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PM Modi vists Ladakh Frontline Troops

Thanks ,bt I m using mobile phone
If using PC etc.. At top of page you will have your profile name written, go on it/click it, click/go to personal details. On personal details page there is country and location options with drop down options. Select your country and at bottom of page, click save changes.
I guess, that should do it.
or request help from mods/admin..if it doesn't works..
Thanks brother
Brother, First of all you are very welcome here . click your name at the top of page (you may have to click it more than once) and then a page will open, where it says "country" as shown in the picture below, chose Pakistan. In location choose india. In "about you" place write the explanation that you are from IOJK. Please don't forget to click "save". it should do the trick. Hope it helps (above user Dil_Pakistan has already said same thing though. I posted just at the same time without knowing his. I will still leave my post just in case).

View attachment 647482
lol that's retarded


isn't it a good thing he went and met the troops there ? this type of visit boosts morale among the fighters, and while that level of glorifying is cringe worthy, we shouldn't mock it.

I knew this one paratrooper guy from the 82nd airborne, and actually met him for real when I visited the states (knew him through some very random music forum of a heavy metal band of all things lol, he was a super fan and very active there... and then he got deployed to Iraq)

the guy was a bush and republican hating liberal too, but he told me how it really meant a lot to everyone serving that their commander in chief came and visited. I'd post pics here if this wasn't the forum that it is too.

Young minority man, time to put your Modi hatred aside in this time of crisis and support your country.
lol that's retarded


isn't it a good thing he went and met the troops there ? this type of visit boosts morale among the fighters, and while that level of glorifying is cringe worthy, we shouldn't mock it.

I knew this one paratrooper guy from the 82nd airborne, and actually met him for real when I visited the states (knew him through some very random music forum of a heavy metal band of all things lol, he was a super fan and very active there... and then he got deployed to Iraq)

the guy was a bush and republican hating liberal too, but he told me how it really meant a lot to everyone serving that their commander in chief came and visited. I'd post pics here if this wasn't the forum that it is too.

Young minority man, time to put your Modi hatred aside in this time of crisis and support your country.
But when the commander in chief blatantly lies on national TV and comes up with banning mobile apps or not wishing happy b'day as some retaliation after weeks of deliberation.
It begs question about his intent ,competance and credibility. Given tht he has visited china more thn a dozen times.
But just like typical bhakt,,,don't ask questions,, don't critic or u anti national.
It's all fault of Congress Nehru Gandhi martians etc.
Same bjp n same bhakts wud be screaming if any other party was in power.
But when the commander in chief blatantly lies on national TV and comes up with banning mobile apps or not wishing happy b'day as some retaliation after weeks of deliberation.
It begs question about his intent and credibility. Given tht he has visited china more thn a dozen times.
But just like typical bhakt,,,don't ask questions,, don't critic or u anti national.
Same bjp n same bhakts wud be screaming if any other party was in power.
Dr saab, time to put your Modi hatred aside in this time of crisis and support your country.
Dr saab, time to put your Modi hatred aside in this time of crisis and support your country.
Supporting my country doesn't mean I shy away from criticizing our tatti politicians.
What amazes me is the fact that so called nationalists r reluctant to even ask questions to this govt.
Tell me,, if this is the response in JnK,, what do u expect in Arunachal/northeast.
Heads shud roll.

A Lady officer from Signals Corps.
Dr saab, time to put your Modi hatred aside in this time of crisis and support your country.

Yeah let's all ignore the rampant hindutva extremism and support the country so it can get back to screwing Indian minorities

Maybe, just maybe it may be better for hundreds of millions of Indian minorities that India just get a little lesson in humility and lose this one
Army guys always get to wear their helmets, its pretty cumbersome....i mean in a combat situation its all right, but no helmets should be there on such occasions....see the IAF guys with normal headgear....

If there was danger of enemy strike, this gathering shouldnt have been there, but if not, then why helmets for only the army guys.....:-)

Its all on a lighter note....because.....it happens almost everywhere.
He is sitting 250km away from front

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