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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Now our Pm imran khan, should immediately follow erdogan who had also faced USA funded coup plotters to over throw him they failed to. We start arresting ours like erdogan government did, traitors can be military or civilians publicly name and Shane them long lengthy prison sentences for all of them, or a bullet I don’t care they deserve it
Ex-AG just said that Article 5 has never been interpreted before, so this would be a case of first impression.
Then the Supreme Court going to be consulted in this matter, it's going to set a new precedent. How is gov going to prove whether loyalty to the state has been stamped upon by the opposition. Really if Article 5 is interpreted in governments favor then it's smooth sailing.
Money/fear/Green cards, IK did smart when he show the letter to National security council which has all 4 Armed forces Generals, so they know that its a foreign attempt and they can be next, so its either save IK right now and let the reelection happen, or take this threat and become a bloody joke for the world. Also, if IK was gone due to America's pressure then entire Pakistan Armed forces will suffer because China would pull its support, and now we have more Chinese maal then Ameriki.
but our genrails have more assets in west than china and thats matters! they are loyal to where they sell pizzay or where they party after retirement or where they have parked their haram ki daulat!

it was never a win win for wardi mafia even if IK was gone wardi boys would have suffered because US is not a trusty ally! off with some heads and course correction is the way forward! no compromise!
He have given Indians a prime statement for years to come. They will quote him as Pakistani prime Minister golden words about pakistan.
He is quoting India daily so that, the west should ask India the same then 'force' Pakistan. He is making the case, that despite being QUAD member, India is going against west wishes.

Anyway, Yes, he has given Indian media material for years.

He was waiting for the very last second to pull this.... It exposed everyone and set the agenda for his re-election campaign.

Nobody does election campaigns better than the Mighty Khan.

All traitors stand naked with their pants down... watching their political death! And treason cases to be built against them! Imran Khan used this fiasco to get rid of all traitors, stooges and sell outs! Today they all stand exposed, unable to go in publics, unable to run for elections, this was a quarantine for PTI of an epic proportion!!! Khan won and won at all fronts!
Now our Pm imran khan, should immediately follow erdogan who had also faced USA funded coup plotters to over throw him they failed to. We start arresting ours like erdogan government did, traitors can be military or civilians publicly name and Shane them long lengthy prison sentences for all of them, or a bullet I don’t care they deserve it

Cannot in a weak parliamentary system.... You need a presidential system to put to death traitors and Munafiks....

That is why you have Zardari, Bilawal, Maryam, Nawaz, Mullah Diesel running around holding hands and singing all day long....
I know you bro from a long time, red your posts regularly so I know, many of members don't comment on Politics but this was different, because of a foreign letter, which makes every Pakistani on the edge. I think you are right, as Bajwa's nature is weak and non aggressive, so he tries to do damage control in his recent speech, give America a impression that we do condemn the Russians and we want good ties, but Bajwa must understand that this is more than just about Russia, China rising influence over Pakistan Army, Navy and Air force, now a huge portion of our defense stuff comes from China and if they backed out then we are in trouble and also bye bye to CPEC. Also who will Veto for us in UNSC ? or who will support our narrative in UN ? no one...

For PA is if they take America side, China will punish us and if they side against America west will punish us, thing is that America and west is punishing us for years, all aid is stop, no more new systems coming from West, and constant blackmailing and serving Indian interest in region must be so alarming and hectic of Corp Commanders, Bajwa must understand that he needs to finish his tenure and leave with peace or else the awaam will start his character assassination including his family and all that he achieved in life will be gone.

Because IK is dumb and stupid but he is not corrupt, no one has brought a single corruption case against him, so at least on that people will/should support him, and now if he make a new govt with majority then he won't be blackmailed. Opposition is scared because people hate them, and no MNA or minister represents the public opinion.
Exactly. See this guy gets it. I have no strong political opinions, but I don’t want us to piss off China or become pro-US with regards to our defense acquisitions at all because it will mess up all the previous decade of build up with Chinese weaponry. At the same time I don’t think we should have negative relations with the US either, just keep being neutral with regards to Russia and Ukraine and let it pass.
I am mad confused - is this legal?
I have a feeling supreme court might intervene and throw it out

Or can they even interfere in parliamentary affairs? Afaik they can't

Ofcourse best case scenario for PTI is early elections
The deputy speaker used article 5 to throw out the NCV, whichs states...

Loyalty to State and obedience to Constitution and law
5. (1) Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen.
(2) Obedience to the Constitution and law is the 1
obligation of every citizen wherever he may be and of every other person
for the time being within Pakistan.

Normally, article 6 (which deals with high treason) would apply if the allegations of PMIK are true, and article 5 was used to dismiss the NCV. It would thus now go to the courts to prove either side's case.

Since PTI has announced that they'll go for elections within 90 days, the opposition doesn't have time to challenge this, and has to immediately go into campaign mode, and deal with it later.

What's interesting is that both sides are saying they'll apply article 6, against the other, which mean this will eventually go to court and will likely see someone put in prison. If PMIK's letter is real, it's pretty much over for PMLN, PPP and JUIF, along with the PTI dissidents. If PMIK's letter is fake (I personally believe it's real), then PMIK will have a lot of explaining to do.

I've attached the pdf of the Constitution, as well as a picture of the relevant part that applies here.


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Opposition is not afraid of elections just count how many MNA turned up today for IK in assembly 40-60. Bruv it’s a good opportunity for you to apply for PTI ticket.
haha you think they were supposed to come? Have you not been listening to IK? He said yesterday in the interview that I cannot do anything with this parliament, I need majority and he will get it.
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