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PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

You have consumed too much whatsapp and youtube clickbait. Afghanistan would not last a week in a conventional war against Pakistan. The only thing limiting this advance is the top speed and range of Pakistan Army vehicles.

I repeat, Pakistan doesn't have to defeat, occupy, and rebuild Afghanistan. It just has to shoot anything that comes within 10km of the durrand line and blockade Afghanistan.

You are a moron excuse my language but this is oxymoronic.. You really think wars are fuking Anime cartoons..
Opening up a front like this when internally your own population is unhappy or at the minimum ambivalent will only provide insurgencies more ground to operate within inside Pakistan. Not a smart move at this point in time.

Pakistan will never invade Afghanistan but a few anti terrorists operations via taliban cooperation will be considered if the problem doesn't get resolved. Taliban is under pressure, from foreign funded ISIS Salafism to offshoot TTP.
Same shortsightedness as seen in the past.

Does Paksiatn have more resources than the US and USSR?

Taliban has been a graveyard of many mighty empires and nations in the last 200 years.

One thing that Afghnas can do is to wear down any adversary. If anyone tries to mess with them, they don’t need to defeat them. They would just tie them down like they did to USSR and the US.

Taliban would prove to be a nemesis with a very high cost to Paksiatn. This is just a start.

Really? Put down by whom? Paksiatn?
Again, parroting the same low IQ whatsapp talking points. Pakistan is not here to build a country for Afghanistan like the Americans were, nor is it trying to expand an empire larger than the planet Pluto like the Soviets.
Again, parroting the same low IQ whatsapp talking points. Pakistan is not here to build a country for Afghanistan like the Americans were, nor is it trying to expand an empire larger than the planet Pluto like the Soviets.

Are you an idiot... Nobody said you were building nation but how the fuk are you gonna exit this is the fuking question you aren't exactly from 1000 miles away but you are on a conjoined land.. There is no EXIT if opened.. You need to understand this.. When people say this could lead to a forever you should listen carefully
The last thing the west wants is Pakistan's highly dispersed and decentralised nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of the Taliban at a time the state is in an existential crisis.

There are 175 nukes, each in 2-4 pieces. That's 525 pieces in flower trucks and known and unknown bases spread across the country.

Maybe a few Babur-IIIs in the Arabian Sea, and some suitcase bombs, nuclear RPGs, nuclear backpacks, and nuclear suicide vests.

Seizing all of these before they can be launched en masse is impossible. The west is not mad. They would rather see a stable but friendly Pakistan.
Where do you think its easy to use if they get hold of it, will be easy to use against Pakistan or in a western country.
but how the fuk are you gonna exit this is the fuking question you aren't exactly from 1000 miles away but you are on a conjoined land.. There is no EXIT if opened
You would exit into your own country and kill any military aged male that crosses the border.
The Afghanistan fanboying is akin to Bhakts fanboying over the non existent whatsapp empire of vikramaditya.

I love Pakistan above all but I ain't an idiot who will see my nation lead by people like Kakar who has LOW IQ into a pit... He is a fuking fool of epic proportions
Opening up a front like this when internally your own population is unhappy or at the minimum ambivalent will only provide insurgencies more ground to operate within inside Pakistan. Not a smart move at this point in time.

I just want to know, who is advising them to open another front when your own people want to slap you down?

The kind of person centric policies which we make, both in civil and military, are absolutely not how a whole damn country should be run. The CC's are excluded as a body, the CGS doesn't know half the things happening, MI is hijacked, ISI is like a personal SS, it's all a small group which makes the decisions of the country.
Where do you think its easy to use if they get hold of it, will be easy to use against Pakistan or in a western country.
They would most likely use the bulk of them in India, to be honest. It's a big fat target right next to Pakistan.

I love Pakistan above all but I ain't an idiot who will see my nation lead by people like Kakar who has LOW IQ into a pit... He is a fuking fool of epic proportions
@Jango this guy has run his mouth unprovoked.. Please clean up.
I am all for taking actions against Taliban or TTP, if they don’t listen.

But to go full retard is a not a sound policy. A drone strike or a clandestine operation inside Afghanistan would have sent a message.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
They would most likely use the bulk of them in India, to be honest. It's a big fat target right next to Pakistan.

@Jango this guy has run his mouth unprovoked.. Please clean up.
When taliban was taking over Afghanistan, pdf pakistanies were celebrating and saying next they will help Pakistan in Kashmir against India. I told them then that is not going to happend,once the top leaders reach Afghanistan with their families . I predicted what's happening in pakistan now a days. Now I will make another prediction, they will find a reason to use them on Pakistan.
Again, parroting the same low IQ whatsapp talking points. Pakistan is not here to build a country for Afghanistan like the Americans were, nor is it trying to expand an empire larger than the planet Pluto like the Soviets.
What is it trying then? What was ISI chief trying when we went to Kabul? What has been establishment trying since Taliban came to power?
Whatever, you have been trying to do has been a complete failure seeng the number of attacks. If this is success then pray tell us what the failure would be.

Please stop questioning anyone’s IQ with just one disagreement.
The Afghanistan fanboying is akin to Bhakts fanboying over the non existent whatsapp empire of vikramaditya.
He is a well-known Afghan sympathiser. The sympathisers of the enemy are nothing less than the enemy itself and should be treated like one. He is lucky he isn't Chinese, China knows how to deal with hostile entities and their supporters.

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