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PMLN/PPP/JUI-F/MQM Combined Wont Even Win 25 Seats, if Free and Fair Elections Took Place.


Apr 9, 2019
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Their politics is dead.

They are agitated, panicking

Have you ever seen Zardari doing press conference?

Have you ever seen lifafas journalists speculating, passing judgements about transfers/promotions in army?

Every move they are making is getting intense backlash from public. They are rejected everywhere, cant even make eye contact with public.

It the end of their dynastic politics we are witnessing.

Pakistanis are finally united against corruption, Alhamdolillah.
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Their politics is dead.

I won't say their politics is dead yet. They still enjoy a lot of support in public.

However, yes their support is at all time low right now. This is the golden opportunity to strike a final deadly blow and bury dynastic politics and status quo once and for all. In Sha Allah.
Their politics is dead.

They are agitated, panicking

Have you ever seen Zardari doing press conference?

Have you ever seen lifafas journalists speculating, passing judgements about transfers/promotions in army?

Every move they are making is getting intense backlask from public. They are rejected everywhere, cant even make eye contact with public.

It the end of their dynastic politics we are witnessing.

Pakistanis are finally united against corruption, Alhamdolillah.
PDM have lost alot of support but they are still a force to recon with. PPP will win minimum 30 seats from Sindh, MQM will suffer, JUI will win around 8 seats, PMLN is very powerful in Central Punjab, they will win minimum 50 seats. This is a decent number to begin with, with EC, Establishment, Media support they could win more.

If Free and fair elections are held then PTI will win with a majority and form the next government.
There is Massive change of Thinking Process in Common Man of Pakistan.

However, it May Not truly be Reflected into Elections..... due to Massive Buying Power of Corrupt Elite

This is a sad reality

ALso true that PTI must and WIll have 2/3 Majority Insha Allah
Their politics is dead.

We still haven't run out of Donkey population, Bhuto is still walking in interior Sind, Sardars are thieving in Baluchistan and mullah brigade is another pet of establishment. So, it's not walk in park for PTI who needs 2/3 majority in Fed and strong majority in provinces and it's do or die for PTI. IK can't afford stupidities anymore.
If inflation runs high then may be
But otherwise PMLN will win punjab

Rural sindh well..its lost cause
Rural punjab/south..well its electables and peers
There is no such thing as fair elections. When pakistan can be hijacked. When Islam can be hijacked. What makes you think elections will be fair

The situation is very delicate due the skyrocketing inflation and rupee devaluation.

The miscalculation by establishment has already done massive damage to Pakistan's sovereignty and economy. Any further move like this will bring halt to the country and revolts will start.

1 USD = 192 PKR

Food prices have increased 20% in last few days.

Only Free and Fair Elections immediately can solve current crisis.
Their politics is dead.

They are agitated, panicking

Have you ever seen Zardari doing press conference?

Have you ever seen lifafas journalists speculating, passing judgements about transfers/promotions in army?

Every move they are making is getting intense backlash from public. They are rejected everywhere, cant even make eye contact with public.

It the end of their dynastic politics we are witnessing.

Pakistanis are finally united against corruption, Alhamdolillah.
no they will win more.... lets not get carried away!

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