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PM Modi steps on China's toes yet again: This time in Myanmar


Jan 10, 2011
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ticked off China once again on foreign soil though without naming the Asian giant neighbour for which he has genuine admiration.

He did so twice in his speeches at the 12th India-ASEAN summit on 12 November and the 9th East Asia Summit on 13 November, both held in Naypyitaw, Myanmar.

Modi’s indirect but obvious dig at China has come hours ahead of his first-ever bilateral meeting with his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang on the sidelines of East Asia Summit in Naypyitaw on 13 November.

One has to wait and watch for the Chinese reaction. Coming days will tell whether the Chinese reaction to Modi’s remarks will be as fast and furious as it was when PM Modi had made China-specific remarks during his Japan visit in late August and early September this year.

Days after Modi’s China-specific remarks in Japan in context of South China Sea, China launched a big incursion into the Chumar sector of Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir. Significantly, the incursion continued even after Chinese President Xi Jinping was in India on his maiden visit, an unprecedented situation. The Chinese incursion was eventually fully lifted only on 30 September; over ten days after Xi left India. :lol:

Now consider the remarks of PM Modi in Naypyitaw.

This is what he said in his speech at the 12th India-ASEAN summit on 12 November: “There is wave of change in the world. New realities are emerging in the changed world. Globalisation is a fact of life… therefore, maritime security has become even more important. We all have the responsibility that we all follow international law and norms on maritime issues, as we do in the realm of air passage. In future, we will also need this in space. For peace and stability in South China Sea, everyone should follow international norms and law.

PM Modi reiterated his concerns over China’s shenanigans in South China Sea at the East Asia Summit on Thursday. This is what he said: “In a world of inter-dependence and globalization, there is no option but to follow international laws and norms. This also applies to maritime security. For this reason, following international law and norms is important for peace and stability in South China Sea as well. This also includes the 1982 UN Convention on Law of the Sea, which should be the basis for resolving disputes peacefully. We also hope that the efforts to conclude a Code of Conduct on South China Sea by a process of consensus would be successful soon.”

Significantly, the Prime Minister’s remarks in Naypyitaw have come days before the armies of India and China are to hold joint exercises in Pune on 16 November. ;)

The Exercise Hand-in-Hand 2014 will be the fourth joint training exercise by the Indian Army with People’s Liberation Army of China. While the second edition of the exercise was held at Belgaum in 2008, it has been conducted twice in China in 2007 and 2013.

According to the Indian defence ministry, the exercise is planned at the company level with respective battalion headquarters controlling the training. The training and manoeuvres, to be conducted at Pune’s Aundh Military Cantonment Pune are to be supervised by a Joint Directing Panel comprising senior officials of both the nations. Helicopters of Indian Air Force will also be taking active part in the various maneuvers planned in the exercise.

Now let us look at the big picture. This needs to be put in perspective.

On the one hand, the Modi government is engaging with China in a pro-active manner and China too is reciprocating positively, a proof of which is the Chinese pledge to invest $20 billion in India over the coming years.

On the other hand, China has been pushing the envelope through repeated incursions, the last of which reported earlier this month when Chinese troops entered Indian waters in Pangong Lake in Ladakh.

So far, so good. Chinese incursions can be tackled – and are being tackled. But a bigger and more intractable problem in India-China relations seems to be in store.

The Modi government has given a go-ahead to building over 2000-km-long network of roads along China border, particularly in Arunachal Pradesh, to catch up with the vast border infrastructure network, civil as well as military, already in place.

But China is upset over the Indian infrastructure push in the border areas. Recently China’s foreign office spokesman Hong Lei had warned India in this context thus: 'The boundary issue between China and India is left by the colonial past. We need to deal with this issue properly. Before the border problem is solved, we hope the Indian side will not take any action that could further complicate the relevant issue, so as to preserve the current situation of peace and stability in the border area."

The Chinese strategy is simple: keep the boundary issue deadlocked and oppose the Indian infrastructural development along the borders arguing that India should not go ahead with this till the boundary is settled.

The Modi government has already taken exception to Chinese threatening tactics. Union home minister Rajnath Singh had used exceptionally strong words on 16 October when he said nobody should “threaten or warn India”, adding “India has grown in strength. Both sides should resolve the border issue through dialogue." :agree:

This issue may well snowball in the coming weeks and months.

PM Modi steps on China's toes yet again: This time in Myanmar
P.R.Chinese bullying tactics won't have much traction if India is able to play her cards right. Increased cooperation with Myanmar, Japan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam is part of this policy. Hope to see Philippines added to the list soon as well.

As for the border, India can consider extensive booby trapping the area to deter 'insurgents'. We can warn the PLA that the place is mined as well. Just so they don't lose lives without reason.
China is en-circled by enemies. It will need to spark to force all these countries to make an alliance. Autocracy and a 500 years old map is the main weak point of China.

China is 21st century 'Germany'.
China is en-circled by enemies. It will need to spark to force all these countries to make an alliance. Autocracy and a 500 years old map is the main weak point of China.
China is 21st century 'Germany'.

China is not expansionist power. China has been peaceful for 2000 years. All this "China is evil. Fear them!" propaganda is from English press which india copies because India still lacks own brain to think for herself. India is still in "We are part of Western civilization" mode.

It is the Judeo-Christian(Abrahamic) White mafia which has massively expanded in last 2000 years by butchering every native community around the globe. It has colonized USA,Australia and NewZealand(and Deigo garcia) in last 6 centuries. Now this mafia want to re-colonize Asia by making india+Japan attack China.

Seeds of 1962 War were planted during British colonial rule of 200 years. British created a controversial MacMohan line(border) between India and China, which started whole trouble(just like British left India broken in 1947). Infact, Afghanistan, Myanmar were cut off from larger indian mainland during British period(this is part of British records, you can read them in London library)

The interesting factor here is that Islamic world(Mecca) has agreed to work together with Vatican on this Asia project. Read Pope's meeting with Mecca's chief IMAM in 2012 and their joint statement on slavery in India.
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^^^^ Another brain-bursting theorist!!!

Rebutt me with proper facts. Gazhi nehru was the reason behind 1962. He sent CIA+MI5 into Chinese territory since 1947 itself(he never abandoned old British policy of meddling in Chinese territory), on advice of Edwina. Indian army never revealed this due to shame. Same for Congress. If this truth came out, indian politicians will lose their face not just in Indian public, but also in neighbours and the world.

By the way, has anyone given attention to what British were doing between 1750 and 1947 on Indo-China border? They were pushing Afeem+Ganja into china, from Afganistan via India. And guess what? TATA family was part of this, a big heroin trader. This is how TATA began their empire under patronage of Britishers.

Do u know who is behind Thorium sellout from South-Indian coast? Its TATA. This TATA is a very old mafia.

This trade-off was part of nuclear deal. MMS threw away 1 Trillion$ worth of thorium in return for useless seat on NSG, and help in ISRO's Mars mission(insertion operation was done by NASA).

Modi will change a few things for sure, if he manages to remain in power for 10 years. I wish he had 20 years. What india needs is a long, stable rule of a patriotic, clean PM. A lot of things will be fixed.
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China is en-circled by enemies. It will need to spark to force all these countries to make an alliance. Autocracy and a 500 years old map is the main weak point of China.

China is 21st century 'Germany'.
Actually that is not her weakness. They have violently changed the demography all over the country. Millions of undesirables were purged in the 60s. China's weakness is her strength - her economy. Any export oriented economy will NEVER go to war. Especially one that is totally dependent on oil imports.
Not exactly. China knows and respects strength. Especially after a 'Century of Humiliation'(sic).

May be. It remains to be seen if they really respect India's strength. India has to be more and more assertive and pay them back in their own coins.
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P.R.Chinese bullying tactics won't have much traction if India is able to play her cards right. Increased cooperation with Myanmar, Japan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam is part of this policy. Hope to see Philippines added to the list soon as well.

As for the border, India can consider extensive booby trapping the area to deter 'insurgents'. We can warn the PLA that the place is mined as well. Just so they don't lose lives without reason.

Yes if India is able to play her cards right :lol:, up until now you India got not tangible result but crying like little girl when it's China turn to play her card such as sub docking in SL.

And talk about booby trapping:lol: , we have played this game with Vietnam in 1979 and teach Cambodia to set its against Vietnamese army, what make you think we can't do the same to you in the contested zone and we shall see who will cry the most and mourn their dead with body bags counting.

China is en-circled by enemies. It will need to spark to force all these countries to make an alliance. Autocracy and a 500 years old map is the main weak point of China.
China is 21st century 'Germany'.
Please tell us about China's enemies and we will tell you who are India's friends...LMAO.

Actually that is not her weakness. They have violently changed the demography all over the country. Millions of undesirables were purged in the 60s. China's weakness is her strength - her economy. Any export oriented economy will NEVER go to war. Especially one that is totally dependent on oil imports.
:rofl::rofl: Seem like you Indians know us better than yourself :lol:, We have plenty of oil in Xinjiang and strategical reserve to fight any war unavoidable war but can't same with India, without water...not even GOD will be able to save you :angel:
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It was a meeting of ASEAN and their biggest worry is dispute in South China Sea and a very aggressive China looking over their shoulder.

Modi is required to make some noise to win support of ASEAN nations. His statement should be taken in the right context.
We want Modi to step on China's feet not just toes. Chinese dont understand the language peace

We cum for peace...India :P

Not exactly. China knows and respects strength. Especially after a 'Century of Humiliation'(sic).

That's exactly how India is: respects strenght, Knowing China strenght, it wouldn't dare to challenge China over our sub visit to SL port but instead go put pressure after a small weak nation...what an act of cowadice.
LMAO when Indians talk about century of humiliation, over two centuries humiliation is just not enough...and now it need to endure Chinese humiliation in Indian ocean.

May be. It remains to be seen if they really respect India's strength. India has to be more and more assertive and pay them back in their own coins.
Respect India's strenght? First you need to be a worthy opponent, come to deal direct with China instead of keep pressure and bully small nations in SA when you're so hopeless against China.:coffee:

Two can play the game. China tried to pull a smart one during Prez's visit. Modi is just returning the favor.
We have no problem in duelling India in geopolitcal arena, but don't cry like a little girl when it's our turn to return the favor back.
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