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They have many tricks to "tame" Imran Khan in the pipeline.

Massive defaming propaganda campaigns against him

Arresting IK and PTI members in various cases including fake, orchestrated investigation of letter-gate scandal and sentencing severe punishments to Khan and his workers including the death sentence too.

Rig the elections, if IK fails this time so he would be the end of the next Govt term.

They are calculating the reaction deep inside their rat holes that if IK happens to be dead by some sort of "heart attack". Then there would be a week of public anger. And mourning on Twitter and after that all would be settled eventually as there wouldn't be a strong leader to unite and mobilize people anymore. The rest would be taken over by new ISPR songs and programs to soothe the public down.

Beware of all those dirty tricks they specialize in to carry out. These are the worst time in the country.
Next time whenever u listen army and govt are on same page it means govt says are numbered. I dont know why our PMs always keeping them so close with them ? Why they are even sitting infront of them ? Come on man they are your servants, deal them like your servants , take back all luxury vehicles from them and ask them to used taxi to reach PM house for meeting, force them to sit in waiting room and call them whenever you think you are free, and dont let them sit beside you , just order them to go and meet with my minister of defense he will pass your message to me and please avoid meeting with me direct in future as i am busy in other important issues
Inko okaat ma rakhna seekho
ISI me usi ka Banda betha hota hai. Next day na Hogi PM ki seat r na milega wo PM.
All the structure has to be reformed 1st.
are we still discussing how the courts opened up in the midnight? Who else can do it without the boys?

This is not going to end well for establishment, Bajwa will retire in a few months but the damage done is repairable and people are angry/hurt. These are the same people who defended military day/night against PTM and the likes of opposition.

Shahbaz has already declared his 3 residences as Prime Minister House and has even named Dr Tauqeer Shah as his Principle Secretary who is also wanted in RWP Ring Road scandal.

That's the thing. They don't realize that the PTI 'lot' was the best patriots they could have ever asked for. Savvy about 5th gen/hybrid, calling out India, aware of foreign intervention, and always defending Pakistan and even the army.


They have many tricks to "tame" Imran Khan in the pipeline.

Massive defaming propaganda campaigns against him

Arresting IK and PTI members in various cases including fake, orchestrated investigation of letter-gate scandal and sentencing severe punishments to Khan and his workers including the death sentence too.

Rig the elections, if IK fails this time so he would be the end of the next Govt term.

They are calculating the reaction deep inside their rat holes that if IK happens to be dead by some sort of "heart attack". Then there would be a week of public anger. And mourning on Twitter and after that all would be settled eventually as there wouldn't be a strong leader to unite and mobilize people anymore. The rest would be taken over by new ISPR songs and programs to soothe the public down.

Beware of all those dirty tricks they specialize in to carry out. These are the worst time in the country.

That's why, if IK can take a break from his advisors, and for once think like a real change-maker (revolutionary) rather than another aspiring politician, there may be hope.

Otherwise, if it's just a regular election campaign, then there is none.

What do you think guys there are 11 corps majors brigadiers maj gen lt etc... what is the possibility of internal coup like we had seen in Turkey?
CJP opened the court on Sunday for SUO MOTO. I mean how many times do I need to connect the dots here.
are we still discussing how the courts opened up in the midnight? Who else can do it without the boys?

You can't use the national security reasoning in such a polarized and politically charged environment, no matter if it is completely true.We have seen that in 71, doesn't help.

Furthermore , the same courts , infact a lower one than SC,declared Musharraf be hanged after death. How do you connect the dots there??
Here is a thought maybe a long shot, PTI opinion polls, support prior to all of this was on the wane it is possible had they completed their term at the next election they would have lost more seats than they have currently and become weaker.

Post this political crisis they probably have more popularity than they did before and if you hold elections now may get the majority needed without a coalition.

Food for thought, did the army top brass/ invisible blue men/establishment want this to happen so to wipe out the corrupt parties in one go and pave the way for a new political process and constitution....
Dont fool yourself. These very same PTI ‘patriots’ are burning Pakistani flags and passports in protests today!! Not to mention their dear leader IK keeps singing praises of Modi every chance he gets.

PTI protestors have been reduced to a cult following pandering to a fascist scoundrel who tried his best to destabilise the country for his own selfish desperate attempt to cling on to power.
Can you show me where he sung praises of Modi. He praised an element of their foreign policy: being independent and self-centered. That's not praising the country or Modi.

By your stupid logic someone saying that US has a great tech sector and policies to support it means he's praising Biden. Please take your sloganeering elsewhere.
Furthermore, this also just shows you how PTI was hell bent on damaging ties with a brotherly country and it's investors.

LWMC seizes Turkish companies machinery, ends contracts prematurely

Yes because geniuses of PMLn were paying in dollars to Turkish firms to collect trash

Itnai ameer ho gaya hai yeh mulk k kachra uthanai k liye dollar do gai?

Yeah. IK is a real loser. Destroyed the economy,

Oh you mean this "strong economy" that PMLn left and was destroyed by PTI???

Even with all this, lesson: You dont have right to remove PM like this… there is zero jusfication.. the way courts opened on the weekend, on 10am, bhaag door and all.. man naanga hogaye hain saray everyone is exposedddd.

Yeah. IK is a real loser. Destroyed the economy, brought sky high inflation, ruined foreign relations, froze CPEC, strangled media freedom( his PECA ordinance just got thrown out luckily), sold out the country for dollars to the US-controlled IMF, locked up opponents without any charges for months and then had to release them when courts threw out the cases due to lack of evidence, and finally he liost support if his backers in the establishment who saw him for the incompetent loser that he is!

And when the military became neutral as they should be, he orchestrated a plot to remove the army chief, sow divisions within the leadership and was running till yesterday a dirty social media campaign against the army leadership through the PTI social media cell led by Arsalan Khalid and his handlers. Talk about biting the hand that fed him!

Lesson for the Establishment: When you select a clown, expect a circus. Avoid hybrid experiments in the future and let the political system mature on its own.
Yeah. IK is a real loser. Destroyed the economy, brought sky high inflation, ruined foreign relations, froze CPEC, strangled media freedom( his PECA ordinance just got thrown out luckily), sold out the country for dollars to the US-controlled IMF, locked up opponents without any charges for months and then had to release them when courts threw out the cases due to lack of evidence, and finally he liost support if his backers in the establishment who saw him for the incompetent loser that he is!

And when the military became neutral as they should be, he orchestrated a plot to remove the army chief, sow divisions within the leadership and was running till yesterday a dirty social media campaign against the army leadership through the PTI social media cell led by Arsalan Khalid and his handlers. Talk about biting the hand that fed him!

Lesson for the Establishment: When you select a clown, expect a circus. Avoid hybrid experiments in the future and let the political system mature on its own.

You must be living in a different universe. World economies have suffered due to inflation, COVID etc. Pakistan wasn't an exception. Besides, what shape did your ex-leaders leave the economy before fleeing to Western capitals? The economy of Pakistan was on a ventilator when PTI inherited the mess. Some economic indicators were improved drastically during Imran Khan's rule and that is a miracle in itself. This despite economic blackmail and pressure from Western capitals.

What foreign relations do you allude to? Your beloved Hindustan ruled by Modi? The US that exploits Pakistan for its own gain? Yes, we know that Nawaz Sharif was ready to sellout Kashmir and Pakistan. If that is the kind of foreign relations that you are referring to... If anything, Imran Khan must be praised for indepent foreign policy. For once Pakistan stood for itself.

Imran Khan renegotiated certain CPEC deals. CPEC was never frozen. However, I would have liked Imran Khan to have done a lot more for CPEC. This is an area where Imran Khan deserves some criticism.

LOL at media freedom restrictions. If there was an era in Pakistani politics where the media had the freedom to scold and make up lies against the sitting PM it was during Imran Khan's reign. Have a good look how Bajwa and Showbaz are harassing and silencing journalists as we speak.

IMF is another marvelous gift to the nation that Imran Khan inherited through previous regimes. The Nawaz Sharif government specifically stacked enormous loans over the years. That doesn't mean that I won't criticise the PTI government for evading IMF trap no matter how difficult. Let's see how your beloved government evades IMF loans.

Imran Khan was never selected by the establishment. He came into power because he had popular support of the masses. If you want to know which political parties come into power through vote rigging and US support have a good look at PML-N. Unpopular political parties don't enjoy massive support from the masses.

Now the military has suddenly become your hero. Your leaders have been cussing and hating the same military for decades. Your political leaders were born in the lap of the establishment. It is hilarious how you would taunt others about undermining the military.

What have you seen yet? You think you made it to the to top through regime change and will enjoy a smooth free ride? Think again. Your miseries are just starting. From recovering the economy to inflation. Such big talk. Let's see how your imported government performs before it is booted out in the upcoming elections. You guys won't even survive considering how you are made up of a fragmented hungry scavenging corrupt coalition. The Americans and Bajwa won't be there forever holding your hand and caressing your backs.
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IK did what no American agent could have dreamed of accomplishing. He stopped all work on CPEC. If that doesn’t make him an American stooge I don’t know what does. So it a bit funny hearing him talk about American plots when he sold out our national interest/CPEC for some brownie points with Trump. No wonder the Chinese can’t stand him. What a loser!
ISPR Asal account bna k ao.
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