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PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

Nawaz will have to backtrack to avoid brickbats

Saturday, March 27, 2010

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Nawaz Sharif has started receiving all the brickbats for which he has to squarely blame himself. He was not upfront on Thursday as he normally appears. He should have admitted loudly that it was actually the Pakhtoonkhwa issue that provoked him to harp on something unbelievable.

Nobody, not even his own party leaders, is willing to buy the justifications that their boss offered at his press talk. These were totally unconvincing even to discerning souls. And on Friday Ishaq Dar, who is a member of the Rabbani Committee, is reported to have admitted that the real bone of contention was the renaming of the NWFP and not the recommended formation of the judicial commission for the appointment of judges in the superior judiciary.

Today, Nawaz Sharif stands singled out politically and that too on a popular issue of correcting the disfigured Constitution. Not even a solitary political party shares his stand. He has never faced such isolation in the recent past.

On the contrary, all the parliamentary groups, by and large, stand with the government in the sense that all of them back the proposed 18th Amendment. By supporting the package, they in fact are honouring their commitment that they demonstrated during the deliberations of the Raza Rabbani Committee.

President Asif Ali Zardari must be excited with joy and excitement over seeing Nawaz Sharif pushed in a corner. As the situation has built up and the PML-N chief pushed in an embarrassing situation, he will have to review his stand that he took at his press conference without any delay or he would earn more flak in the days to come.

He would be held as the sole person responsible if at the end of the day the good work done by the Rabbani Committee, including his own nominees, was consigned to the dustbin. He has to rise above petty political expediencies.

The PML-N’s U-turn on the constitutional package is simply incomprehensible and is in bad taste too. The PML-N chief referred to the recommended procedure for the appointment of judges as the main point of disagreement which is simply unbelievable. The whole world knows that it was a settled issue as far as the constitutional committee was concerned but still Sharif opted to take refuge behind it to shy away from the real bone of contention — the renaming of the Frontier province.

It would be in the greater interest of Pakistan if Mian Sahib backtracks what he said on Thursday, sits with Asfandyar Wali and settles the issue of renaming the NWFP, and should not press for any informal consultations with the Chief Justice of Pakistan on an issue that is the property of parliament.

Nawaz will have to backtrack to avoid brickbats

Who is feeling what after the PML-N blast

Saturday, March 27, 2010

By Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) is on the defensive and its top leaders are feeling shy of publicly defending its turn about but presidential quarters are happy over the grilling Nawaz Sharif is receiving.

The PPP is happy with the continuation of the key discretionary powers of President Asif Ali Zardari for some more time.“After a long time, guns have been aimed at Nawaz Sharif and we have happily been spared from the tirade for now as we are not to be accused in any way,” a cabinet member, considered part of the inner presidential circle, remarked to The News.

“Despite the fact that the president was losing all his worthwhile authority through 18th Amendment, he has readily agreed to shed all his powers. But if Nawaz Sharif wants to keep Zardari equipped with vital discretionary authority, we are better off over his strategy,” he said.

The third party, the prime ministerial camp, was somewhat depressed over the delay in transferring powers to Yusuf Raza Gilani from Zardari because of Nawaz Sharif’s sabotage of the constitutional package.

“Even without the new powers that the prime minister will be getting through the constitutional package, he is acting as the chief executive of the country,” an official said. Senator Raza Rabbani, who heads the parliamentary committee, was extremely sad and expressed his deep disappointment in its meeting on Friday, said a participant of the meeting. “Our whole work is going down the drain because of the PML-N’s stand,” he quoted the senator as saying in the deliberations.

Another committee member said Nawaz Sharif’s stand provided an opportunity to smaller parties to say that it was Punjab that was disrupting the constitutional amendment although they agreed to it despite their reservations over the freshly determined quantum of provincial autonomy.

He said the PML-N representatives were on the defensive in the meeting of the committee on Friday, which was postponed till Wednesday on their request. They wanted time to settle the contentious issue of renaming the NWFP, he said.

Most sombre PML-N stalwarts were as dejected as leading members of other political entities are over Nawaz Sharif’s bombshell as their party is earning flak from all around. “It appears as if our representatives participated in the deliberations of the Raza Rabbani parliamentary committee on constitutional reforms for nine long months just to while away the time,” one of them told The News.

“Now, there is no point in endlessly presenting a facade that we are genuinely serious to undo 17th Amendment sooner than later. Our approach has nailed the whole process of the constitutional amendment,” he admitted.

No PML-N leader this correspondent talked to was ready to come on the record to defend the U-turn. Most of them felt embarrassed and came out with unconvincing arguments. However, a few PML-N leaders were still optimistic that the main issue of agreeing on a new name for NWFP would be shortly resolved and it would not take months.

“Maximum one week or so would be required to hammer out this issue as talks are already continuing with the senior ANP leadership,” PML-N leader Khwaja Saad Rafiq said. Sources said the top PML-N leadership was conscious of the blitz of criticism on it and was pondering over measures for damage control.

One PML-N leader said Nawaz Sharif took the hardline on renaming the NWFP to put pressure on the ANP to budge from its rigid stand and also consider other nomenclatures apart from the Pakhtunkhwa. He hoped that the ANP would also show flexibility.

PML-N leaders privately conceded that as a matter of fact it was the issue of renaming the NWFP and not the judges’ appointment mechanism that prompted Nawaz Sharif to find fault with 18th Amendment.

Who is feeling what after the PML-N blast
nawaz sharif this time bit of more than he can chew. Mr Good Governance and Anti Corruption is stopping this government from actually governing and needlessly impeding the political process.
nawaz sharif this time bit of more than he can chew. Mr Good Governance and Anti Corruption is stopping this government from actually governing and needlessly impeding the political process.

Nawaz Logic is simple.
Musharraf kicked him out of office
Pakistan was ruled by musharraf for 8 years
Pakistani people remained silent for 6 or seven years
so now he thinkl he should take revenge from pakistani public.

well done mian saab you educated us who is real enemy of Pakistan
Nawaz Sharif's ill-temperament and ego matches that of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto except NS has the IQ of Forrest Gump!
What a short-sighted move. I mean NS would have won some respect from Pakistan's liberals who suspect he is a 'closet Taliban' by showing some maturity. But now even conservative columnists like Ansar Abbasi don't support him.
If Pakistan has to suffer the future rule of PMLN--a Punjab-focused party--then why can't there be someone like Javed Hashmi or Wasim Sajjad from that party instead of these paya-eating idiot Sharif brothers?
Pakhtunistan is seriously NOT COOL .. Whats wrong with Sarhad ? or NWFP
How would it help change any thing ?
There are dozens of amendments to the Constitution,arrived after almost one year of deliberation and give-n-take. This would have led to the removal of Zardari's powers as well as a host of other changes agreed within and without from the Charter of Democracy of 2006. Renaming NWFP is only one of those issues and even on that too there is almost agreement. But PMLN is not even officially objected to that in the latest u-turn; they want more say from the judiciary in this matter while even the CJP has rightly denied the request to have more input.
Pakhtunistan is seriously NOT COOL .. Whats wrong with Sarhad ? or NWFP
How would it help change any thing ?

What is cool and what not is the only right of the people of NWFP, No one else should say anything in this regard, or else it would be a blunt disrespect to the people of NWFP. Similarly if some other Province likes to change theirs, that should only be nominated by the people and representatives of that Province, and doesn't matter if it sounds good or bad to others. This is every ones basic right and without it we do not deserve to call our self a free nation.

The most Logical way to come up with a name would be that All the MPA's and MNAs from all the parties of that respective province should be given an equal weightage (beyond their party numerical figures) and Full right to find a unanimous Name, This should then presented in the National Assembly and All other parties and provinces should Fully endorse it.

This is the only way we can assure our unity and feelings of equal rights and citizenship.

No matter for what reason Nawaz is doing this, but Punjab as whole is getting the blame(which is wrong), And other provinces have the feelings of oppression and disparity on the hands of The Bigger Province, Punjab. This is Very Very bad for our Unity. We have seen enough in East Pakistan, and even in Baluchistan, But haven't learned any lessons. Time to change this custom before its too late.

Lastly I am a Pushtoon, A Proud one, but I don't give two Sh!ts about the name, nor does many commoners. And I am 100%ly sure that this name change wouldn't bring us any good or prosperity, Its simple politics which the dirty minds are playing to involve the public in, as they have nothing else to offer them. No progressive agenda, No Road map for the salvation of the poor, No job creation, No Inflation control, No Cut down in Load Managements, No Betterment in Law in Order situation, No nothing, bloody pathetic claims.

The Elites who are doing it are moving around in Long Motorcades with tones of cars and riders to escort them, while the commoners are dying on the roads, both out of hunger and terror.

Still I love my Land, and God Bless Pakistan.


PPP smells a r-a-t in PML-N backtrack
By Zulqernain Tahir
Saturday, 27 Mar, 2010

A PML-N legislator is of the view that Mr Sharif, in fact, has to ‘succumb’ to the pressure of ‘some friends’ in the judiciary. — File photo

look at their faces ....do they look lik normal ppl who are not being pressured by anyone

LAHORE: Many in the Pakistan People’s Party smell a *** in the last-minute backtrack of the PML-N from its stance on the issue of judges’ appointment and renaming of the NWFP and see it an attempt to ‘save the office of the president’ from renouncing its powers to the parliament.

“It seems that PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif is conveying the message of someone else,” a senior PPP leader told Dawn.

Mr Sharif on Thursday asked the government to delay the constitutional reforms package and consult the judiciary on judges’ appointment before presenting it in parliament.

Interestingly, the procedure for judges’ appointment is the same as proposed in the Charter of Democracy (CoD) signed by Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif in May 2006. The committee on judicial reforms had already agreed to reconstitute the proposed judicial commission on PML-N’s calls for adding a retired judge of the Supreme Court as its seventh member.

“Some forces do not want a strengthened parliament. At this juncture, the stand of Mr Sharif shows that he is in close contact with the forces that want a strong presidency,” the PPP leader said. “Such forces look beyond President Asif Ali Zardari,” he hastened to add.

Mr Sharif’s ‘U-turn’ has shocked all political parties that left no opportunity to lament him on TV channels. Even his own party men appeared unable to defend their boss.

A PML-N legislator is of the view that Mr Sharif, in fact, has to ‘succumb’ to the pressure of ‘some friends’ in the judiciary. “It is very difficult for Mr Sharif to take any major decision without consulting his new friend,” he commented.

Another PML-N leader who also requested not to be named said some party hawks did not want to give credit to the PPP, especially President Zardari, for doing away with the controversial 17th Amendment. “Mr Sharif’s fresh stance is a reflective of the hawks’ viewpoint who think that after this controversy the PML-N will not be in a position to create further problems for the PPP,” he said.

There has been an agreement between the PPP and the PML-N that once the 17th Amendment is repealed, the latter will join the federal cabinet. “There will be no excuse left for the PML-N to avoid joining the federal government once this issue is settled,” another PPP leader opined. “It (the PML-N) does not want to give us smooth sailing,” he added.

Even in a meeting at the presidency on Thursday evening, all the participants, including President Zardari, expressed their ‘shock’ over the PML-N chief’s stance. “The PML-N will not give us smooth sailing on any issue,” a participant said.PML-N’s Ishaq Dar, who is also a member of the constitutional reforms committee, said there had been a ‘deadlock’ over the issue. However, his party was in touch with the ANP and other parties and hoped there would be a consensus among them at the end of the day.

“Mr Sharif’s stance is disappointing for everyone. Nobody was expecting that the PML-N which was earlier pressing the PPP government to repeal the controversial amendment and now it has itself become a stumbling block in its way,” Punjab PPP President Rana Aftab said

Nawaz stands firm on his stance

Updated at: 1830 PST, Saturday, March 27, 2010

LAHORE: PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif asserted his earlier stance about judges' appointment and said individual should not appoint judges and Chief Justice of Pakistan must head the Judicial Commission.

He was addressing the media here in Lahore. He rejected the impression of taking a U-turn in judges' appointment.

Nawaz reiterated his earlier stance on judge's appointment and said he stood by his words on this matter.

On Thursday PML-N chief, Mian Nawaz Sharif punctured national expectations by making a stunning declaration that his party would not sign the draft till the removal of certain objections pertaining to the process of appointing judges of the high courts and the superior court.

Levelling a hitherto unheard charge that "our recommendations were thrown out by the committee", Sharif also tried downplaying the outstanding emotional issue of renaming the NWFP. But despite his dismissive nonchalant demeanour the issue continued to be perceived as the real stickler.

He was of the view that Law Minister be replaced with Attorney General as member of judicial commission. He criticised Law Minister Babar Awan and said he is a corrupt person and a NRO beneficiary and should not sit in the commission.

Every institution should remain in its limits and must not cross it, he warned.

PML-N leader strongly rejected some reports appeared in today's newspapers regarding receiving phone calls that changed PML-N's view about judges' issue.

'Today's Pakistan is very different and we need to change our mindset', he remarked.

Nawaz Sharif urged Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani to consult Chief Justice to evolve a transparent procedure for the appointment of judges. "There should be consensus among the government, the opposition and the judiciary on this very important issue," he said.

Sharif also came down hard on the government for creating this situation and hoped to solve the touchy issue of renaming NWFP, which, in view of many was the real hurdle in 18th amendment.

Nawaz stands firm on his stance
People the political toilet has begun to work.Mr Zardari has already been flushed down by his in activity, it is now time for Mr nawaz Sharif to go.As to name of NWFP, I personally liked Khaiber, but Pukhtoon khuwa is fine as well.The poiint is it is not the name that matters, but what its people do that matters.
Lets see who gets flushed down the political toilet next. One thing is certain, all the proponents of military rule have to accept that given a chance, the political system will work in pakistan. Events will determine who survives and who gets flushed down, butthe system is showing signs of working. However, the military in this instance has played its cards so well, and neds to be praised
CJP should head judicial commission: Nawaz
Updated at: 1700 PST, Saturday, March 27, 2010

LAHORE: PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif asserted his earlier stance about judges' appointment and said individual should not appoint judges and Chief Justice of Pakistan must head the Judicial Commission.

He was addressing the media here in Lahore.

He rejected the impression of taking a U-turn in judges' appointment.

CJP should head judicial commission: Nawaz
No deadlock over 18th amendment: Gilani
Updated at: 1625 PST, Saturday, March 27, 2010

LALAMUSA: Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Saturday said there was no deadlock over the 18th constitutional amendment and expressed the hope that the issue would be resolved soon.

Talking to reporters soon after his arrival here the Prime Minister said the Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Reforms (PCCR) was fully empowered to take decisions and would resolve the issue amicably through talks.

He said representative of all political parties were part of PCCR and would find no problem in reaching a solution that was acceptable to all.

To a question he said he has friendly relations with the leader of Pakistan Muslim League - Mian Nawaz Sharif and has had frequent meetings with him. He said he has no problem in meeting him again for moving closer towards the adoption of the 18th amendment.

The prime minister hoped that the issue of renaming of NWFP would also be resolved amicably. He said the Pakistan People’s Party government was committed to serving the masses and would provide them all facilities of life at their doorsteps.

Gilani said the PPP government was actively pursuing its dynamic vision for the development of the country and said it would complete its term and fulfill all the promises in the next three years.

No deadlock over 18th amendment: Gilani
The restoration of the 1973 Constitution to its original form had been a longstanding and unanimous demand of all democratic political parties in Pakistan ever since the military dictators disfigured it to suit their agendas. The restoration of the 1973 Constitution to its pre-October 12, 1999, position will be yet another singular achievement of the PPP-led coalition government following its success in finalising the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award and presenting the Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan initiative aimed at bringing an end to strife in the province through a process of dialogue and reconciliation. Furthermore it is clear gesture by PPP that it never endorsed unifromer’s acts. But at the same time the deadlock by PML-N is a dangerous sign. PML-N is unwillingly doing what, that has revealed it. Mian Shehbaz Sharif’s statement cleared all the dust regarding PML-N’s hobnobbing with terrors and now Mian Nawaz Sharif’s step also endorses the same fact the PML-N is following footstep of a dictator.
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