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pmln requests IMF to increase the loan to 7.3 billion US dollars !!

Just happened to me earlier today.... then I had to wash the poor soul with detergent... he wet himself bad...... :D

@Hyperion @Armstrong

I am sure that there are other emotional people reading this thread .

How long does it take to start a troll fest without understanding the context and joke part ? :D
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@Hyperion @Armstrong

I am sure that there are other emotional people reading this thread .

How long does it take to start a troll fest without understanding the context and joke part ? :D

So I should stop conspiring to nuke Jhang along with @Hyperion in every odd thread here and there? :frown:

Oh well, we had a good run Hype. And what about our plan to hang all the fundoos from Delhi to Islamabad? Should we not mention that either where others may read it?:ashamed:
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We are kidding mate.... this is how we learn stuff...... he tells me things, then I prove him wrong.... then I tell him stuff and he goes digs some gazillion year old info to prove his point... :D

@Hyperion @Armstrong friends dont make it a Punjabi vs Pukhtoon thread, talk mature please.
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We are kidding mate.... this is how we learn stuff...... he tells me things, then I prove him wrong.... then I tell him stuff and he goes digs some gazillion year old info to prove his point... :D

you guys are kidding but in reality you are differentiating leaders of Pakistan into Punjabi leaders vs Pukhtoon leaders, some information that would come up again in heated arguments as a point oneday.

or divisions kiya kam hain pehlay hi... :drag:

The only party I belong to is TRUTH. Nothing else.

Sharam is as quaint a concept as "qanoon kee bala dastee" with our politicians.

chal jhoti, you are member of pessimist party, thats where you drag your version of truth from !! :pissed:
Yara, yeh @Secur bhee khwa-m-khwa tense ho jata hai!..... I love Z punjabeeeez.... minus Zia....... :smitten:

He was rightly tense...i was like what the f i'm reading.

BTW these duffers ganjas will get half the money for them & their party members , rest of the money will be spend on stupid schemes which does not benifit whole country. Also now Army/security forces should be on high alert cuz every Pakistani knows who will these ganja fund that money, recent attacks in Quetta ring the bell?
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I know people will say it's necessary, and I agree it is somewhat necessary.

But what gets me worried is the repayment, a loan is no quick fix, you have to make some serious changes in the functioning of your economy so you gain in the duration of the loan and also be in a position to pay it back. Essentially, I fear this loan may be wasted, and no proper economic reforms made and then when repayments are due we will be back to square one.
guys ,plz do enlighten me what will happen in worse scenario say in given 10 years frame if GOP are unable to repay? say it needs a few years more then?

just asking for knowledge, no intend to troll....
Ganjas announced Scooties before checking the budget lol, so they have to adjust it in the loan.. Ofcourse this is also on Ishaq Dar's own terms, absolutely no chance for IMF to bargain or negotiate :lol:

BTW where are our beloved N-Leaguers? This thread have gone for 3 pages and 41 posts without any valuable input from @cb4 @Tiger Awan @Fracker and company.. C'mon guys, show up, people are desperate to hear from you guys on this matter..

guys ,plz do enlighten me what will happen in worse scenario say in given 10 years frame if GOP are unable to repay? say it needs a few years more then?

just asking for knowledge, no intend to troll....

That's the least of concerns for our Govt. Now the situation is, they have to take more loans to pay previous loans.. Each govt thinks that its term is going to end in 5 years, so take the loans, then enjoy, then leave and let the next govt deal with the sh!t.. Next Govt, takes more loan, then enjoy.... And the loop continues..
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laptop zinda bad
n league zinda bad
IMF zinda bad

again i will get the loan on my own terms (Mr. dadar aka wazir khana ) :rofl:
Ganjas announced Scooties before checking the budget lol, so they have to adjust it in the loan.. Ofcourse this is also on Ishaq Dar's own terms, absolutely no chance for IMF to bargain or negotiate :lol:

BTW where are our beloved N-Leaguers? This thread have gone for 3 pages and 41 posts without any valuable input from @cb4 @Tiger Awan @Fracker and company.. C'mon guys, show up, people are desperate to hear from you guys on this matter..

That's the least of concerns for our Govt. Now the situation is, they have to take more loans to pay previous loans.. Each govt thinks that its term is going to end in 5 years, so take the loans, then enjoy, then leave and let the next govt deal with the sh!t.. Next Govt, takes more loan, then enjoy.... And the loop continues..

oh man.... this is crazy.... there will be a huge depression of pkr then..... like India@1991
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