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PM Modi’s silence on LAC stand-off is benefiting China. India must change its script

Whatever this means. Let us try to make sense of your remarks.

Talk to whom? About what?

I am saying bluntly that you don't know where Prachanda became a communist. I am saying that China had nothing to do with it. I am saying that you really need to do your research before putting together these disconnected thoughts.

Sorry, but this needs some blunt talk.

Ignorance is not sincerity.
Knowledge is not hypocrisy.

You really need to get your thinking sorted.

And your simple unsupported statement is enough to establish that?

[quoteThere is no point in dilly dallying and showing vulnerability to whatever nations we have in this world .
Nepal want those areas . And India cant hand over that also .

Why not? What is the strategic point of those areas? I am not suggesting handing them over, I am suggesting that your statements do not make any sense.

So you have no opinion about anything that you have not experienced personally?

Well, there goes the Special Theory of Relativity.

That is what I have already pointed out to you. It's all words; nothing happens, only posturing for the camera.

Nothing due to our efforts. Entirely due to the Maldives people themselves.

Again, just words. All governments in India have been democratic. Not all governments in India have made such a mess. Some others have made messes, but not on this scale.[/QUOTE]

Let us agree to disagree.
With due respect sir .There is no such thing of love or hate in this world .Particularly among the nations .
All of our neighbours are looking for one reason or another .

Talk to a lots of them.
Common people can says a lot .

Ok .
Then can you bluntly say the Chinese didnt have any hand in the growth of communism in Nepal?

Knowledge is not hypocrisy but when it twaeks for your own suite then it is hypocrisy.

How can you outrightly says that there is no strategic value in those areas?
Its like what Nehru told about Aksai Chin .

Certain things can only reach to a conclusion only if we have enough documents to support it .

Will mention you after the first Rafale is here .

Sorry ?
Everyone knows what was happened in Maldives

Ya right .
What an irony ,we had the govts that suspended the civil rights .Nurtured LTTE in neighbouring nations .
Years of Khalistan movement .
Ya right .
Everything is because of this govt .
And that was the responsibility of my building watchman?

So? Does that disprove the argument?

Why is it so high for these alone?

You have figures that are different from these?

Or, as usual, you wish you had figures different from these, but since you don't, you feel entitled to make remarks about what it would have been if your wishes had been true.


The Akhund was the Emir of Swat.

Even by your not very high standards, tonight seems to be a difficult night.

So you would be in the front to blame the watchman when covid takes it toll without any basic ppe or kits or support ?
Damn if you did ,Damn if you dont .One thing I can be sure is I cant become a hypocrite because I didnt support any ism and any idealogies .

Knowledge is nothing if you have any idealogy that controls it .

Still you are just avoiding the core issue .
Your guy said 4 those nations are authoritarian .
So I asked you China was successful because that wasnt authoritarian ?
Arent they authoritarian ?

The usual bunch of stupid Sanghis, intent on preserving Modi's honour; Pakistani fanboys resorting to abuse because they can't think of anything else to say; phony military analysts who haven't got out of short pants but know that conscription armies will help them win the war against India THIS time; Chinese wags fingering me to get a funny word or two - the usual. Nothing useful, unless you would care to look at one of the two or three worthwhile threads, the one on India Pakistan conflicts.

There is no point in blaming or stamping somebodys as Sanghis because their opinion doesnt go along with you .
Nor anyone need to save the honor of PM Modi .
Thanks to the people like you and opposition .
The man is already in another level where there is no more of genuine criticism affect him .
Why not? What is the strategic point of those areas? I am not suggesting handing them over, I am suggesting that your statements do not make any sense.

So you have no opinion about anything that you have not experienced personally?

Well, there goes the Special Theory of Relativity.

That is what I have already pointed out to you. It's all words; nothing happens, only posturing for the camera.

Nothing due to our efforts. Entirely due to the Maldives people themselves.

Again, just words. All governments in India have been democratic. Not all governments in India have made such a mess. Some others have made messes, but not on this scale.

Let us agree to disagree.

That was a foregone conclusion.

With due respect sir .There is no such thing of love or hate in this world .Particularly among the nations .
All of our neighbours are looking for one reason or another .

There is a difference between having neither love nor hate for another neighbouring nation, and irrational behaviour going out of their way to harm or impede India.

What you are suggesting is not that they are clinically interested in their own objectives, that is all right, but that they are all irrational, and stay up nights not worrying about their own people and their upliftment, but spending time working out India's doom. Perhaps you should stop watching films like Mr. India.

Talk to a lots of them.
Common people can says a lot .

What did you get that was exceptional?

Ok .
Then can you bluntly say the Chinese didnt have any hand in the growth of communism in Nepal?

So you have not done your homework, and simply want to emphasise your own prejudice.

Knowledge is not hypocrisy but when it twaeks for your own suite then it is hypocrisy.

Again, meaningless words. Just putting knowledge and hypocrisy into the same sentence makes no difference. It remains gibberish.

How can you outrightly says that there is no strategic value in those areas?
Its like what Nehru told about Aksai Chin .

Because I think, I study, I listen, I read....try those some time. At the moment, you are in the position of the lower division clerk afraid to throw away even the most insignificant scrap of paper because he is not sure what is valuable and what is not.

Certain things can only reach to a conclusion only if we have enough documents to support it .

Filed under platitudes to fill up space and sound wise.

Will mention you after the first Rafale is here .

Again I emphasise - NOTHING has happened yet. Even if it happens tomorrow, it will have been a period of inaction and ineffectiveness.

Sorry ?
Everyone knows what was happened in Maldives

Yes and it is for that reason that everyone also agrees that nothing was due to the actions of the present government. Either spell out your reasons for suggesting that there was active action taken, or leave this out of the conversation. This applies universally; please do not argue that it is well known, or everybody knows, or all nations do this that or the other, and platitudes of that sort. Please come with evidence and fact.

Ya right .
What an irony ,we had the govts that suspended the civil rights .Nurtured LTTE in neighbouring nations .
Years of Khalistan movement .
Ya right .
Everything is because of this govt .

Please see the suggestion above. Facts only please, not a narration of what you think was wrong with no proof or logical argument or reasoning.

So you would be in the front to blame the watchman when covid takes it toll without any basic ppe or kits or support ?
Damn if you did ,Damn if you dont .One thing I can be sure is I cant become a hypocrite because I didnt support any ism and any idealogies .

If the government is not responsible for the safety of the people, is it a government fit to rule?
If some individual apologist suggests that it was a herculean task, is it not appropriate to point out that other governments have coped, and coped well?
And do leave out the self-pity; it is irrelevant except in your personal memoirs.

Knowledge is nothing if you have any idealogy that controls it .

Filed under platitude.
Some more you can use in some other discussion:
  • Moonlight is nothing without regret for the flowers that are not there.
  • Coffee is great because it is not tea.
  • Buildings have no feelings, but merely block the view of the horizon.
  • Ideas are ideology when they are not theology.
Procedure for use: slip one into a discussion, any discussion, subject doesn't matter. Then sit back and feel wise. That feeling is a great substitute for wisdom (yes, you may use this also).

Still you are just avoiding the core issue .
Your guy said 4 those nations are authoritarian .
So I asked you China was successful because that wasnt authoritarian ?
Arent they authoritarian ?

Of course they are. How does that change the situation? Please look up Eric Berne and his analysis of NIGYYSOB.

There is no point in blaming or stamping somebodys as Sanghis because their opinion doesnt go along with you .

Great axiom. The corollary: there is no harm in stamping a lackey of the Sangh Parivar as a Sanghi, even if he argues that the coincidence of his views with those of the Sanghis is pure, cosmic coincidence.

Nor anyone need to save the honor of PM Modi .
Thanks to the people like you and opposition .
The man is already in another level where there is no more of genuine criticism affect him .

In other words, no effort needs to be made to retrieve his reputation as you do not have the facts, the skills or the conviction, so it is best to say that criticism is not applicable to him, as he is special.

I think a Class 10 schoolboy could do better than this.
how many interviews xi has given on this standoff? how many questions did you asked xi for losing face in Doklam? go and do that first
I cannot understand why the Indians are so happy building a road inside their own territory, China don't even claim that place. The bridge is just an excuse mate, China just wanna put India in its place. Lololol.

Positioning up the heights of Galwan will enable China to destroy that artery. You can build whatever you want. It means nothing. Lololol.

Clutching by straws. lol

They need something to cheer up their billion plus nation even if it doesn't make sense at all.
That was a foregone conclusion.

There is a difference between having neither love nor hate for another neighbouring nation, and irrational behaviour going out of their way to harm or impede India.

What you are suggesting is not that they are clinically interested in their own objectives, that is all right, but that they are all irrational, and stay up nights not worrying about their own people and their upliftment, but spending time working out India's doom. Perhaps you should stop watching films like Mr. India.

What did you get that was exceptional?

So you have not done your homework, and simply want to emphasise your own prejudice.

Again, meaningless words. Just putting knowledge and hypocrisy into the same sentence makes no difference. It remains gibberish.

Because I think, I study, I listen, I read....try those some time. At the moment, you are in the position of the lower division clerk afraid to throw away even the most insignificant scrap of paper because he is not sure what is valuable and what is not.

Filed under platitudes to fill up space and sound wise.

Again I emphasise - NOTHING has happened yet. Even if it happens tomorrow, it will have been a period of inaction and ineffectiveness.

Yes and it is for that reason that everyone also agrees that nothing was due to the actions of the present government. Either spell out your reasons for suggesting that there was active action taken, or leave this out of the conversation. This applies universally; please do not argue that it is well known, or everybody knows, or all nations do this that or the other, and platitudes of that sort. Please come with evidence and fact.

Please see the suggestion above. Facts only please, not a narration of what you think was wrong with no proof or logical argument or reasoning.

If the government is not responsible for the safety of the people, is it a government fit to rule?
If some individual apologist suggests that it was a herculean task, is it not appropriate to point out that other governments have coped, and coped well?
And do leave out the self-pity; it is irrelevant except in your personal memoirs.

Filed under platitude.
Some more you can use in some other discussion:
  • Moonlight is nothing without regret for the flowers that are not there.
  • Coffee is great because it is not tea.
  • Buildings have no feelings, but merely block the view of the horizon.
  • Ideas are ideology when they are not theology.
Procedure for use: slip one into a discussion, any discussion, subject doesn't matter. Then sit back and feel wise. That feeling is a great substitute for wisdom (yes, you may use this also).

Of course they are. How does that change the situation? Please look up Eric Berne and his analysis of NIGYYSOB.

Great axiom. The corollary: there is no harm in stamping a lackey of the Sangh Parivar as a Sanghi, even if he argues that the coincidence of his views with those of the Sanghis is pure, cosmic coincidence.

In other words, no effort needs to be made to retrieve his reputation as you do not have the facts, the skills or the conviction, so it is best to say that criticism is not applicable to him, as he is special.

I think a Class 10 schoolboy could do better than this.

Intelluctuals always do reading ,writing and talking .
We have fair share of IFS officials like Dr TP Sreenivasan etc .

But ultimately it ends up in one question.
Assumption and logical reasoning is different but reality is different.
Do we have the access of the ground situations in LAC ?

I know you can play with words .
But that doesnt change anything
I don't know what will happen next but I hope pakistan will send reinforcement because India can attack pakistan and take revenge by cutting the highway that connect pakistan with china. It's better to be ready. We can't trust India now. India can do anything but I don't think that India can face China again.to divert public attention and to reduce anger, they will attack pakistan and everyone in India will become happy. Pakistan should prepare to defend herself.
Intelluctuals always do reading ,writing and talking .
We have fair share of IFS officials like Dr TP Sreenivasan etc .

But ultimately it ends up in one question.
Assumption and logical reasoning is different but reality is different.
Do we have the access of the ground situations in LAC ?

I know you can play with words .
But that doesnt change anything

I know that you cannot play with anything, and that changes everything; you are forced into platitudes. Is there a book of these that you use? Some examples:
  • Intellectuals always do reading, writing and talking.
    Corollary: Nobody else reads, writes or talks.
  • Assumption and logical reasoning is different but reality is different.
    Corollary: We know the difference between these three.
  • ....you can play with words. But that doesn't change anything.
    Corollary: You cannot play with words, and that changes everything.
Do you ever pause to look at what you have written and refrain from posting? That is the difference between assumption and logical reasoning, and reality; you might assume that your posts make sense, you might think that you are using logical reasoning and therefore your arguments must be valid, but the reality is that your posts neither make sense nor are your arguments valid.

Go home and lie down.
I know that you cannot play with anything, and that changes everything; you are forced into platitudes. Is there a book of these that you use? Some examples:
  • Intellectuals always do reading, writing and talking.
    Corollary: Nobody else reads, writes or talks.
  • Assumption and logical reasoning is different but reality is different.
    Corollary: We know the difference between these three.
  • ....you can play with words. But that doesn't change anything.
    Corollary: You cannot play with words, and that changes everything.
Do you ever pause to look at what you have written and refrain from posting? That is the difference between assumption and logical reasoning, and reality; you might assume that your posts make sense, you might think that you are using logical reasoning and therefore your arguments must be valid, but the reality is that your posts neither make sense nor are your arguments valid.

Go home and lie down.

Same to you sir ,
Your post always revolving around the vocabulary skills and sheer size of reading .
Field experience is entirely different thing .
I know the man of your stature knows that.
I am not that experienced like you .
But had fair share of reading and thinking .
But often the things happened in reality was very different .
So that is why I wont say my doubts are valid or your conclusions are valid (unless you have direct access to the things happens in LAC ,which is of course also I dont know)
Same to you sir ,
Your post always revolving around the vocabulary skills and sheer size of reading .
Field experience is entirely different thing .
I know the man of your stature knows that.
I am not that experienced like you .

If my field experience is more than yours (40 years), and if my reading and writing skills are more than yours, in what capacity are you examining my ideas? :D

But had fair share of reading and thinking .
But often the things happened in reality was very different .
So that is why I wont say my doubts are valid or your conclusions are valid (unless you have direct access to the things happens in LAC ,which is of course also I dont know)
If my field experience is more than yours (40 years), and if my reading and writing skills are more than yours, in what capacity are you examining my ideas? :D

Because somethings are always out of someone reach ..
You knows everything that PMO handles ?
There is a lots of things that we dont know .

What I heard is that you will still learn new things until your death .
Because somethings are always out of someone reach ..
You knows everything that PMO handles ?
There is a lots of things that we dont know .

What I heard is that you will still learn new things until your death .

Very true, and one of the things that might be learnt, by others, is that the PMO cannot be a substitute for the Cabinet.

One reason why our foreign policy, our financial management, our economic development, our management of the Covid-19 epidemic, all are in a shambles.

You seem to have forgotten that I was not comparing myself to the PMO; I was comparing myself to you.
Very true, and one of the things that might be learnt, by others, is that the PMO cannot be a substitute for the Cabinet.

One reason why our foreign policy, our financial management, our economic development, our management of the Covid-19 epidemic, all are in a shambles.

Only the future will tell .
What do you want him to say? "Sorry guys, we are too weak and powerless to take our conquered land back from China".

A country that is too weak, powerless and scared to take on the Pakistani military is really going to mess with a global superpower like China?.......:disagree:.........:lol:
Give me a list of how many countries right now are militarily more powerful then China?
That doesnt mean they will get their way. Their are ways to deal with them and it will be exercised. Gonna be vassals of China wont understand.
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