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PM Modi steps on China's toes yet again: This time in Myanmar

Fascist commies they are . Dictator shit is encoded in their DNA . I understand . So be it . We eat dragons for breakfast . :)

Nope. That's not what real China is. This "image" is found in English-media world-wide. USA is the most arrogant and war-mongering power. Indian media journalists are trained in NewYork institute of journalism, its their job to war-monger on "enemies of White-men".

India has inherited not just English, but also notion of enemies.
China is en-circled by enemies. It will need to spark to force all these countries to make an alliance. Autocracy and a 500 years old map is the main weak point of China.

China is 21st century 'Germany'.
All eyes on India, Even Japan too.....and will be by the Philippines too, China wants to be Juggernaut and disrespect for the neighbour, the Chinese Sutra is Me, Me and Only Me.
I disagree. China is civilizationaly biggest friend of India, since 2500 years.

One incident in 1962(due to British created MacMohan line problem) and Gazhi Nehru(Edwina's pu$$y-licker)'s policy of sending CIA into Indo-China border, doesn't change that Civilizational reality. Nehru was suffering rom megalomaniac dreams of breaking up China, with white-men's help, he was a silly guy.

USA, UK are Abrahamic powers. Never a friend with Dharmic powers in Asia. Abrahamic and Dharmic powers are two opposite poles. Their world-views are different. Read Rajiv Malhotra's "Being Different". An excellent analysis on why Anglicized indians are foolish to sit in lap of English & West. Right now, USA is trying to change its character & trying to pretend they are same as "hindus" to get India on american side, but this "change" is not fundamental, its temporary. Keep an eye on Rupee. If it goes above 70, that's safe to assume Modi has fallen in trap.

Russia stands in middle, they are a Christian nation but with a Dharmic bend(there are historic reasons for this, u need to study Russia's ancient history). India should focus on deepening that Dharmic seed.

Wow, India got a unique ally that has been sitting on its territory and wanting for more. People like you will give that on a plate to China. Your twisted "Abrahamic and Dharmic" ideology would have very well removed secularism from our constitution and led India on Pakistan's path. There is no difference between them and you.

As if your bullshitting theories on why USA never dropped atom bomb on Germany wasn't enough!
And your constant "White-men" rant says that you are a racist too! Racism is both ways my dear. Nobody has said India shouldn't defend from USA, all that is being said is, India should defend from whoever is attacking it. Be it UK, USA, China or Pakistan.
Mao Zedong mass murdered 30-50 MILLION!!! How about you chinese incarcerate him first! LOL!

Britishers killed more than that in India during 200 years of Colonial rule. Today Ratan TATA(heroin trader of British era) bows to same Queen & family, and says "thank you". ;)

Atleast China don't ape English and lick feets of white-(wo)men like Nehru & his followers, after suffering for 200 years under them. This is your CHACHA? saala ba*tard. :rofl:

China rocks. They know how to give a solid kick to white-men. :tup:

Indians are mentally still slave of white-skin and English. They lack identity & self-respect. India was awesome till 1750(24% of world GDP), but lost everything(including skin+balls) in 200 years. Your posts make me laugh, it shows how irrelevant & hollow you are without papa West. ;) :tdown:
Britishers killed more than that in India during 200 years of Colonial rule. Today Ratan TATA(heroin trader of British era) bows to same Queen & family, and says "thank you". ;)

Atleast China don't ape English and lick feets of white-(wo)men like Nehru & his followers, after suffering for 200 years under them. This is your CHACHA? saala ba*tard. :rofl:
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China rocks. They know how to give a solid kick to white-men. India has always been pu$$y.

And now China is trying to usurp our territory and you are giving them right away. You are such a fool! UK imperialism was WORST, that doesn't imply China is good. Get that!
And now China is trying to usurp our territory and you are giving them right away. You are such a fool! UK imperialism was WORST, that doesn't imply China is good. Get that!

We lost 1/3rd of India to Islam(abrahamic imperialism) due to white-men(British) and you are crying about just Aksai-Chin? Selective memory & selective analysis are both fatal(विनाशकारी).

American plan was to create Africa out of India, by breaking off Khalistan with help of ISI in 1984. Pakistan got nuclear weapons under President Carter's protection, this is what i call biggest "imperialism". USA is no better than UK, actually its worse because the threat is hidden & most people don't see it. You are a stupid person who is blind-bhakt of white-men. :tdown:

Today, if your India is "one piece", its not because USA has done some favour to you, its because ur leaders averted lot of disasters. Now next, you will say - "Bill clinton called Pak-Army in 1998 and stopped them from nuking India". Only mentally weak & naive fools believe such non-sense. I have seen most NRIs talking this crap. :rofl:

This is similar to Indians telling Pakistanis - "Soviet didn't nuke you because Indian PM made a phone call to Soviet President just when they were about to nuke you!". White-americans love such pompous flesh indians(मंद बुद्धि). Nelson mandella is one such guy, throw some white girls around him, he softens. :lol:

Indians are not tough-brained like China or Russia. They are still fickle-brained.

Next you will say - "I want pakistan, Azad Kashmir, Bangaldesh too...mummyy :cry: ,,plz tell papa USA, bring me Azad Kashmir mummy :cry:".

This is the mindset which destroyed Pakistan for 70 years. You are pakistan version of Nehru. :rofl:
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We lost 1/3rd of India to Islam(abrahamic imperialism) due to white-men(British) and you are crying about just Aksai-Chin? Selective memory & selective analysis are both fatal(विनाशकारी).

American plan was to create Africa out of India, by breaking off Khalistan with help of ISI in 1984. Pakistan got nuclear weapons under President Carter's protection, this is what i call biggest "imperialism". USA is no better than UK, actually its worse because the threat is hidden & most people don't see it. You are a stupid person who is blind-bhakt of white-men. :tdown:

Today, if your India is "one piece", its not because USA has done some favour to you, its because ur leaders averted lot of disasters. Now next, you will say - "Bill clinton called Pak-Army in 1998 and stopped them from nuking India". Only mentally weak & naive fools believe such non-sense. I have seen most NRIs talking this crap. :rofl:

This is similar to Indians telling Pakistanis - "Soviet didn't nuke you because Indian PM made a phone call to Soviet President just when they were about to nuke you!". White-americans love such pompous flesh indians(मंद बुद्धि). Nelson mandella is one such guy, throw some white girls around him, he softens. :lol:

Indians are not tough-brained like China or Russia. They are still fickle-brained.

Next you will say - "I want pakistan, Azad Kashmir, Bangaldesh too...mummyy :cry: ,,plz tell papa USA, bring me Azad Kashmir mummy :cry:".

This is the mindset which destroyed Pakistan for 70 years. You are pakistan version of Nehru. :rofl:
When did I ever say that USA is a well wisher of India. What I am saying that India should defend against anyone who is trying to take our territory. You on the other hand are saying make peace with China, even while it is occupying our territory and wants more. Who is being a fool here?? It is OK for you to give away Indian territory to China?? That is what I am against.

I am not calling mummy here, but it seems you run away to your mummy when you feel you are not getting something.

I am not giving away Indian territory to anyone, you are the one licking China's boots and giving away Indian territory to them to make peace (and that too in your dreams, what makes you so sure they will stop at Aksai Chin?)

"Indians are not tough-brained like China or Russia. They are still fickle-brained."
Who the hell are you to comment on entire Indians. Speak for yourself. Had Indians been fickle minded, we would not have defeated US backed Pakistan.
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no matter how Articulate Modi is, those lip service won't help him win a war against China. I think he is no smarter than Nehru?
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