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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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What do you think the power show in Islamabad was all about? As of now is irrelevant.

One call by IK is all it would take .. if huge crowds gather demanding elections, military and SC won't come in the way.
IK don't have do this
150 resignations and assembly will be dissolved

My prediction is that the case will be heard in SC and article 5 proceeding will start against PDM. This might end-up barring many members of PDM from future elections.
Or against PM IK..he may be barred ..
This will lead to more anarchy
But elections isnt the solution why?
Because the current govt was toppled before 5yrs
My prediction is that the case will be heard in SC and article 5 proceeding will start against PDM. This might end-up barring many members of PDM from future elections.
Only if our SC was half as honest as IK, we could see that happen. But these folks have their rewards to collect too by giving biased decisions..
I don't know much about history but as Muslims we have a long standing tradition. When the comprehensive defeat is inevitable and all hopes lost, then strategic retreat is a futile effort. The true loyalists of the Allah Almighty and to the nation (even if they are a select few left), fight till the end even if they have to pay the ultimate price. Like Tipu Sultan fought even after being betrayed till the end and his martyrdom. The history is full of those kind of acts of gallantry since the 1st state of Islam came into being. KIA is the highest possible reward our soldier can get and constantly pray for that reward from their God. Martyrdom is the highest rank and reward a person can achieve but suicide is a sin and that person would rot in hell
Strategic retreat is a perfectly valid.
In the Battle of Mutah, it was between 3000 and 100000, four commanders martyred, then Sword of Allah, Khalid Ben Valid took over and brought the army back.
First Caliph Abu Bakr accepted that.
What you are talking is during battle you don't flee in any case. That's true and Muslim have followed that.
It was in 1971 that General Yahya ordered arms laid down, General Ameer Abdullah Niazi should have fought on.
Rats usually dessert a sinking ship but in some cases they flock on board. Let's see who opens new chapters to help and defend the scumbags.
If SC tries to help out Zardaris and Patwaris, then I hope peoples power pays a visit to that establishment and cleans up this mess as well.
Even if SC revokes Deputy Speaker steps , there wont be much fun for the opposition to enjoy like they were planning this morning
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