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That’s right. He praised Modi’s foreign policy - a policy that helped ensure international opinion did not condemn his annexation of occupied Kashmir! While this fool sat on the sidelines and didn’t do a damn thing to help the Kashmiris.
Again, he praised the effectiveness of the approach, not the desirability of outcomes. Why do you think the international community didn't condemn the Kashmir annexation? Years of independence in foreign policy. You yourself are saying that their foreign policy approach was effective.

Pakistan would never think of doing something similar due to the pressure that it will receive, and can't sustain.

He pretty much did what Pakistan can do on kashmir. What have the others done? And why is India so jubilant on IK's removal?

Kaun krega muqabla سایۂ خدائے ذوالجلال,
لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ se??

From Karachi to GB you would here these voices only.
IK has become a threat to national security.
Not at all.

NS & SS & Fazloo

BTW, I was very much a supporter of the Pakistan Army since my childhood but this is the first time I hurt a lot and can't express my feelings.

I've been a member of this forum since 2007 but I lost password of my first account AZAD, then I created this account in 2015.
Am reading that there was a physical altercation in a Lahore hotel bw Aleem Khan and Hamza Shahbaz today.

Aleem Khan is threatening the PML N about withdrawing his support if they don't honour the agreements they made to him. PML N will never give up the Punjab CM seat to anyone else.
Am reading that there was a physical altercation in a Lahore hotel bw Aleem Khan and Hamza Shahbaz today.

Aleem Khan is threatening the PML N about withdrawing his support if they don't honour the agreements they made to him. PML N will never give up the Punjab CM seat to anyone else.

There have no self-respect, they will fight like animals for power and corruption/kickbacks. Those who betrayed the land of Pakistan shall face humiliation. ameen.
Here is a thought maybe a long shot, PTI opinion polls, support prior to all of this was on the wane it is possible had they completed their term at the next election they would have lost more seats than they have currently and become weaker.

Post this political crisis they probably have more popularity than they did before and if you hold elections now may get the majority needed without a coalition.

Food for thought, did the army top brass/ invisible blue men/establishment want this to happen so to wipe out the corrupt parties in one go and pave the way for a new political process and constitution....

It is a long shot. Looking forward it is extremely important to hold elections ASAP. Bajwa and the corrupt opposition will make sure that elections are delayed. What you will see now is Imran Khan demanding early elections and the opposition and Bajwa thwarting these demands. This is another potentially dangerous moment that could lead to worsening the crisis. Obviously Bajwa and the opposition know that Imran Khan has momentum and support of the masses. As Imran Khan tours various cities and rallies his supporters this becomes more evident. If the elections are held in a few months I think Bajwa and opposition are in serious trouble.
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It is already more than 6 months, since this conspiracy was lodged. He has already gone too far. Would be difficult to retreat. But, let us see, what is in store, for us.
ajay v dullay bairaan da kuj nai vigriya
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