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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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My nooni friend's status. Hardcore SS fan.

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Democracy has won in Pakistan.
A PM removed through a parliamentary process not a coup.
The establishment did not take sides and stayed neutral .
This is how institutions are strengthened, not by using extra legal methods to stay in power.
Wrong when you don't know how politics work in Pakistan better to stay quiet.
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First, expose everybody involved.

Tell the people. Rouse them. Stop being a politician. Start being a revolutionary.

Generals don't go to war, foot soldiers do. IK won't demoralise the foot soldiers by openly attacking COAS and generals. He refused to comment on these scum today and that says it all.
I think the saddest thing for me was listening to the journalists who were quoting IK "Main akela lar raha hu" this broke my heart. Not a single mother fucking institution backed this guy who has done nothing but gave them respect. Has asked his people again and again not to bad mouth anyone.
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I think the saddest thing for me was listening to the journalists who were quoting IK "Main akela lar raha hu" this broke my heart. Not a single mother fucking institution backed this guy who has done nothing but gave them respect. Has asked his people again and again not to bad mouth anyone.
Parliament judiciary military
He asked all of them to see the letter but instead they turned against him
Parliament judiciary military
He asked all of them to see the letter but instead they turned against him
Even others like NAB, IB, FIA everyone he let them work and no one is behind him. Never heard of such sleeping institutes anywhere. Lesson for next time. Put your tentacles deep inside the system.
Parliament judiciary military
He asked all of them to see the letter but instead they turned against him
Shameless mafia with zero self respect Allah will punish them in this life and afterlife I don’t even doubt it patriots always eats the cake first
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Parliament judiciary military
He asked all of them to see the letter but instead they turned against him
They were all part of regime change plan in bed with foreign masters.

Make no mistake no one would be giving extension to the generals again, NS was right in this case, credit where it is due.
Even though I detest Godfather but in this instance he was right establishment calls all the shots.
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