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PM Modi conferred with Order of Zayed UAE's highest civilian award by Crown Prince


Sep 20, 2014
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I know in Foreign Affairs and State Relationships brotherhood doesnt mean much but optics do, first a wrong thing to do ( IMO) & on top of that very bad timing.
Thank-you UAE. Hindus of India and Muslims of Kashmir and Pakistan will remember this day. And I leave you with this prayer that under this brotherhood, may you be together in this world and hereafter.

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Why pakistani do not understand that every country has it's own personal interests. Why would someone listen to us or they will cut of thier relationship for us? what is so special about us Pakistani? what we have to offer?
Stand on your feet first, add billions of $ to your economy make your country more civilised,Be the best in tech then these crooks will be always down your feet.
we should not turn our face from reality.

"The Crown" ... yeah sure, bunch of pathetic British cockroaches masquerading around as leaders of the Muslims. They are the epitome of "Juhalah" and ZERO intellectual acumen to lead their own country, let alone the Muslim World. By giving out their trinket (apparently the highest honor in that pathetic state of Emirates) to a fascist, murderer that slaughtered Muslims in gujRAT and is doing the same now to Kashmiri Muslims. Just goes to show the pathetic, pathetic, pathetic state of Muslim countries' and their leadership. When tomorrow the "Abdaal" declare their "Baiy'aah" in the Kaabah, the ones whose blood will flow into the drains will be these munafiq. Time will show us all, because time doesn't lie or decieve.
Should have been called "Order of gandu" if it was supposed to be given to Modi

Well no problem. UAE would give one to BS Dhanoa or Bipin Rawat to ractify this mistake

Wait until someone comes here to justify since we didn't send airforce to yemen, so it's justified to give medals to BS Dhanoa
Learn to first fix yourself Pakistan. Fix your morals, valies and economy. Rise in the workd as a strong nation and everyone will follow u. Look at tiny israel and how it controls so much.
Unfortunately we Pakistanis never fix ourselves and instead point finhers at others, blame others for our own faults n mistakes. Grow up and be mature.
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