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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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With clowns like these, do you think they can have a normal conversation with western diplomats? I reckon they get talked down to and shouted at which is why they think they can treat you like you are nothing. Try that with alpha chad IK and get put in your place.
One thing is for sure
Things arent going to be smooth with oil prices
But opposition has no choice but to do seat adjustment which they can since all three major parties PPPP PMLN and JUI are regional parties now

The opposition was playing parliament-parliament after the speaker dismissed the session, when the power to the National Assembly was cut. 🤣
If the matter does go to SC, then the letter and all proofs regarding collusion and meetings etc. will be shown to the court as well.

Yep letter
Trips and meetings of Bhuttos, zardaris, sharifs under the scanner to ascertain if Speakers reasoning has any basis

Frankly the opposition would do better to sweep it under the table and try for elections then have everything dragged out into the open and the likes of Billo having to explain their overseas trips

What if SC overturns IK's decision?
They can't. All they can do is give their interpretation of the articles in question. In which case, the government will simply say they have the letter to prove it. The decision is a parliamentary decision, thus the SC has limited ways to influence it. The SC can't outright cancel a decision as it would be considered overstepping their boundaries. However, any interpretation of the law by the SC is something the government and parliament will be forced to follow.

[Edit] I should add that this is my own amateur view of the situation. I could be completely wrong here.
Lol, increasingly desperate and unconstitutional move. IK is trying to be a tyrant. Now SC and ECP have no choice but to go against this move to cancel the motion and dissolve assembly.

The more Imran tries to save himself from the inevitable the more he damages the state and makes his eventual demise worse. A NCM is itself a political crisis, with lettergate IK cooked up an international relations crisis and deepened the internal political one, and now he created a constitutional crisis.

For shame Imran.
Some of the Dalits converted to Islam in India.... but They keep a slave mentality. They aren't truely free.
Sharif is brahmin, clearly have the best mentality

you would do well to worship him, build a moorti of his even in your house
as you still believe in the caste system
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