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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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NCM being thrown out was straight-forward procedure. As it started by foreign puppets/traitors ,holds no value in Pakistani constitution.

The real question is, why the traitors are roaming free?

All-eyes on supreme court, traitors to Pakistan must be tried and punished under Article 6.
Moulana Sahab


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Pakistan is a democratic country. People can select what they want. Army can't make policies. They can't take sides. This is just may be, just may be, unnecessary by the establishment. Stop interfering in political affairs.
Tell that to 75+ years of Pakistan's history.
Reality is what is happening
Fiction is one you've written here
Maybe your fiction might be turning into reality, soon
I do worry though. If SC knew it was not something they can interfere in, they wouldn't have held an emergency meeting.

Basically, it seems like they are looking for a reason to jump in.
I wonder what CJP would say now as justification for not welcoming the letter when government offered it last week!

Some people in multiverse are saying that they're happy with the outcome, but in reality it's eating them up inside.

They had all their trolling messages all typed up & saved last nite.

Better luck next time, boys.

Screenshot - - > Paste - - -> Gang up - - - - > Curse

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