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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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IK is a fascist, compulsive liar and a scoundrel to boot. He compromised national security by fabricating a conspiracy, and decimated our diplomatic standing in the world to retain power by hook or crook, violating the constitution and the Supreme Court orders. The joker talks about sovereignty when he actually stopped all work on CPEC and sold the country to the US- led IMF for a few billion dollars! He acted like a despotic scumbag with zero regard for the rule of law or democratic traditions, and was booted out constitutionally with encouragement from the highest court and the prison van. And worst of all he conspired to remove the army chief and replace him with his favourite general! He deserves to be tried for treason and frog marched to jail. He is a threat to national security.
Agae patwari

We will see a slow trickle here.

By the next month, I am sure we will see threads on the forum celebrating the glorious democratic struggle of Mian Saanp.

تیرے بغض میں بڑے بڑے کردار گرے،
منصف گرے، سالار گرے،
عدل کے اونچے مینار گرے
مذہب کے ٹھیکیدار گرے،
اس مٹی کے غدار گرے۔۔
لیکن نہ میں گرا نہ میری امیدوں کے مینار گرے
پر کچھ لوگ مجھے گرانے میں کئی بار گرے
View attachment 832766

Why laugh @Caprxl? Do you feel mocked when I call we are a Proud Nation? Is there a guilt or a giggle hiding behind your sense of patriotism? It's okay, it's a safe place to open up if you're brave enough. No pressure.

@graphican: Replying here as this is relevant thread.

Have given my sweat, knowledge, sleepless nights alongside my brothers in strengthening the defence of the Green Flag, so whenever our boys go out & make us proud by defending the borders of our motherland, we share their pride as well.

We are witnessing right in front of our eyes that the pride, independence & honour of our nation being sold by those who took an oath to protect us, dragging us straight into a shit hole.
What an Irony, isn't it? After Almighty, they had our trust n faith & love as well, which they have so kindly & easily pimped to the highest bidder.

A fool, woke up, tried to wake the nation as well, only to be stabbed in the back by own.
Maybe it was not in our lifetime but for the generations to come, to witness the greatness of this nation & country.
If Almighty has planned it like this for us then our duty is to put up our part in what ever capacity we can, as we will be answerable on D DAY about it.

As for you question in particular, neither a guilt nor a giggle, combined guilt maybe as a nation....
Laughter is filled with disappointment, betrayal, tears, shame, anger, but not hopelessness

Today i got the understanding that

The purpose of Pakistan army, nukes, all these weapons and soldiers blood is when heist is going on inside country no one from outside can disturb.

They have put Pakistan on ventilator
Now neither they want to die nor they want it to get healthy and stand up.
They wanted it to be on ventilator forever and getting aid on it's name.

Country servers no purpose at all and people are completely irrelevant
Maybe he hasn't seen the Paradise called Karachi.

Agreed Karachi is a dump, but have a look at what the Buzdaar government did while he was in power. Anyone who lives in Lahore can compare what it was like before PTI led government. Furthermore, this also just shows you how PTI was hell bent on damaging ties with a brotherly country and it's investors.

LWMC seizes Turkish companies machinery, ends contracts prematurely

IK reduced his salary this man is not that smart but he is not a corrupt like the S family mafia who wants to sell Pakistan to India our greatest enemy state
The same IK who took IMF loans, backed by the United States, took foreign aid from all over the Western world for his political party to survive and having praise for India's foreign policy wasn't an enemy of the state but as he found himself out of power suddenly they become enemies. He is called Mr. U-Turn for a reason...

The average man and a woman don't give a crap as long as you don't take away their food and shelter and fill their pockets with prosperity. Do you think people in Gulf countries and China care how much their leaders make?
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