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pmln requests IMF to increase the loan to 7.3 billion US dollars !!

7.8 Billion , will turn in to 15 Billion dollars, as the Rupee is going down

We take the loan in US dollars, and our income (country GDP) is based on Rupees.
After 2-3 years when rupee will be 200 ruppees / dollar

That loan PML will take will turn into 15 Billion repayment as our currency will be quite horrible and worth nothing
7.8 Billion , will turn in to 15 Billion dollars, as the Rupee is going down

We take the loan in US dollars, and our income (country GDP) is based on Rupees.
After 2-3 years when rupee will be 200 ruppees / dollar

That loan PML will take will turn into 15 Billion repayment as our currency will be quite horrible and worth nothing

kyoon dra raha hai
7.8 Billion , will turn in to 15 Billion dollars, as the Rupee is going down

We take the loan in US dollars, and our income (country GDP) is based on Rupees.
After 2-3 years when rupee will be 200 ruppees / dollar

That loan PML will take will turn into 15 Billion repayment as our currency will be quite horrible and worth nothing

You are taking loan in USD and will repay in USD. It will stay 7.8 billion USD .. It may increase in PKR terms if 1 USD become equal to 200 PKR as you said.. But I dont see that happening. PKR will probably stabalize around 1 USD = 110 PKR
18th Amendment kei baaad the Provinces are Free to sort their own sh*t out; maybe instead of grilling Punjab you Pukhtoons should look towards developing some industry in KPK that goes beyond Smuggling, Gun-Manufacturing & Transportation ! :P

And yes for godsake pay the bloody bill on time & at its full amount so that Punjabistan doesn't have to bear the brunt of your moronic attitude on the Kalabagh Dam or Circular Debt because of you other three ! :)

Abbb agar izzzat abhi bhi raaaas nahin ayeiii tou thoraa aur irshaaad karoooon ! :D
come on stop bragging about kalabagh
with potential of 70,000 MW why do you people only see kalabagh..while most of these 70,000 mww can be completed at very fast pace..
had your politicans been serious for past decade(both punjab leaders of PPP and PML N/Q) basha dam/dasu would have been long completed
real reason why pushing kalabagh is that power house is located in punjab while population will be displaced in both provinces. its the ghazi brotha project where 70% KPK is affected and yet punjab gets all royality rightss merely due to power house location

P.SI am not against kalabagh dam i think it should be made on pirority but centre is using kalabagh as a scape goat to avoid making any dams at al. if we cant make kalabgh we cant provide funds for any other dam ?

lastly i dont think so guys here bashing PML N are pushtoons...so suck it up, its pakistani facebook guys who dont vote just, blog

frankly had this forum been moderated properly , you should have been banned from posting insulting ethnic comments
frankly had this forum been moderated properly , you should have been banned from posting insulting ethnic comments

You do realize that I & @Hyperion were joking with each other ! :blink:

I've got Pukhtoon family members & friends for godsake & I love Pukhtoons in general ! :hitwall:
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Well.... he is absolutely right about Kalabagh Damn...... same goes with many other projects that were completed earlier.... it's called "chalaki"....

You do realize that I & @Hyperion were joking with each other ! :blink:

I've got Pukhtoon family members & friends for godsake & I love Pukhtoons in general ! :hitwall:
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Well.... he is absolutely right about Kalabagh Damn...... same goes with many other projects that were completed earlier.... it's called "chalaki"....

No he isn't - It wasn't the PPP or the PML N in Punjab that prevented money being diverted to other projects !

PPP is a Sindhi party - They didn't do squat in during their current or previous tenure !

What you people forget is that no Party has ever sweeped Punjab as far as I can remember....if it wasn't the PML N who broke most of PPP's vote than it was the PPP breaking most of PML N's vote in Punjab whenever one or the other formed Government at the center which means the rest of you have been as complicit in electing them to Power as Punjab is - So when blame is being dished out....stand in line & get your arses spanked - It ain't gonna be me & me alone !

Last time PPP formed the Government at the Center but not in the Punjab - How did they then form a Government at the Center ? By forming a Government in all of the other 3 Provinces so if you've got qualms with someone.....have it with Baluchistan, Sindh & Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa - Not with us ! The last time that PML N formed a Government they got formed Governments outside of Punjab as well...the same is the case with PML Q - So spare us the BS !
what i really meant is PML Q formed the govt in punjab but didnt really tried anything
ok we might say ok in case of PPPP govt even thought he PM was from punjab
people of local area , especially settled will never support a dam because of stupid plocies.
these policies were indicated by worldbank, in bhasha dam they have been overcome to some extent but most were not accepted by govt
1.no logical formula royalities from project
2.no relief to local people making their life hell(e.g a person now has to travel 1 hour to reaches his farms due to lack of bridges over ghazi brotha project?!, in tarbela dam the distance to district capital increased from 20 mins to 3 hours, in mangla dam only recently a bridge made solved the transport problem)
3. no local agriculture use i.e KPK doesnt receives its water share ..while people around Ghazi brotha and tarbela dont even have water for drinking forget about agriculture
4. royalties based upon location of power house instead of people and area affected
5. royalites given to province without any district sharing formula of affected area

the rel problem govt is facing is fiscal imbalance mainly due to oil and food imports. all the govt has to do is decrease oil imports by increasing coal imports and power plants, focusing on food production like edible oil, increasing foreign investment and increasing remittance to ofset the fiscal imbalance
instead we are seeing govt allowing imports of cars and decreasing taxes on other items encouraging the fiscal imbalance
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