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PM Modi’s INS Arihant Message Today Was For Pakistan, Not China

Ok so an army half of your size stating that we will nuke your armies with tactical nukes if your army under any scenario overpower our army and so stay away from any misadventure is somehow a blackmail.

Whats wrong with these Indian Analysts? They always start up with insurgency and terrorism, then instantly lead up to state level total warfare and threat our existence as a country and our response to such ridiculous claims becomes a reason for hue and cry and blackmailing.

Get over it, the likes of BS Dhanoa, Bippin Rawat and Modi, The days of absolute numerical superiority are gone tell your public your armies are just twice or 2.5 times as big as the 7 times smaller foe and not 5 6 times larger as in the past. Plus having active nukes means the dreams of Total Capitulation are long gone Live with it. And try to live along with the usual friction that is always there between neighbors having territorial disputes.
Yes Pakistan have Problems with terrorism and non state actors creating a mess even with support of some circles from influence. But this pathetic cry baby behavior will do no harm to us just will create more hate between these two populous countries which is not good for both nations at any level
It's a big deal idiot, you wouldn't have an SSBN anytime soon..

I want to know more about Chinese SSBNs deployed in the IOR about Mr. British Pakistani Grocery Shop Owner...
Abey Gadhey, what does a persons profession or nature of business has to do with the topic but then i guess your Dalit teacher never taught you anything about manners. True amongst my other businesses, i also have a convenience store which sells food items, something that prompted your cousin Tej Bahdur to cry out for.
As for your big deal, you characters like to shout about everything even when you managed to capture some Pigeon. As for the rest of your racket, read your own media going into a melt down.


Abey Gadhey, what does a persons profession or nature of business has to do with the topic but then i guess your Dalit teacher never taught you anything about manners. True amongst my other businesses, i also have a convenience store which sells food items, something that prompted your cousin Tej Bahdur to cry out for.
As for your big deal, you characters like to shout about everything even when you managed to capture some Pigeon. As for the rest of your racket, read your own media going into a melt down.



Looks like I touched a raw nerve there...

BTW I clearly remember mentioning Chinese SSBN deployments in the IOR

The articles talk about SSNs.
First. Indians is afraid of Pakistan. Considering India being a sole supapower in South Asia but have to deploy a SSN in the India ocean speak volume of Pak capability in the region.

Second. Indians are afraid of China.

Third. Indians are scare of both Pak and China.
PAK in these post talking about what US has done now talk about China....:rofl::rofl: they cant talk about PAK...

First. Indians is afraid of Pakistan. Considering India being a sole supapower in South Asia but have to deploy a SSN in the India ocean speak volume of Pak capability in the region.

Second. Indians are afraid of China.

Third. Indians are scare of both Pak and China.
lol. Russia / US stand behind India couple with Aus / Japan enough to make China RUN and pak to send to again for crying... lol:rofl::rofl:
Have they mated their missiles yet with the sub, let alone test lunch from it? All their previous test were done using static pontoon. :coffee:
Modi ji gave apt message to the enemy that empty rhetoric and nuclear blackmail won't work ,we have our toys ready and any nuclear "tactical strike" sheikh chilli dreams will lead to you know what.
Modi knows he is no match for China, all Indian weapon are for Pakistan. As usual Indian leadership have to assure their public that they are not afraid of Pakistan on monthly basis, actions do speak otherwise though.

China and India war is unlikely intact almost guaranteed nothing will happen

China has enough disputes in south China sea with Japan Vietnam USA and south Korea already . They don't need conflict with India on top of this .

However indo pak war is ten times more likely and thus. We are preparing for this very very well

We aare inducting systems your Pakistanis can never match even in decades times

I'm talking
Nuke subs
Rafale fighters
S400 Sam systems

These are simply not attaun
China and India war is unlikely intact almost guaranteed nothing will happen

China has enough disputes in south China sea with Japan Vietnam USA and south Korea already . They don't need conflict with India on top of this .

However indo pak war is ten times more likely and thus. We are preparing for this very very well

We aare inducting systems your Pakistanis can never match even in decades times

I'm talking
Nuke subs
Rafale fighters
S400 Sam systems

These are simply not attaun

Indian peeing on his pants?

Japanese and Koreans have nothing to do with South China Sea.

At least get your facts right if you wanna hide your insecurities by pulling in USA :omghaha:
Modi knows he is no match for China, all Indian weapon are for Pakistan. As usual Indian leadership have to assure their public that they are not afraid of Pakistan on monthly basis, actions do speak otherwise though.
Don't need weapons to send China scurrying back - we saw that in Doklam.
Jeez chesty, we have 3 cities to make the entire country collapse which can be done by SRBMs at the border, what possible scare could it be by a sub that gingerly went about on a cautious route and that too mostly at shallow depth?
On the other hand, our deterrent is going to still bypass all the BMD hoopla comfortably and take out those who value living for the next day.
We can die under a national concept of going to heaven and meeting gorgeous women and men, you guys die most of it is wondering if you come back as a human, cow or cockroach.
It’s basic psychology and we have the edge.
China and India war is unlikely intact almost guaranteed nothing will happen

China has enough disputes in south China sea with Japan Vietnam USA and south Korea already . They don't need conflict with India on top of this .

However indo pak war is ten times more likely and thus. We are preparing for this very very well

We aare inducting systems your Pakistanis can never match even in decades times

I'm talking
Nuke subs
Rafale fighters
S400 Sam systems

These are simply not attaun

yes we will never match them just like you will never have guts to use them
I am not the one that said "Stop Derailing the Thread" when I responded to your question.

Read this


To this day, I still have not hear the response from that. So….

Well, Chicken go Chook :) LOL.
Still no respond since July? :omghaha:



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