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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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I will say this, A Pakistani version of the inquisition is needed.

View attachment 832925

It's the only way.

The best part is (given how, when required, the deep state did bravely dismantle TTP to a great extent within Pakistan's borders) that the Establishment has the tools to do it --- but it always perpetuates the status quo rather than cleansing the system. Truly extraordinary.

Hope Pakistan is ready for the below.

View attachment 832969

A guy who can simply be blackmailed by all foreign intel with gay tapes/proof/etc --- just amazing.

نور جہاں کے پترو یہ دیکھ لو


The institution didn't fail us. Everyone had high hopes from IK and he couldn't simply deliver. I don't wanna say this but we are on path to become another syria or libya. Populistic politics and widespread attack on the army is just a start. Bajwa's biggest mistake was to let him come into power in 2018 while everyone knew he was arrogant, stubborn and a egotistical maniac.

His entire support is based on he's not corrupt and all others are corrupt. Thanks to army propaganda machinery in support of PTI for 4 years people are highly polarised and brain dead. Logic is gone and cult following exist. He used the Populism of the Islamo-nationalism anti-saamraj anti-US qaum narrative to rally people and everyone bought the shit.

All is forgiven now. No ones cares for the economy and widespread incompetence in 4 year, people just want IK back. It's absurd on how people are willing to do for him to come back when he failed on all fronts, most importantly the economic one. Sighs

The same bajwa who brought PTI into power is now being called traitor, mir jaffar and whatnot. That is how you kill the institution. Honestly if the army falls and become politicised like IK wants it to be, it's over for pakistan to exist as a state. The amount of hate being propagated is unparalleled.

**** awaam is living in a dystopian world. It's not a good idea to have a beef with the americans. I can see balochistan heating up, PTM gaining momentum and FATA becoming unstable. We are already in worse position compared to 2018. If IMF pulls the plug and FATF blacklist us, local pakistani are rekt. I can see more support to Indians as well and the next attack on Kashmir is imminent.

Idk why people are comparing khan to jinnah or other muslim leaders. Institutions and Pakistan come first. IK is just another person who failed to deliver.
All valid points - but those werent the popular narratives even though IK keeps harping on them(and also why they were losing their shine in his last days). The populist narrative was anti-corruption and an end to the dynasties. It is unfortunate that the hatred being percolated towards the COAS(not all of it justified as one has to see from those shoes the position the top brass is in) is also going towards the army.
However, it seems you are implying that for maintaining Pakistan as it is, it is ok to tolerate these dynasties and basically trust in an engineered system that maintains the grip of the elite?

Yes, he was in general an incompetent leader letting his ego decide critical economic and foreign policies but some had beneficial impact as well and while IK is a cultist phenomenon and they are never good; but I pray please explain the difference between this cultism and the cultism of the Sharifs or Bhuttos or TLP or Fazlur Rehman. After all, what is good for the goose is good for the Gander.
I talked to a friend who is in establishment high grade office. He told me the war is between two big guy leave USA and opposition out but there are two big man who is fighting and one is backed by opposition and other by PTI. They have done it because they dont want PTI in govt until november. But he also said the guy which PTI is supporting was highly desperate and is also not a good guy. He is actually messing this all up while the other guy is not fighting for his own seat but just making sure that this guy dont come on that post
ask your source to come back to earth
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