian has given a league (Ayub Bhutta) who gave best years of his life
He threw stones at the police against party policy, put lives of the leadership in danger. Nevertheless he has gone where all MORONS go.
Yep He will get nothing! So now you say he ain't affiliated with the party how shameful and a disgrace you BC are. But I expect this from a party like yours used like a bog roll to wipe mians arse and left with mian s#it all over it.
Dude mind your language again, Slander and swear are the last resort of a loser and sick mind.
So you are even a worse supporter of PMLN than this uneducated guy
Come on stay out of this, you know well what happened earlier.
That a bit rude.

I have 100% success rate, some stuff cant be posted here.

He threw stones at the police against party policy, put lives of the leadership in danger. Nevertheless he has goon where all MORONS go.

Dude mind your language again, Slander and swear are the last resort of a loser and sick mind.

Come on stay out of this, you know well what happened earlier.
I ain't going to travel to London so I can meet a mulazim of Mian nawaj! Don't give me this party trick that you will conjure up some high quality chawal on the spot. So if you cannot produce the bongie, yahvian for the mian's defence then I guess mian has hired a wrong mulazim.

Let me repeat it again. Because I know noonies regugatet so much of the same manure regardless of where they are geographically. Regurgate it here! Let the world know how paak saaf your mian is!
I ain't going to travel to London so I can meet a mulazim of Mian nawaj!
I can come to you.
Don't give me this party trick that you will conjure up some high quality chawal on the spot. So if you cannot produce the bongie, yahvian for the mian's defence then I guess mian has hired a wrong mulazim.
mate I don't work for anyone, infact have my own personal staff.
Let me repeat it again. Because I know noonies regugatet so much of the same manure regardless of where they are geographically. Regurgate it here! Let the world know how paak saaf your mian is!
You know nothing, the stuff I have got is my own research and hard work.
Nevertheless the offer is open, nothing to be scared of. Our meeting will be a pleasant surprise for you.
I can come to you.

mate I don't work for anyone, infact have my own personal staff.

You know nothing, the stuff I have got is my own research and hard work.
Nevertheless the offer is open, nothing to be scared of. Our meeting will be a pleasant surprise for you.
Surprise me RIGHT HERE. I say it AGAIN


Share it with the world too! You do want to tell the world why mian is such a great leader dont you?

Well go on ahead and do it here. Or is it a secret that you have that mian is the best? Don't give me that crap.

Share it here. Don't make excuses to see me in person. I DO NOT LIKE LEAGUES!!
Share it with the world too! You do want to tell the world why mian is such a great leader dont you?
I have thought about it, maybe very soon. My only issue is don't want to hurt a lot of feelings. Talking to one is ok...
Share it here. Don't make excuses to see me in person. I DO NOT LIKE LEAGUES!!
I don't wont to revert you back, you stay where you are. Its 80% about PTI and the rest MNS.
I have thought about it, maybe very soon. My only issue it don't want to hurt a lot of feelings. Talking to one is ok...

I don't wont to revert you back, you stay where you are. Its 80% about PTI and the rest MNS.
My feelings will not get hurt. Instead of now going in circles lets have the TOP Secret Chawal.

Lets have it.
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