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Afghan rulers: A Timeline of Afghanistan's Treachery Against Pakistan

Dear bro, you are swinging to another extreme in spur of the moment. He did not say a right thing but still he is Pakistani...all he needs is to reset his brain and get rid off any such racist comments but any one can go a bit nuts when he or she sees such a history of treason against his country by a particular country / nation. I don't think he really means it. I would love a Pakistani to live in Pakistan and not those ingrates. Though if they (Afghans) sincerely pledge their allegiance to the state of Pakistan and its ideology and obey its laws and constitution, they are also welcome to live and we will continue to treat them as brothers as we have done for past 70 years but if they say a single word against the state of Pakistan and its sovereignty, they should be thrown into their shit hole faster than the speed of light.

Asalamu Alaikum

Him being Pakistani doesn't mean a damn thing, if anything it pisses me off more that such degenerates come from country.

The whole of Afghanistan didn't attack Pakistan, only the government, the people are not relevant to this conversation.

This is the main problem, you guys see your nationality as being higher than everything else. What happened to being human/Muslim first?

Ummah doesn't exist and never will. Ummah only exists in the mind of deluded Pakistanis. Arabs don't give a damn about the non-existent Ummah nor do other non-Pakistani Muslims. China is bigger brother to Pakistan than all the other Muslim nations except Turkey, put together. So where is the Ummah when Afghans collude with the hindus to destroy Pakistan?.....:azn:

Ummah did, does and will continue to exist, there will always be Muslims who feel it, even if the majority do not.

The fact that you consider China closer to you than your fellow Muslims speaks volumes, and proves nationalism has blinded you.
Asalamu Alaikum

Him being Pakistani doesn't mean a damn thing, if anything it pisses me off more that such degenerates come from country.

The whole of Afghanistan didn't attack Pakistan, only the government, the people are not relevant to this conversation.

This is the main problem, you guys see your nationality as being higher than everything else. What happened to being human/Muslim first?

Ummah did, does and will continue to exist, there will always be Muslims who feel it, even if the majority do not.

The fact that you consider China closer to you than your fellow Muslims speaks volumes, and proves nationalism has blinded you.

When the Muslim states start caring about Pakistan and do as much for us as the Chinese have done then I will start caring for them. I will however not be their "lesser human slave" as many of them see Pakistanis as. Especially the Arabs.
Kick all refugees from Pak
Only when yoy understand our history will you understand the threat from the Afghans

We have no reason to help Afghanistan do anything except self destruct
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Lol.....lol......Muslim brothers who love hindus and want to destroy Pakistan and kill Pakistani Muslims.......great logic. No wonder the Ummah is and will always be screwed.......lol......lol.......:lol:.......:rofl:

you never know the Ummat shall rise. from. the ashes.. after all the ways of Allah are. mysterious..

but like Prophet said
Riyasat Kufr se Chal sakti hai, par Adal ki bina nahi

so yes Mawra e Adalat Jaali Muqaablas should end..

just see Naqeebullah man. he messaged his friend that he wants his son to. be Pak Army lieutenant and. see what justice he got.. very bad
Haji Mirzali Khan (Faqir of Ipi) fought again British Raj but he never fought against Pakistan. He, in fact declared it haram fighting against Muslims. Even after intense pressure from kabul, he refused to fight against Pakistan.

Though, there were some elements from Kabul govt as well as local, using his name and attacking Pakistan's forces.

What wiki says about him is absolutely wrong.

September 1947: Afghanistan started arming and funding proxies in the border areas (e.g. Afridi Sarishtas and Ipi Faqir) for the ‘Liberation of Pashtunistan’. This led to skirmishes between Pakistani forces and Afghan proxies.
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If after 17 years the americans are struggling with controling all of afghanistan I doubt Pakistan can control them either. Anyhow, afghanistan will always be far too weak and inferior to do anything to Pakistan.
They aren't struggling to control anything,if someone thinks that he is an idiot,they are fully incharge of Afghanistan.
but like Prophet said
Riyasat Kufr se Chal sakti hai, par Adal ki bina nahi
Prophet never said that
you never know the Ummat shall rise. from. the ashes.. after all the ways of Allah are. mysterious..

but like Prophet said
Riyasat Kufr se Chal sakti hai, par Adal ki bina nahi

so yes Mawra e Adalat Jaali Muqaablas should end..

just see Naqeebullah man. he messaged his friend that he wants his son to. be Pak Army lieutenant and. see what justice he got.. very bad

When ALL Muslim nations call for the Ummah then so shall I. Till then it CANNOT come into fruitation.

They aren't struggling to control anything,if someone thinks that he is an idiot,they are fully incharge of Afghanistan.

Which is why they keep pleading with Pakistan to "do more" to defeat the Taliban.
Which is why they keep pleading with Pakistan to "do more" to defeat the Taliban.
They are never pleading anything,if they would really desire,we have seen how they took Rymond out,staged fake OBL raid,killed scores of Pakistanis elders and childrens,irrespective of gender in FATA,Destroyed salalah CP and made Mushi kommando to oblige them and brought India and Northern Alliance at out back.
When the Muslim states start caring about Pakistan and do as much for us as the Chinese have done then I will start caring for them. I will however not be their "lesser human slave" as many of them see Pakistanis as. Especially the Arabs.

Lol the Chinese couldn't care less about you, we are just a vessel to serve their interests, and vice versa.

Not all Arabs have this mentality, and it's more of a rich people mentality than an Arab one. Wealthy Pakistanis feel the same about poor Pakistanis.
They are never pleading anything,if they would really desire,we have seen how they took Rymond out,staged fake OBL raid,killed scores of Pakistanis elders and childrens,irrespective of gender in FATA,Destroyed salalah CP and made Mushi kommando to oblige them and brought India and Northern Alliance at out back.

Yet they still could not do to Pakistan what they have done to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria & Libya despite the neo-cons making it clear they wanted to in their manifesto, in the "Plans for a New american Century" :azn:
When ALL Muslim nations call for the Ummah then so shall I. Till then it CANNOT come into fruitation.

Yes it can, governments are not required. We the people can create the bonds ourselves.
Lol the Chinese couldn't care less about you, we are just a vessel to serve their interests, and vice versa.

Not all Arabs have this mentality, and it's more of a rich people mentality than an Arab one. Wealthy Pakistanis feel the same about poor Pakistanis.

Because the Arabs and the "Ummah" love and care about Pakistan so much don't they?......:rofl:

Which is why the Arabs and the "Ummah" have invested in at least $61 billion dollars in Pakistan with many more billions earmarked for further investments in the coming years and decades..........which is why the Ummah gave Pakistan the ability to build fighter jets, tanks, submarines and become a nuclear weapons state with the ability to now produce H-bombs.

Was it the "Ummah" or China that helped Pakistan become the 1st ever nation in all recorded human history to be able to thwart an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege for over 70 years..........:azn:
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