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PM Shehbaz renews offer of charter of economy


Dec 14, 2008
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Lol, all the same sides of the coin:-

PM Shehbaz renews offer of charter of economy

Dawn.com Published August 13, 2022 Updated about 5 hours ago

<p>Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addresses the nation on Saturday. — DawnNewsTV</p>

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addresses the nation on Saturday. — DawnNewsTV
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressed the nation on Saturday night and renewed his offer of a charter of economy.
The prime minister's address came on the eve of August 14.
"It is the need of time that we as a nation continue our course in the right direction and don't allow national interest to be sacrificed at the altar of personal ego and stubbornness."

The prime minister said the government had committed itself to taking the country on the path of economic independence, adding that a "conception of freedom" without the former was impossible.
PM Shehbaz credited the government's economic policies, such as clamping down on unnecessary imports, for the rupee's continuous appreciation against the US dollar.

"By adopting austerity, we will depend on our own resources like self-independent nations."
The prime minister said the government had "worked hard day and night" to take the country out of the current economic crisis in a short time, because of which the country was saved from financial default.
PM Shehbaz blamed the PTI government's economic policies and decisions for much of the country's woes, adding that it left the country's biggest trade deficit in history for which loans had to be taken from allied nations and international financial institutions.
"Is this real freedom?"
He alleged the previous government's created financial crisis had made the situation more "critical". "It's almost as if financial destituteness has become our national character which our elders would never even have envisioned," Shehbaz added.

'Seeds of hate'​

On the country celebrating 75 years of independence, the prime minister paid tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan's establishment and congratulated every Pakistani around the world.
However, he said the "reality" was that the people had only celebrated independence day in name for the last 75 years, instead of adopting its "real aims".
"That is why my heart is distressed. We must openly admit that we couldn't give our children that of which they were rightfully deserving."
He questioned why the nation was still in search of a destination and subject to various crises, foremost being the economic crisis.
The prime minister said the country also faced a crisis of sentiments, explaining that "seeds of hate" were being sown and the nation was being divided.
Despite that, he said the country's past was filled with examples of pulling through with hard work and passion, such as the establishment of Pakistan or the completion of the nation's nuclear programme.
The prime minister also pointed to the recent success of Pakistani athletes in the Commonwealth Games for raising the country's banner high on the international stage.
PM Shehbaz stressed that hope and optimism were the only options to follow, adding that there were opportunities in every crisis.
He also said that real political leadership thought of the future of coming generations, not politics.
In his last address to the nation on July 14, PM Shehbaz had announced a cut in fuel prices.
He had reserved special praises for Finance Minister Miftah Ismail for his part in reviving the loan facility with the International Monetary Fund but hoped that the current deal would be the last one.
Here comes the biggest piece of trash of the century yet again...charter of economy.

In short, it says 'We do not have any thing else to show, so we will just pin it on you that your opposition is disabling our success, so let's call a truce'.
Lol, all the same sides of the coin:-

PM Shehbaz renews offer of charter of economy

Dawn.com Published August 13, 2022 Updated about 5 hours ago

<p>Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addresses the nation on Saturday. — DawnNewsTV</p>

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addresses the nation on Saturday. — DawnNewsTV
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressed the nation on Saturday night and renewed his offer of a charter of economy.
The prime minister's address came on the eve of August 14.
"It is the need of time that we as a nation continue our course in the right direction and don't allow national interest to be sacrificed at the altar of personal ego and stubbornness."

The prime minister said the government had committed itself to taking the country on the path of economic independence, adding that a "conception of freedom" without the former was impossible.
PM Shehbaz credited the government's economic policies, such as clamping down on unnecessary imports, for the rupee's continuous appreciation against the US dollar.

"By adopting austerity, we will depend on our own resources like self-independent nations."
The prime minister said the government had "worked hard day and night" to take the country out of the current economic crisis in a short time, because of which the country was saved from financial default.
PM Shehbaz blamed the PTI government's economic policies and decisions for much of the country's woes, adding that it left the country's biggest trade deficit in history for which loans had to be taken from allied nations and international financial institutions.
"Is this real freedom?"
He alleged the previous government's created financial crisis had made the situation more "critical". "It's almost as if financial destituteness has become our national character which our elders would never even have envisioned," Shehbaz added.

'Seeds of hate'​

On the country celebrating 75 years of independence, the prime minister paid tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan's establishment and congratulated every Pakistani around the world.
However, he said the "reality" was that the people had only celebrated independence day in name for the last 75 years, instead of adopting its "real aims".
"That is why my heart is distressed. We must openly admit that we couldn't give our children that of which they were rightfully deserving."
He questioned why the nation was still in search of a destination and subject to various crises, foremost being the economic crisis.
The prime minister said the country also faced a crisis of sentiments, explaining that "seeds of hate" were being sown and the nation was being divided.
Despite that, he said the country's past was filled with examples of pulling through with hard work and passion, such as the establishment of Pakistan or the completion of the nation's nuclear programme.
The prime minister also pointed to the recent success of Pakistani athletes in the Commonwealth Games for raising the country's banner high on the international stage.
PM Shehbaz stressed that hope and optimism were the only options to follow, adding that there were opportunities in every crisis.
He also said that real political leadership thought of the future of coming generations, not politics.
In his last address to the nation on July 14, PM Shehbaz had announced a cut in fuel prices.
He had reserved special praises for Finance Minister Miftah Ismail for his part in reviving the loan facility with the International Monetary Fund but hoped that the current deal would be the last one.
We propose
1- kick backs should be allowed and enshrined
2- no questions on wealth beyond means so we can get max kick backs
3- lets not stigmatize corruption
4- we should alternate every 5 yrs the center,
with KP punjab and sindh being home ground for each party while housing societies is exculsive right of thr core commanders
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I think we desperately need charter of economy as any change in Government usually leads to loss of investors confidence.

We need to separate economy with politics and let the economic sector form independent policies
We need a charter of economy, joke around all you want but for pakistans sake it is very important

You need to sit together and figure shit out
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Lol, all the same sides of the coin:-

PM Shehbaz renews offer of charter of economy

Dawn.com Published August 13, 2022 Updated about 5 hours ago

<p>Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addresses the nation on Saturday. — DawnNewsTV</p>

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addresses the nation on Saturday. — DawnNewsTV
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressed the nation on Saturday night and renewed his offer of a charter of economy.
The prime minister's address came on the eve of August 14.
"It is the need of time that we as a nation continue our course in the right direction and don't allow national interest to be sacrificed at the altar of personal ego and stubbornness."

The prime minister said the government had committed itself to taking the country on the path of economic independence, adding that a "conception of freedom" without the former was impossible.
PM Shehbaz credited the government's economic policies, such as clamping down on unnecessary imports, for the rupee's continuous appreciation against the US dollar.

"By adopting austerity, we will depend on our own resources like self-independent nations."
The prime minister said the government had "worked hard day and night" to take the country out of the current economic crisis in a short time, because of which the country was saved from financial default.
PM Shehbaz blamed the PTI government's economic policies and decisions for much of the country's woes, adding that it left the country's biggest trade deficit in history for which loans had to be taken from allied nations and international financial institutions.
"Is this real freedom?"
He alleged the previous government's created financial crisis had made the situation more "critical". "It's almost as if financial destituteness has become our national character which our elders would never even have envisioned," Shehbaz added.

'Seeds of hate'​

On the country celebrating 75 years of independence, the prime minister paid tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan's establishment and congratulated every Pakistani around the world.
However, he said the "reality" was that the people had only celebrated independence day in name for the last 75 years, instead of adopting its "real aims".
"That is why my heart is distressed. We must openly admit that we couldn't give our children that of which they were rightfully deserving."
He questioned why the nation was still in search of a destination and subject to various crises, foremost being the economic crisis.
The prime minister said the country also faced a crisis of sentiments, explaining that "seeds of hate" were being sown and the nation was being divided.
Despite that, he said the country's past was filled with examples of pulling through with hard work and passion, such as the establishment of Pakistan or the completion of the nation's nuclear programme.
The prime minister also pointed to the recent success of Pakistani athletes in the Commonwealth Games for raising the country's banner high on the international stage.
PM Shehbaz stressed that hope and optimism were the only options to follow, adding that there were opportunities in every crisis.
He also said that real political leadership thought of the future of coming generations, not politics.
In his last address to the nation on July 14, PM Shehbaz had announced a cut in fuel prices.
He had reserved special praises for Finance Minister Miftah Ismail for his part in reviving the loan facility with the International Monetary Fund but hoped that the current deal would be the last one.

PAKISTANI NATIONAL WATCH IMRAN KHAN Jalsa as compare to tooti phutti PM speech ...!!
2.4M vs 25K :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl:
2022-08-14 05_15_16-ARY News - YouTube.png
We need to separate economy with politics and let the economic sector form independent policies

Thing is, this can happen without a charter of economy, IF the economic policies are actually for economic benefit rather than short term political benefit (before any one takes the topic there, this is for both sides).

Moreover, if there is no political engineering, then the market will not lose confidence. The only reason the market is losing confidence these days is because no one knows how long the government will stay. Why does no one know? Because this government came from the back door rather than getting elected. If they were actually elected and came in with due process, then they would have 5 years to do as they please and no one will question them and the market will know keh 5 saal to kaheen nhn gaye.

Idhr har 3 saal baad baray sahab ko agr banda pasand na aye to woh badalwa dete hain, and we are back to square one. This is where the uncertainty breeds from.

Contiuation of policy for 5 years is at least needed.

And I believe that politics and economics are very closely intertwined, and cannot be separated. Take the example of Republican vs Democrat policies. Everyone knows where both parties stand with regards to economics, and they do that precisely because of the political leanings.

Generally, Democrats gear their economic policies to benefit low- and middle-income families. They argue that reducing income inequality is the best way to foster economic growth. Low-income families are more likely to spend discretionary money on necessities instead of saving or investing it. That directly increases demand and spurs economic growth. Democrats also traditionally support a Keynesian economic theory, which says that the government should spend its way out of a recession.

Republicans advocate supply-side economics that primarily benefits businesses and investors. This theory states that tax cuts on businesses allow them to hire more workers, in turn increasing demand and growth. In theory, the increased revenue from a stronger economy offsets the initial revenue loss over time.

Charter of economy by PDM simply means we do not get asked about our economic performance, nothing else. Do not criticize our policies or what we do. Moreover, if there is a charter, and everybody agrees on one thing...then what happens if it fails? Who do you turn to then?

Ab criticizing the other party for increasing fuel prices when global prices are at ATH's, yeh to ab beghairti hai and this doesn't need a CoE to resolve, it needs sincere politics to the country.
I think we desperately need charter of economy as any change in Government usually leads to loss of investors confidence.

We need to separate economy with politics and let the economic sector form independent policies
Investors need xharter of democracy i.e follow the law and punish all corruption and dont apointment incompetent people.
The only three more things would be state bank independence fiscal dicipline and export subsidies

But all of these are againsts charter of corruption(signed earlier)
You can't have a charter of anything with a corrupt thief who has been indicted with open and shut cases pending in the neutrals controlled courts.

IK has refused to even meet with this pathetic chhota sharif of the criminal enterprise.
Shahbaz is the hero that Pakistan needs. But looking at how people dismiss all his well meaning suggestions, perhaps he is not the hero that Pakistan deserves :disagree:
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