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PM Imran says no immediate fear of war between Pakistan and India

You still don't get it. Why would you mention war and conflict at an economic forum? Its defeating the purpose. I can't understand why is it hard for you to understand.

Why would you not mention war and conflict? They have a direct impact on economics of a country.

PM of Pakistan is sitting there opening trade for a country which has war imposed on it by India. The imposed war on Pakistan has aspects of trade and economics as well.
Best of luck bro....

Thanks mate.

It is winter so ofcourse there is no IMMEDIATE threat of war.

This Twitter-mongering PM should get a Nobel Peace Prize soon.

If the world believes Imran Khan deserves a Noble for actively trying to avert a nuclear war and saving so many Indian lives, sure give it to him.

He would make your ears bleed by constant reminders however.

How is the Butcher of Gujarat doing?
You still don't get it. Why would you mention war and conflict at an economic forum? Its defeating the purpose. I can't understand why is it hard for you to understand.

What is not to understand? War increases the risk of investment, creates uncertainty, drives money out of pockets. Of course there are certain people who profit from war, but most markets don't.

PMIK has spent a lot of time at this forum talking about how he aims to avoid war. This has been a big part of his foreign policy, to de-escalate tensions in the region, to create a peaceful atmosphere, one which is condusive to business and will make the region and particularly Pakistan open to investment.

He talked about conflict resolution in Afghanistan, Iran, Kashmir. He's talked about the role of the wider international community in resolving these conflicts. He was asked specifically about the risk of Pakistan and India going to war and he responded. He re-iterated his desire for peace but warned the international community that by ignoring the rise of facism in India, they risk peace in the region and with it; prosperity.

It is not a forum for businessmen, it is a forum for leaders to discuss all sorts of issues. Yesterdays main talking points were the environment. Businessmen and political leaders have a large part to play in reducing climate change.

He also spent a lot of time talking about business opportunities in Pakistan, his plans to upskill the workforce, encourage business and entrepreneurialism - he presented Pakistan as an untapped market, ready for people to make big bucks at the ground level. Everyone is always looking for the next big thing. With luck this could be Pakistan.
Good because india is in selfmode destruction and our agent modi is breaking india for us.
تو منافق اعظم خود بتا رہا ہے کہ اس نے یو این کے اجلاس میں جو آخر میں کہا تھا لاالہ اللہ وئی ول فائٹ وہ اس نے کلمہ پڑھ کے جھوٹ بولا تھا،
If he speaks the truth then markets will crash and investors will be scared away. Samjha karo.
There's no threat of war because he's fundamentally a besharam Insan.
Considering all the evidence Pakistan has of Indian hand in terrorism inside Pakistan.
It's Pakistan's turn to reply and here we have a castrated PM.
I remember speech of this hypocrite in OIC, where he demanded war from Arabs on west.
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What a fool, he is telling the world that despite 6 months curfew and lockdown, there is no chance of war????

This moron should have told the business community that there is an imminent threat of war that might escalate to nuclear levels, tell them that all ur investment in india is going down the drain if u ppl keep silent about kashmir.
تو منافق اعظم خود بتا رہا ہے کہ اس نے یو این کے اجلاس میں جو آخر میں کہا تھا لاالہ اللہ وئی ول فائٹ وہ اس نے کلمہ پڑھ کے جھوٹ بولا تھا،
Tu to chup kr
Looks like leveraging Pak to get votes is over for BJP. Now, they need to antagonize the Muslims in India to further schisms to get more votes....

Good for Pak...
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