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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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This is really saddening, why is everyone accusing the Army chief of colluding with the opposition for NCV vote?? What evidence do you have??

Also what did you want?? That Gen Bajwa move in to save Imran khan, really??
REally you are that naïve?
Everything will be forgiven as long as PTI come back with 2/3 majority in early elections. Looks like this is where its headed. We all have to turn up to vote even if it means flying to Pakistan ...

That's not part of the American deal.

IK has to fight now.

Ye fouj hamesha mulk kay wafadaron kay khilaf taqat istemal karti hai ( like Arsalan Khalid). Hamid Mir aur Manzoor pashteen jaisay saanp in kay sagay hain.
REally you are that naïve?
Asking for evidence is not naivety. Everything said against Bajwa in this case is largely based on preconceived notions dating back decades. 80 % budget and what not....as if other than COAS , no one can even move a muscle.
Bajwa is trying to white wash his crimes, nothing more.

Everyone saw what happened. People don't forget.
Pakistanis do, you still have Sharif bootlickers on this forum.
Everything will be forgiven as long as PTI come back with 2/3 majority in early elections. Looks like this is where its headed. We all have to turn up to vote even if it means flying to Pakistan ...
Not really, seems like they'll just wait till things die down, probably in a week or so
Who wants to bet that MQM is going to be fake opposition in the parliament in the coming weeks?
Was on margalla road today
Saw heavy deployment of army personnel and a few traitors on road going to meet a convicted felon they help put in power

Today marks the day where I and many more people with me lost complete trust in the men that swore to protect us
They'd even surrender our nukes if the price is right
Asking for evidence is not naivety. Everything said against Bajwa in this case is largely based on preconceived notions dating back decades. 80 % budget and what not....as if other than COAS , no one can even move a muscle.
Dude you are igniting a debate that we have been arguing over for last 10 days. We have moved way beyond it. #generalbajwatraitor its not that he should have saved IK, he didn't stand for the country he is a traitor.

IK is a fascist, compulsive liar and a scoundrel to boot. He compromised national security by fabricating a conspiracy, and comprising our diplomatic security to retain power by hook or crook, violating the constitution and the Supreme Court orders. The joker talks about sovereignty when he actually stopped all work on CPEC and sold the country to the US- led IMF for a few billion dollars! He acted like a despotic scumbag with zero regard for the rule of law or democratic traditions, and was booted out constitutionally with encouragement from the highest court and the prison van. And worst of all he conspired to remove the army chief and replace him with his favourite general! He deserves to be tried for treason and frog marched to jail. He is a threat to national security.
For your first comment..... this is pure gold.
IK is a fascist, compulsive liar and a scoundrel to boot. He compromised national security by fabricating a conspiracy, and comprising our diplomatic security to retain power by hook or crook, violating the constitution and the Supreme Court orders. The joker talks about sovereignty when he actually stopped all work on CPEC and sold the country to the US- led IMF for a few billion dollars! He acted like a despotic scumbag with zero regard for the rule of law or democratic traditions, and was booted out constitutionally with encouragement from the highest court and the prison van. And worst of all he conspired to remove the army chief and replace him with his favourite general! He deserves to be tried for treason and frog marched to jail. He is a threat to national security.

30 years of Zardari and Sharifs has made Pakistan into Congo. Do a side by side comparison with an African country to find out what they have done to the country. Sharifs and Zardaris are worth more than Pakistan.

You might as well be an ancient Egyptian slave and worship Zardari and Sharif pharaoh DNA.
#generalbajwatraitor its not that he should have saved IK, he didn't stand for the country he is a traitor.
And how exactly do you propose he stood up against this regime change?? This was my original questions and one that no one has answered. There is only one thing Bajwa could have done, what a COAS can do, declare martial law. Which is highly unrecommended anyway, and when a sizable part of the incumbent parliament, civil bureaucracy and international players who could disrupt our economy, are in on it, what else or how much the COAS can do??
More I watch the shenanigans by PTI as well as the Opposition on the TV, more convince I become that the real tragedy of Pakistan is the lack of capable, honest and wise leadership. Decades of corrupt political leadership was replaced by an inexperienced and incompetent government whose leader had no scruples about sidestepping the Pakistan constitution to remain in power even if it meant defying the orders of the highest court of the land. Rightly or wrongly, in my opinion, there is hardly anything to choose between the PTI or the opposition.

On personal note, I would have preferred Imran to complete his full term so that public could know how incompetent a Prime Minster he really is and then booted him out by popular vote. Regrettably my countrymen have never heard of "Patience" and this act has enable him to present himself as a martyr thus poor public would have to suffer an unstable government until the next general election.
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