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Bajwa and co are peddling theories and they want us to believe that Bajwa is a saint who is actually trying to resist a bad guy (Faiz) from becoming COAS and that he has done some huge favor go Pakistan..loll

Bht the problem is public is now smart enough to know thay this is just a distraction

If Faiz is really a bad giy, not worthy of becomjng COAS, all Bajwa has to do was transfer him to some khudday line posting instead of making him Corp commamder peshawar.. if he wouldnt have corp experience, he would anyways be out of race for COAS

Another thing which Bajwa did is, out of overconfidence, he already exposed himself in public of being the US guy, when a day after NSC meetjng which condemned the letter, he came out in open, condemned Russia publicly, going against PM’s foreign policy

Did he also do tht because he wanted to stop Faiz from becoming COAs?

After his facilitation of opposition and that lettergate has backfired, now He wants to distract public from that letter and foreign conspiracy angle and portraying himself as saint and blaming the other guy
COAS failing his own 5th general warfare practicals?
Good news for all Pakistanis, new elections are coming. 3 months of new government and then caretaker setup for a few months depending on elections and hand over time.

@Tariq Habibdefinite @Patriot forever @Sainthood 101
Its definitely disagreement over the foreign policy, can you recall General Raheel Sharif and Nawaz Sharif kick off, from DawnLeak to Geo attacking army generals, generals not saluting Nawaz Sharif, they had many meetings and finally it was resolved when the army took over foreign policy and relations. The army even attacked militants in tribal areas without the government permission but just when the attack started, PmlN announced they support it, army went for military courts but Pmln and PPP opposed it till the end when they had to listen. Zardari even said afterwards it was a sad day for them and they had no choice but to vote for it. General Raheel gave danda but Ashfaq Kiani reversed everything.

IK went independent in his policy, at OIC he was talking about Israeli aggression against Palestinians, he mentioned about the Yemeni war which is harming the Muslims, he talked and opposed the Iranian sanctions at international forums because they harming the people of Iran, he encouraged Ummah to unite at OIC conference, he openly said Pakistan is neutral regarding Russian Ukraine war, he spoke against Afghanistan war, the killing of innocent, refused to support propaganda against Russia, made a case against Blashphemy law at UN. All these made the Muslims happy, made the Pakistanis feel brave and honourable people but the western world powers not happy.

The generals like to play a double game, use diplomacy, keep west happy, let them bomb Pakistan once a while, let them blame Pakistan، let India have a go at Pakistan, let India blame Pakistan for a false flag attack, its all good. Imagine a drone attack with IK in power, he would rip Usa, imagine killing Osama operation, imagine a false flag operation by India government, he would reply back at every opportunity. India made fun of Pakistan for being extremist country but he exposed Indian government as Nazi RSS regime. They are certainly not happy.

IK rallied even the public of foreign countries and stood up for Pakistan and its honour, people respect him.
I know they're the villains nowadays but
Calling Yemen war bad, lifting sanctions on Iran was directly against the intrests of GCC our historical ally (relationship detiriorated afterwards)
Visiting Russia at that time when even Thier historical ally were warry of endorsing them - our visit endorsed his actions (like it or not)
This Ott support of Russia (when we relied on them for nothing while we did on west) alienated west

All these were foreign policy blunders - Army for other pms never gave this long if a rope
IK literally had to go all out for them to say something

Easy to feel good with great ummah leader this- but he is leader of Pakistan first
All these foreign policy decisions were amateurish at best blunders at worst

Now everyone is angry with them but they did what they feel was right for the country
I know they're the villains nowadays but
Calling Yemen war bad, lifting sanctions on Iran was directly against the intrests of GCC our historical ally (relationship detiriorated afterwards)
Visiting Russia at that time when even Thier historical ally were warry of endorsing them - our visit endorsed his actions (like it or not)
This Ott support of Russia (when we relied on them for nothing while we did on west) alienated west

All these were foreign policy blunders - Army for other pms never gave this long if a rope
IK literally had to go all out for them to say something

Easy to feel good with great ummah leader this- but he is leader of Pakistan first
All these foreign policy decisions were amateurish at best blunders at worst

Now everyone is angry with them but they did what they feel was right for the country
That is the difference between a politician and a leader. The Russian one i disagree with, but was it not schedule visit. I think IK could make a comeback if he comes to an agreement with army on foreign policy but I highly doubt he would be able to control himself with his remarks. He told Srilankan PM to bury Muslims because its part of our faith, he told Saudi Prince to release Pakistan prisoners in front of the media. He did amazing but I understand your point, maybe he should read from a Khaki parchi :)
That is the difference between a politician and a leader. The Russian one i disagree with, but was it not schedule visit. I think IK could make a comeback if he comes to an agreement with army on foreign policy but I highly doubt he would be able to control himself with his remarks. He told Srilankan PM to bury Muslims because its part of our faith, he told Saudi Prince to release Pakistan prisoners in front of the media. He did amazing but I understand your point, maybe he should read from a Khaki parchi :)
As many friends as possible and as little enemies as possible is the best foreign as said by ik himself

But Easier said than done as we have seen with foreign policies of last 3 years

This policy was always going to be tricky
Zhao Lijian, a spokesman of the Ministry of foreign affairs, once worked in Pakistan
Zhao Lijian: "as Pakistan's close neighbor and staunch friend, we sincerely hope that all factions in Pakistan will remain united and jointly safeguard the overall situation of national stability and development. I would like to emphasize that no matter how the political situation in Pakistan changes, China will unswervingly adhere to the friendly policy towards Pakistan. We believe that changes in the political situation in Pakistan will not affect the overall situation of China Pakistan Relations."

Bajwa and co are peddling theories and they want us to believe that Bajwa is a saint who is actually trying to resist a bad guy (Faiz) from becoming COAS and that he has done some huge favor go Pakistan..loll

Bht the problem is public is now smart enough to know thay this is just a distraction

If Faiz is really a bad giy, not worthy of becomjng COAS, all Bajwa has to do was transfer him to some khudday line posting instead of making him Corp commamder peshawar.. if he wouldnt have corp experience, he would anyways be out of race for COAS

Another thing which Bajwa did is, out of overconfidence, he already exposed himself in public of being the US guy, when a day after NSC meetjng which condemned the letter, he came out in open, condemned Russia publicly, going against PM’s foreign policy

Did he also do tht because he wanted to stop Faiz from becoming COAs?

After his facilitation of opposition and that lettergate has backfired, now He wants to distract public from that letter and foreign conspiracy angle and portraying himself as saint and blaming the other guy
If Faiz is really that bad guy then how gets to the rank of Lt general
How he became spy chief
How they can be against one their own?
Why and how? NSC has already called the letter blatant foreign intervention in internal affairs of Pakistan

3 months is big time for setup . PMLN PPP will fix the ground in one month
How? If they try to rig elections, PTI will storm the polls and stop the illegal process
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