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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

Results are only viewable after voting.
SC just rejects opposition plea to dismiss deputy speaker ruling immediately. Issue now will be dragged on.

Mass PTI resignations would paralyse the parliament and formation of a new government with nearly half of parliament vacant with PTI people on the streets - if SC wants responsibility for such an experiment, then only it would issue a stay order.
A day before yesterday I said IK should dissolve assemblies to avoid this and that's exactly what happened :lol:
Looks like we have the real @Imran Khan on PDF who read all the posts ;)
Anyway a great day for Pakistan and one hell of a sad day for sharifs bilawal and fazlu.
To get out of this depression bilawal should do a mujra with a butt plug in his a$$ in front of fazlu :lol:

He couldnt legally dissolve the National Assembly without first nullifying the VNC.
Can someone pls summarise the current state of play, seems to be lots of conflicting messages.
Here's a quick summary:
  • Today was the last day for voting on the NCM. It HAD to be done today.
  • SC previously ruled that not counting any particular MNAs vote would be "contemptuous" - even if that vote leads to disqualification under 63A, as per the last SC opinion from the presidential reference hearing.
  • The NCM was to be voted on today, no change in status until this session.
  • The Attorney General of Pakistan had already confirmed to courts that the vote WILL go through.
  • The speaker rejected the motion citing Article 5 (loyalty to the state etc.) - misapplication say the opposition, but that's tbc by the SC.
  • The assembly cannot be dissolved when an NCM is on the offing, therefore once the NCM was technically removed (tbc whether this was legal), a representative of the government then moved the speaker to dissolve the assembly, because in their view, this was now possible.
  • The NCM was rejected by the speaker and assembly dissolved. tbc on legality.
  • Government has called on fresh elections in 90 days.
  • Opposition decided to stay on the floor and conduct an informal vote amongst themselves.
  • Opposition lawyers moved to the SC with petitions very early, more to be followed up.
  • The Supreme Court of Pakistan has now taken the matter up via suo moto. Meaning irrespective of what any political party says the SC will judge the matter themselves.
  • The SC will check whether the use of Article 5 was legal, whether the speaker and the PM have violated the constitution.
  • They will decide whether assembly is truly dissolved or still will convene.
I've refrained where possible for giving my own view of the above.

Some sort of communication from the SC should follow shortly, it may or may not divulge their thoughts, eventually a full hearing will be done. Right now, we are in a constitutional crisis, so the SC will judge on a firm direction - and what they conclude goes. Someone can add if I've missed anything above.
I agree, fresh elections are actually the perfect outcome. But the method and legality of the current move is going to come under heavy scrutiny.

Opposition should work for fresh elections. I am afraid they are instead going to go the legal route. But even if the opposition doesn't go to the Supreme Court I think just about any citizen of Pakistan can approach the SC.
PS. The threads about the legal aspects should be merged. Mods?
Opposition should work for fresh elections. I am afraid they are instead going to go the legal route. But even if the opposition doesn't go to the Supreme Court I think just about any citizen of Pakistan can approach the SC.
PS. The threads about the legal aspects should be merged. Mods?
There'll likely be another thread once we heard something from the SC.

I agree, even if the opposition had won the vote, the best outcome would have been an announcement of elections in 90 days. It's really perfect timing.
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