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PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

For Nawaz Sharif and Iftikhar Chaudhary;

دامن پے کوئی چھینٹ نہ خنجر پے کوئی داغ

تم قتل کرو ہو ، کہ کرامات کرو ہو !


But they have become more open “un-intentionally”
Those who have observed the “behavior of this “national” leader at the time of 12th amendment, for those NS attitude should not be unexpected.

He has definitely an issue of getting credit by PPP but this issue has some coupling effect of some other issues.

People also say about “interruption” from other stakeholders.

When recently appointment of judges issues came, at that time some “insiders” claimed that CJP is playing good game with both groups. He is very artistically handling opposition and government through Hamid Khan group and Atizaz group.

One should note also that all those who are respected by all and at all times like Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim and allies are all quite. Isn’t that strange?
all of these are done by the military.

it was the political and national consensus which lead to all the successful operations. and this was developed by ppp government. if not then why couldnt military defeat them during musharraf regime after all we had operations going on back then as well.
The military has been at the backbone of these military operations, both at the media front and governance.

During Musharraf's time we were not at war with them.

wat do u mean it was going to happen? nothing happens unless someone does it. and PPP did it. should i say pakistan had to be formed so wat quaid e azam did was nothing special?
Obviously because Zardari gets dollars from the US. Why wouldn't he support their wars and work towards their goals in Afghanistan?

You just keep sidetracking from the core issues. What happened to the judiciary when Zardari came to power? Forgot the long march?

This is a bunch of rubbish. The sugar wheat crisis was tied to global demand and supply. The demand has climbed down globally in the past year or so, hence lowering the prices.

wheat crisis was bec of musharraf. he exported all the surplus wheat which ppp had to import later on to bring down the price. and as far as sugar crisis is concerned, indian gov recently accepted that they have failed to brought down sugar price. so how come it was a global phenomenon for which ppp gov didnt have to do anything?
Do you really think Musharraf was busy selling wheat during his tenure? that just sounds hilarious.

Read my comment again. The crisis was Global due to extravagant increases in demand for Wheat. Wheat mills sold the wheat outside the country b/c they made more profits.

Pakistan is not the only country that faced Wheat crisis. All major wheat producing countries faced the crisis, including India and China.

Even in Canada the price of flour went from $10 a bag to $15.

PPP has nothing to do with it. Rather it was Imran Khan who started 2 rupees rottee DURING the crisis, and then other parties followed suit. Where was the PPP then?

i praise imran khan for that. but do you mean it was his sasti roti which lead to the fall in flour price?
What was the PPP doing when there was a wheat crisis in the country? Any idea what Zardari was doing to help the commoners?

Let me guess: OH! He was making deals with Musharraf & the US. Damn.

I personally know one PPP family that owns 4 sugar mills in Punjab...and these ppl give a *** arse about the commoners.

so? are politicians not allowed to own any business? even nawaz sharif own few mills. and they all use it to make profit at the cost of public. we cant to much about that.
Yes, PML-N has a track record of promoting agricultural awareness and tech in Pakistan, especially in Punjab which is backbone of Pakistan food supply.

they own mills but they also have been instrumental in uplifting the farming community.
And further plunging in 10s of billion dollars in foreign debt.

yes. isnt that better than no money to fund your war, food crisis, development projects, payment for imports, and keeping your Rs stable? and foreign debt is no unknown thing. many developed european countries have far more foreign debt than us (in terms of percentage to GDP).
Ever since the war initiated, Pakistan has lost over $50 billion in economic activities.

Foreign Investment has dwindlled. What has the PPP done to stop the drone attacks, which is the root cause of terrorism?

Foreign countries are in debt but they also have initiated economic policies to stimulate the economy. What has the PPP done to stimulate the economy??

The PPP's corruption is more than enough justification for terrorists to launch attacks.

What an inaccurate and dishonest statement.


The past three years our economy has suffered more than any other economy in SA due to WOT. 30 billion+ losses due to ineconomic activities.

so how is ppp gov at fault?
They are at fault for allowing the US to continue drone attacks that kills 93% innocent civilians, and adds the much needed fuel to the fire of terrorism.

Suicide bomb attacks have only increased killing thousands of civilians and so have the Drone attacks. This is the result of the PPP government's policies.
Drones havn't stopped. The whole economcy of the tribal belt has been reduced to rubble.

Drones havent stopped coz they have been targeting targets in collaboration with our intelligence agency. and yes there is a war going on and how do u expect there to be zero rubble.
Does that mean we should allow the killings of civilians?

Does *any* country in the world allow that? Would the US allow it on its territory?

Ever wondered what Britian did to curb the IRA from bombing their cities?
What good are petty income support cheques that hardly meet the basic needs of people there?

ask those who find it hard to feed their children and they will tell you wat these 'petty income support cheques' mean to them.
So you agree with destroying their economies, homes and livelyhood, plunging them into sheer poverty and chaos, and then giving them Rs. 2000/month cheques for survival?
Benazir Bhutto welfare program (why not name it Quad-e-Azam??) is a good marketing strategy to further fool the poor and illiterate masses for votes. It's teh STATE that is paying welfare based on foreign loans we receive, not PPP. Benazir isn't paying the poor people from her grave now is she.

name doesnt matter. what matters is the programme. im sure Quaid e Azam is not interested in a change of name. and yes its the state which pays but the policies are made by the governments. will you sell your house and pay for this programme if you become a minister? obviously no. that is not how things work. government use income generated from taxes and other sources to help poor etc.
The biggest source of income for governments are tax collections.

What right does the PPP have to use his wife's name? Does the PPP/Benazir own Pakistan? Do we live in a monarchy? If not, then how can they give a Politicians name to state sponsored program?

It's a sheer marketing/publicity strategy by the PPP to further fool the masses.

Can you name any other democratic welfare state that uses such names??

In Canada each province has jurisdiction over its welfare and goes by province's name.

I really can't believe you're justifying such low publicity of the PPP govn't that has zero credibility in the eyes of the masses.

im sure Quaid e Azam is not interested in a change of name.
Did Quad-e-Azam call you up from his grave just to tell of how satisfied he was with the PPP's policy of naming a state sponsored program after Benazir? :rofl:

amazing analysis. you are saying that it only takes a second to change your constitution? there are many parties which are involved in this process and therefore moving fwd with consensus is not an easy task. and if you havent noticed a total of 100 changes have been made. is that something which could have happened over night? and wat do u mean its late? do we not need constitution any more or has pakistan vanished from the face of earth? your first constitution came in 1973 where as we were created in 1947. going by your logic, 1973 was too late and therefore no one should have voted for it approval.
You have yet to explain why Zardari's based PPP did not restore Judges after taking oath, did not curtail presidential powers, amongst other things they promised the public? Does it really take 2 years to do that?

Utter rubbish. it's only buying time and playing with the public.

our cooperation with iran in terms of security and economics has greatly increased. and it takes time for countries to build firm relationship.

how is it an outcome of Gen Kiyani? I thought it was zardari who has been attending Karzai's oath taking ceremony and vice versa. and it was our whole cabinet which received karzai at the airport when he came. yes Gen Kiyani played a big role but that doesnt mean you can side line all effort being put in by other quarters which include ppp gov.
I can see how cooperation with Iran has incrased when Iran accused Pakistan of sponsoring terrorism on its soil, refering to the Jundullah suicide attack that killed Iranian generals.

The oil pipelines and other regional agreements are all outcome of Gen Musharraf era. PPP has absolutely no role in it.
So you'd rather support people that deliberately make blunders for personal gains? and correct them later for PR purposes and to restore credibility?

yes i will support someone who comes back to the right path after recognising his mistake and not someone who makes it a matter of his pride.
With this conclusion, Your argument has lost all credibility.

It's pointless to argue with some1 that accepts and supports nefariously corrupt and unmoral political figures who have cheated the nation times and again, and have come to power once again, they have zero credibility.

As the saying goes that befits your argument...Cheat Me Once, Shame on You; Cheat Me Twice, Shame on Me.
EDITORIAL: Fair is foul, and foul is fair
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Something is rotten in the state of Pakistan. Or so Mr Nawaz Sharif’s historic blunder on March 25 would have us believe. Mr Sharif failed to give a persuasive argument on March 25. Since there was no justification for his actions, the PML-N went into damage control mode right away. Ishaq Dar has now assured Raza Rabbani that the PML-N would sort out this mess in due course of time. The judicial issue has been laid to rest, to a certain extent at least, while the issue of renaming the NWFP is inching closer to an agreement. The PML-N must realise that this is important for the Pakhtuns and we should not disappoint them on this issue. It is still not too late to settle this matter.

The rumour mills are abuzz with speculations that the ‘pressure’ on Nawaz Sharif emanated from judicial quarters. Whether this is true or not can only be ascertained once Mr Sharif comes clean about it. So far, he has not been forthcoming on this aspect of the matter. If true, it indicates that somebody tried to interfere in the functioning of parliament. This directly challenges the sovereignty and supremacy of that august body. For the first time in our history, parliament is trying to establish its supremacy. It cannot, and should not be held hostage by anyone, be it the judiciary or the executive. In the light of the past, it could be that the forces inimical to strengthening democracy are up to their old tricks. There have been many hurdles in the path towards democracy and Pakistan’s history is full of the immense struggle waged by the people against military dictatorships and authoritarian rule. Whenever there has been a coup by the military, it has always been supported by other state institutions, especially the judiciary that has regularly endorsed martial laws over the years. Presently, the military is in no position to directly intervene, but there is no guarantee that the extra-constitutional collaborators are not actively at work trying to undermine the democratic process.

The whole nation was simply shell-shocked after Mian sahib’s u-turn on the constitutional reforms, but Mr Sharif is adamant that he did not do anything wrong and has no regrets whatsoever. There were all kinds of speculations after Mr Sharif expressed his reservations on the proposed judicial appointments procedure as well as the renaming of NWFP. There was an adverse reaction from all quarters, including from within the PML-N. In a press conference on Saturday, Nawaz Sharif denied the rumours about receiving a phone call from unknown quarters. Either Mr Sharif did not think it through before he decided to speak up against the constitutional reforms and did not expect such a strong reaction, or he was under so much pressure that despite knowing that this would not go down well, he had no choice. This obviously leads one to speculate where that pressure came from. These questions are still unanswered. Living in denial is a norm with the PML-N, be it the ‘deal’ Mian Nawaz Sharif struck with General Musharraf to stay out of politics for 10 years in lieu of his ‘self-exile’ to Saudi Arabia or the presence of militants in Punjab. If he thinks that the citizens of Pakistan can be fooled, he should think again. To thine own self be true, Mr Sharif. You owe an explanation to the people of this country, to its polity, and to parliament; the sooner it comes, the better.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I think that there should be a ballot in NWFP and have the people decide what should be the name of the province. Why is it up to someone sitting in Punjab to determine what should the of a province should be. PML(N) is a regional party they should have no right to interfere in the matters of another province.
Which foreign player threw spanner in the works?’

Saturday, March 27, 2010

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: The foreign minister of a European country is said to have quietly played a role in delaying the tabling of the 18th Amendment in Parliament, fearing that the proposed “demolition” of the office of the president through these sweeping changes might not be good news for all the stakeholders of the state.

One credible source has revealed that apart from this overseas intervention, which immediately halted the otherwise smooth proceeding, the military establishment too was not happy with the unprecedented autonomy being given to the provinces in the new constitutional package as it sent alarm bells ringing within the ranks of powerful establishment for some obvious reasons.

One top source claimed that the controversy over the mode of appointment of judges, seen as the main reason behind the PML-N’s sudden U-turn, was just an eyewash. He said every member of the parliamentary committee knew very well that the PML-N had completely agreed to this mode of appointment of judges as even Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhary had appreciated this new system and the media had carried his remarks the same day when Nawaz Sharif blocked the move to table the bill in the house. The sources said this issue was used to cover the real story behind this dramatic shift in the mind of top guns of the PML-N.

Giving inside information, one source revealed that the foreign minister of a European country made telephone calls to some politicians in Pakistan, urging them not to show haste in passing this constitutional package, as there were some reservations in the minds of certain players, which should be discussed and addressed before giving the package a final shape. The foreign minister was of the opinion that the office of the president was a sort of balancing factor between the military and the civilian leadership in a country like Pakistan. The concentration of massive powers even in the hands of a democratically elected prime minister would not be a wise decision at this stage. It was argued that in the past, the country had seen some unpleasant events because of power imbalance, which led to the imposition of military rule.

The sources said the office of the president was being reduced to such a shocking level through these amendments that now he would be required to first seek approval of his foreign trips from the prime minister. Likewise, the prime minister would be asked to give approval to run the kitchen of the Presidency. The sources said traditionally the military establishment had felt comfortable with the president enjoying powers to dissolve the National Assembly and make appointment of the service chiefs. To prove the point how the military dealt with prime ministers with such powers, the source said the first time these sweeping powers were vested in Zulifkar Ali Bhutto under the 1973 Constitution, he was hanged by the military. Then Nawaz Sharif got the same powers in 1997 when he tried to become Amirul Momineen, he was sent into exile. On the other hand, the military never felt any threat from the political prime ministers when these powers were in the hands of the president, as we saw in the case of Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Farooq Leghari, whom the Army backed against elected prime ministers.

The sources said in this background, there were certain fears in the minds of some key players that though PM Gilani might not become an autocrat but who would guarantee that Nawaz Sharif, if he became the prime minister for the third time, would not try to repeat his performance of October 12, 1999.

Likewise, the source said, the military was not happy with the extraordinary level of provincial autonomy being offered to the provinces as, in some cases, they were being allowed to frame their own laws without seeking any advice from the Federation. The sources said the military still was in favour of a strong federal role in the affairs of the provinces in the given situation as it always suited its strategic interests. The rising wave of nationalism in Balochistan was a serious cause of worry for the military establishment and it was still not in a mood to allow the nationalist forces to play a dominant role in the provinces. Likewise, the establishment feared rise of nationalism in the NWFP after renaming of the province. All these factors were on the minds of those who were quietly trying to get this bill either delayed or changed to suit their interests.

Which foreign player threw spanner in the works?’

Why mention military again and again?
Is it the military which is responsible for the clownish behavior of Nawaz Sharif?
Nawaz Sharif and his party have a choice, nobody has forced a gun towards them, they are free to decide and this was sadly his decision which no one in his party has opposed openly.

I think there should have been some resignations in PML-N, some leaders worth their salt should have threatened to resign at least so as to put some sense back in PML-N.

I do not know what shall happen now but history will certainly bear witness that Nawaz Sharif deliberately put the brakes on Pakistan's progress in order to satisfy his ego.
I hope this nation rejects Nawaz Sharif in next elections because he is all talk but still reluctant to walk...
why nawaz backed out at the last minute as this post holds answer to it .......

Constitutional Game To Undo Pakistan From The Backdoor

Ø Parties whose commitment to Pakistan is in doubt are using the 18th amendment to the constitution to undo Pakistan

Ø The Constitution is too important a matter to be left entirely to politicians

Ø The problem is that Zardari regime has too many ‘insiders’ promoting foreign agenda who are hurting the people and damaging the state

The London Post
Sunday, 28 March 2010.

LONDON, UK—Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be ‘legitimate politics’. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full-fledged exercise for subverting the constitution. The answer is that it was a part of the scheme that involved the NRO and the formation of a coalition government in which all the parties are opposed to the Two Nation Theory of Pakistan. Mian Nawaz Sharif saw the game plan a bit late but he did see it and withdrew from the coalition. If he had not withdrawn, the judges dismissed by Musharraf would not have been restored and NRO would have become law. But the puppet masters have not given up; they are still eager to implement their original plan albeit with slight alterations due to new circumstances.

The plan is devious and not easy to understand. Some of those in the committee reviewing the Constitution have some idea of the true nature of the exercise they are engaged in but most of them do not know what is going on; they do not have a clue what is good for the country and are unable to see through the machinations of parties with anti-Pakistan agenda. The reports of ‘consensus’ and ‘absence of leaks’ makes one suspicious of the entire project. I fear that a ready to sign ‘draft amendment’ is a sinister plot. The public and the press must have a debate on what the committee recommends. The Constitution is too important a matter to be left entirely to politicians.

It seems to me that all the ingredients are being in place to undo Pakistan from the back door without even a fight. It seems the parties in the ruling coalition are in a hurry to fulfill the agenda of international plotters. The puppet masters had been relying on the gullibility of Nawaz Sharif who has been saying he would support no action that would destabilize the country.

The Constitutional Reforms Committee (CRC) which has decided to present the 18th Constitutional Amendment before the two houses of the Parliament, rejecting the reservations of Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) and some of its recommendations. He may have reacted a bit late but it is important that he has smelt a ***. After the priorities of the Zardari regime which came into power on the basis of a controversial ‘will’ of late Benazir Bhutto are dubious to say the least.

Owing to the deliberations and recommendations having remained shrouded in secrecy, people might not know why Nawaz Sharif, former Prime Minster and PML-N chief, objected to these constitutional amendments in a press conference only an hour before a signing ceremony?

The reality is that these amendments have many dimensions and multiple usages. Obviously the plotters are not stupid and are backed by an efficient machine. For example, those who drafted the Kerry Lugar Bill had Pakistani insiders to advise how to cloak their sinister ‘agenda’ behind nice words like support for democracy, promotion of tolerance and accelerating the pace of ‘development’. The problem is that Zardari regime has too many ‘insiders’ promoting foreign agenda who are hurting the people and damaging the state. The MQM draft for constitutional amendments visualized “Provincial Autonomy” which gave the federation just two and half subjects – Defence, Foreign Affairs and Currency - Sine qua non for a Federation. The Draft Bill for Constitutional Amendments tabled by the MQM on 12th January 2009 MQM was not without foreign advice and support. I must admire President Asif Zardari, MQM leaders - Farooq Sattar and Altaf Hussain - and the teams of minders they have, for being so ‘creative’ for their masters.

International financiers and plotters use constitutional loopholes to disintegrate countries to take control of natural resources. These plotters, their bankers and local agents are adept at creating food and other shortages, unemployment, insecurity, lawlessness, corruption, poverty and constitutional hiatus that make it necessary to invite foreign experts and international financial institutions for advice and help. The whole idea is to pass the control over national institutions, assets and resources to these plotters. For example two ‘insiders’ who are cronies of President Zardari - Wajid Shamsulhasasn High Commissioner to United Kingdom and Hussain Haqqani Ambassador to the United States - are allegedly involved in activities against the national interests of Pakistan . Wajid Shamsulhassan violated the decorum of his rank and the Service Rules of Pakistan when he went to collect documents pertaining to the trial in Switzerland and bring official documents to London and keep in his personal custody. Hussain Haqqani allegedly issued visas to the Blackwater personnel and was instrumental in adding conditions harmful and denigrating to the Armed Forces of Pakistan in the Kerry Lugar Bill. That the President as well those who serve him – whether cronies or not – are also subject to law, has been blatantly ignored. President Zardari and the team of his cronies continuously undermine the state; they get their orders obeyed because they have learnt ‘how to bypass the system’ to complete international agenda.

One cannot help admire the plotters for their selections of agents and deploying them in fulfillment of their multi layered conspiracy which is hard to detect and even harder to frustrate or neutralise. The game is not new but it is being played differently making it hard to tackle.

It seems that minders of Zardari, MQM and ANP have the Soviet Model of disintegration in mind. In modern times international plotters exploit legal and constitutional loopholes or arrange for such constitutional amendments that lead inevitably to the disintegration of the country. For example in dismantling the USSR the international plotters used constitutional provisions which had been placed intentionally. They were provisions in the Constitution of the USSR – put in during the heady days after the Russian Revolution of 1918, that made dismantling of the Union not just possible but easy. Article 70 of the Soviet Constitution Stated: “Union of the Soviet Republics is a unitary, federal, multinational state, formed on Free Self Determination of Nations”. Article 72 was more explicit and stated: “Each Union Republic retains the right freely to secede from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”.

Interestingly no such provision or mechanism is available in the US Constitution. According to US experts “the constitutional language is ‘sparse’. It is up to the Congress to give meaning to that language”. We all know who control and gets the majority in the Congress?

“It was 1974 constitution of former Yugoslavia which caused the break of the state”, said Antonio Moneo Lain a visiting fellow at LSE in his lecture at London School of Economics on 2nd December 2009. I asked him that although, “USA is also a union of States but no such facility like choice of becoming independent is available to the states as the issue of state autonomy is kept vague”.
why nawaz backed out at the last minute as this post holds answer to it .......

International Agenda, Sinister Plots and references to USSR are all what is being offered by this article in way of the evil which our superhero Nawaz is supposedly opposing.

Please get real!

I am sorry but in Pakistan everything whether good or bad is an agenda driven by the nefarious parallel universal beings, nothing we do or want to do is ever seen in a positive light by some enlightened beings.

We lost half of Pakistan thanks to such arrogant fools who do not realize that provinces need autonomy not to breakaway but to develop and progress, in the end the progress of any province means the progress of Pakistan.

The package will in no way damage Pakistan, it needs to be implemented as soon as possible.

Nawaz Sharif is opposing the package due to his Non Pashtun vote bank in NWFP and also to ensure that Gillani (who is a sincere person) is not passed additional powers.

Nawaz would like to see Zardari dominate the affairs of the state so that the PPP suffers politically and PML-N has a good chance in the future elections.
I know for sure that PPP would improve its performance a lot if PM is given more powers...there is no doubt in my mind about this, both due to negative image of Zardari and the fact that Gillani is one of the more honest people in our politics

There is no other reason for this knife in the back by Nawaz at such a critical time.

The smirk on the face of Ch. Nisar was so obvious that i felt a desire to wipe it off with my fist...these Hawks led us down the gutter in 71...please do not be fooled by any excuses they have to offer...this is all self interest of Nawaz and few of his hawks.
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why nawaz backed out at the last minute as this post holds answer to it .......

Constitutional Game To Undo Pakistan From The Backdoor

Ø Parties whose commitment to Pakistan is in doubt are using the 18th amendment to the constitution to undo Pakistan

Ø The Constitution is too important a matter to be left entirely to politicians

Ø The problem is that Zardari regime has too many ‘insiders’ promoting foreign agenda who are hurting the people and damaging the state

Who is Mr. Qureshi to judge a party's or an individual's loyalty towards Pakistan??

Constitution can only be amended by the Parliamentarians, period!

Failure of Nawaz Sharif to act in time of need can't be justified by non-sense.

ANP represent NWFP and they have the right to decide the name of their province.

NS is on a self destruct mode, now he is blaming Babar Awan for the entire delay:

Sharif said that he did not sabotage the reforms but acted out of national interest. He instead put all the blame on Law Minister Babar Awan, saying it was his premature announcement that led to the entire episode.


I request my brothers and sisters from Punjab to vote sensibly in the city govt and next gen elections.

Vote for ANP, APML, TI, PPPP, MQM, PML-Q anybody but this clown.
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The military has been at the backbone of these military operations, both at the media front and governance.

so all the political and national consensus stand for nothing? nice

During Musharraf's time we were not at war with them.

really? i thought he carried out two military operations in swat and yet failed time and again because of lack of political and national consensus.

Obviously because Zardari gets dollars from the US. Why wouldn't he support their wars and work towards their goals in Afghanistan?

so wat you mean here is that a friendly afghanistan is not in pakistan's interest. just bec america wants the same doesnt mean we should do the opposite.

You just keep sidetracking from the core issues. What happened to the judiciary when Zardari came to power? Forgot the long march?

im not sidetracking. like i said before that i do give credit to nawaz sharif for restoration of judiciary but it doesnt mean i will not criticise him for his other wrong doings.

Do you really think Musharraf was busy selling wheat during his tenure? that just sounds hilarious.

very hilarious indeed. a country which had wheat surplus only few months before had to import wheat to meet the demand. amazing. you know wat happened to that surplus wheat? well it was exported by musharraf and we later had to import it at higher prices.
also dont forget that ppp gov increased the minimum wheat price for farmers due to which we had bumper crop in the next season.

The crisis was Global due to extravagant increases in demand for Wheat. Wheat mills sold the wheat outside the country b/c they made more profits.

so isnt that being short sighted? why did musharraf gov allow this to happen? only because he was wrong in his calculations that we have met our domestic demand and are in a comfortable position to export the surplus which we should have kept as our strategic stock instead.

What was the PPP doing when there was a wheat crisis in the country? Any idea what Zardari was doing to help the commoners?

i have told you this. ppl gov increase the minimum price for the farmer which lead to record crop in the following season. wat else do u want them to do?

Let me guess: OH! He was making deals with Musharraf & the US. Damn.

and musharraf who was in the gov was busy making deal with zardari while ignoring a most important issue of food stock. isnt it? why blame zardari who was not even in the govt when musharraf was exporting surplus wheat stock?

Yes, PML-N has a track record of promoting agricultural awareness and tech in Pakistan, especially in Punjab which is backbone of Pakistan food supply.

so punjab is a backbone of pakistan food supply because of pml n? lol. i thought it was due to the God given fertile land, rivers, and irrigation system which Britishers made.

they own mills but they also have been instrumental in uplifting the farming community.

same can be said about ppp. what proof do you have to deny it.

They are at fault for allowing the US to continue drone attacks that kills 93% innocent civilians, and adds the much needed fuel to the fire of terrorism.

if ppp is so gut less then why didnt our army spoke against drone attacks. last i remember they didnt waste a minute to speak against kerry luger bill. the answer is obvious. and that is that our intelligence agency is secretly helping US in carrying the drone attacks. so go ask army why they are letting US do that?

Suicide bomb attacks have only increased killing thousands of civilians and so have the Drone attacks. This is the result of the PPP government's policies.

hmmmmmm :coffee:

Ever wondered what Britian did to curb the IRA from bombing their cities?

yup they talked. and we tried to do the same in swat but failed miserably. remember???

So you agree with destroying their economies, homes and livelyhood, plunging them into sheer poverty and chaos, and then giving them Rs. 2000/month cheques for survival?

who is bombing their houses? drone attacks are only happening in Fata and that also with the consent of army. and if you read news, many in fata support drone attacks.
and i dont see how did the ppp government destroyed their economy. its was taliban instead who killed tribal elders, didnt allow girls to go to schools, closed all barber shops, blew up colleges and market places, kidnapped their children to train them in making bombs.

BISP is not only confined to FATA. its for whole pakistan. FATA people actually got a lot more in terms of government assistance. remember government gave 25000 to each displaced family? and this is other than food, shelter, medicine etc.

What right does the PPP have to use his wife's name? Does the PPP/Benazir own Pakistan? Do we live in a monarchy? If not, then how can they give a Politicians name to state sponsored program?

lik is said, name doesnt make any difference. Quaid e Azam is not interested in getting BISP renamed to Jinnah income support programme. he is only interested in poor people gettin some help.

It's a sheer marketing/publicity strategy by the PPP to further fool the masses.

now wat can i say about this. you won here.

Can you name any other democratic welfare state that uses such names??

lolzzz...... again there is nothing in the name. y fight over it.

I really can't believe you're justifying such low publicity of the PPP govn't that has zero credibility in the eyes of the masses.

ask those who are getting the money. and they will tell you its importance.

Did Quad-e-Azam call you up from his grave just to tell of how satisfied he was with the PPP's policy of naming a state sponsored program after Benazir? :rofl:

hahahhahahahahhaa..................... man if u guarantee me that, ill tell ppp gov to change pakistan's name to bainaziristan. atleast then ill be able to meet Quaid e Azam :smitten:

You have yet to explain why Zardari's based PPP did not restore Judges after taking oath, did not curtail presidential powers, amongst other things they promised the public? Does it really take 2 years to do that?

about restoration of judiciary i have already agreed that i praise nawaz sharif for his effort. wat else do you want me to say???
about curtailing presidential powers well yes it does take 2 years when other parties are saying that they will not vote unless their demands are met. you need 2/3rd majority which you dont get if you ignore small provincial parties.

Utter rubbish. it's only buying time and playing with the public.

its not rubbish at all. wat nawaz sharif is saying is rubbish. he is saying that you shouldnt have tied up removal of 17th amendment with constitutional package. well how can you get rid 17th amendment when small parties say they wont support it if their demands are not met?

I can see how cooperation with Iran has incrased when Iran accused Pakistan of sponsoring terrorism on its soil, refering to the Jundullah suicide attack that killed Iranian generals.

i dont remember if iran has said anything recently. rather they are happy. remember pakistan helped them catch jundullah leader? in early days of ppp things were rough with iran due to bad policies of previous gov.

The oil pipelines and other regional agreements are all outcome of Gen Musharraf era. PPP has absolutely no role in it.

ok. so ppp gov does not even deserve some credit for brining this deal to its logical conclusion despite international pressure?

With this conclusion, Your argument has lost all credibility.

anything else??:what:

It's pointless to argue with some1 that accepts and supports nefariously corrupt and unmoral political figures who have cheated the nation times and again, and have come to power once again, they have zero credibility.

yup its pointless to argue with me because i speak logic.

As the saying goes that befits your argument...Cheat Me Once, Shame on You; Cheat Me Twice, Shame on Me

yup. but i think this following sounds a lot better. 'hit me baby one more time.....' what do you think??:pakistan:
Which foreign player threw spanner in the works?’

Saturday, March 27, 2010

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: The foreign minister of a European country is said to have quietly played a role in delaying the tabling of the 18th Amendment in Parliament, fearing that the proposed “demolition” of the office of the president through these sweeping changes might not be good news for all the stakeholders of the state.

Who could it be? David Miliband?:undecided: He is trying to be a hero these days. He has to say something about everything.
Who is Mr. Qureshi to judge a party's or an individual's loyalty towards Pakistan??

Constitution can only be amended by the Parliamentarians, period!

Failure of Nawaz Sharif to act in time of need can't be justified by non-sense.

ANP represent NWFP and they have the right to decide the name of their province.

NS is on a self destruct mode, now he is blaming Babar Awan for the entire delay:

Sharif said that he did not sabotage the reforms but acted out of national interest. He instead put all the blame on Law Minister Babar Awan, saying it was his premature announcement that led to the entire episode.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Sharif says he acted out of national interest

I request my brothers and sisters from Punjab to vote sensibly in the city govt and next gen elections.

Vote for ANP, APML, TI, PPPP, MQM, PML-Q anybody but this clown.

mate these are trying times for all of us, as pakistanis it is our foremost responsibility to ensure we are united as punjabis sindhis balochis and pashtuns, we will have to make up for the blunders of our politicians but calling them out like this will not serve any purpose. All of the choices you mentioned have leaders that have made worse blunders than Nawaz

A ANP minister said that NWFP should go for a "bengali model"

PPP, zardari ? need i say more

PML-Q, shujat ? the mighty akhrot. remember these are the guys who got us into all this mess ?

MQM, whose leader says that even today he is with the taliban ?

others are too trivial to mention

but do you see the point here, no one party is perfect let the time come and we'll try and make a sensible descion but to boycott a party for one blunder is hardly right. Need i remind you that this is the same party who had the biggest part in restoring judiciary ? this is the party that damned every move zardari made to rob this country of whatever it had left.. nawaz could have created a hell lot of trouble for PPP, but they silently stepped aside just so democracy could return to Pakistan..try and look at the bigger picture
but do you see the point here, no one party is perfect let the time come and we'll try and make a sensible descion but to boycott a party for one blunder is hardly right. Need i remind you that this is the same party who had the biggest part in restoring judiciary ? this is the party that damned every move zardari made to rob this country of whatever it had left.. nawaz could have created a hell lot of trouble for PPP, but they silently stepped aside just so democracy could return to Pakistan..try and look at the bigger picture

We are not a perfect nation therefore we don't have perfect leaders.

Stop looking for perfect leaders and settle for the lot we have.

What have PML-N done for Punjab in the last two years??

Pakistan has been a democractic country since 1990 and it will take a lot of tolerance from the everyday Joe for Pakistan to be a complete democratic nation.

NS has stepped aside silently because he knows that his party is no match for the PPPP politically.
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