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They want to turn Pakistan into the next Syria and Libya... Overturn kill Gaddafi
Revolt against Assad

And they want a Ukraine like vessel slave state ....
I have been saying this for a long time, Pakistan’s only way forward off corrupt mafias is not ‘PEACEFUL’ !
Imran Khan is the first person in the history of Pakistan to challenge the so-called Establishment. Army chief said one day ago that his sympathies are with the United States. This is crystal clear now. Who is the real force that is running Pakistan? Finally, everyone knows it now. Once an Indian friend of mine said to me that the slogan of your establishment was "Allah America aur dollar" in 1980s era. May God save Pakistan.

Whose children are living abroad? Who has properties, and restaurants in the United States? The Pakistani public shouldn't be fooled again. The domain of the army is different. They are responsible to defend this country. The army can't make policies. Only the elected Prime minister can make policies. Interference of Establishment in domestic affairs demanded this action by PM Imran khan. Good decision. The honor comes first, pride comes first. Long live Pakistan. Long live Imran Khan!
He is quoting India daily so that, the west should ask India the same then 'force' Pakistan. He is making the case, that despite being QUAD member, India is going against west wishes.

Anyway, Yes, he has given Indian media material for years.
I was talking about shahbaz sharif Golden words "beggars cannot be choosers".
Lol, increasingly desperate and unconstitutional move. IK is trying to be a tyrant. Now SC and ECP have no choice but to go against this move to cancel the motion and dissolve assembly.

The more Imran tries to save himself from the inevitable the more he damages the state and makes his eventual demise worse. A NCM is itself a political crisis, with lettergate IK cooked up an international relations crisis and deepened the internal political one, and now he created a constitutional crisis.

For shame Imran.
I wish I could see the tears in your eyes when you wrote this post :) koi nai hota hai life mai, France mai buhat ache beaches hai, kisi ek pe jao chill karo, leave Pakistan's matter on Pakistani nation.
Imran Khan is the first person in the history of Pakistan to challenge the so-called Establishment. Army chief said one day ago that his sympathies are with the United States. This is crystal clear now. Who is the real force that is running Pakistan? Finally, everyone knows it now. Once an Indian friend of mine said to me that the slogan of your establishment was "Allah America aur dollar" in 1980s era. May God save Pakistan.

Whose children are living abroad? Who has properties, and restaurants in the United States? The Pakistani public shouldn't be fooled again. The domain of the army is different. They are responsible to defend this country. The army can't make policies. Only the elected Prime minister can make policies. Interference of Establishment in domestic affairs demanded this action by PM Imran khan. Good decision. The honor comes first, pride comes first. Long live Pakistan. Long live Imran Khan!
Just maybe just maybe, all the abuse given to the army is unnecessary.
Just maybe bajwa is trying to decouple the forces from internal politics, but elements of the political bodies are trying to drag them back in.
Just maybe all the abuse being thrown, is a result of him being genuinely believing in the idea of a democratic lead Pakistan
Supreme court may create a crisis from nothing
Assemblies already dissolved
But courts are in opposition pocket so dont expect fun
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