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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Next time whenever u listen army and govt are on same page it means govt says are numbered. I dont know why our PMs always keeping them so close with them ? Why they are even sitting infront of them ? Come on man they are your servants, deal them like your servants , take back all luxury vehicles from them and ask them to used taxi to reach PM house for meeting, force them to sit in waiting room and call them whenever you think you are free, and dont let them sit beside you , just order them to go and meet with my minister of defense he will pass your message to me and please avoid meeting with me direct in future as i am busy in other important issues
Inko okaat ma rakhna seekho

Could be the case, but all government ministers are on record saying that this was never on the cards.

Moreover, if a decision to this effect was taken, then the government wouldn't be dwiddling it's thumbs and not giving out the notification.

The biggest farce out of all this was the IHC opening this late and accepting this petition, and thenstopping a PM from carrying out a constitutional duty. But jdhr SC nay speaker ko bata dia how to run a session and when, to phir yeh bhi ho sakta hai.

IMO, the COAS told the PM to get done with this. The govt is non-existent, economy is going, pooray mulk main tamasha laga hai, and there will be contempt of court too (another headache), so just get done with this otherwise things won't be good.

THe talk about COAS change is just added masala.
The speed of which IK regime has been removed in a silent coup, could not have been done without establishments help, banana judiciary and other higher ups in the military are all involved in this shameful regime change on foreign masters order, its utterly disgusting a banana Republic could not protect its own prime minister from external interference.
@Areesh and other who have supported Indian Muslims on this forum. My commiserations are with you on this unfortunate events.

I am truly amazed that a PM has been removed from office and not for corruption or a major policy blunder. We Indian Muslims have lost a voice - someone who, at the least, spoke up for us. I don't expect Shahbaz Sharif or Nawaz Sharif to speak up for Indian Muslims like Imran Khan did.

Thanks brother

Heart broken today. Laikin khair. Allah malik hai

As for Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif this is what the Hindu newspaper has to say

So you can imagine how much voice these brothers would raise for Indian Muslims

Anyways may Allah bless Indian Muslims. They have very tough times ahead
Democracy has won in Pakistan.
A PM removed through a parliamentary process not a coup.
The establishment did not take sides and stayed neutral .
This is how institutions are strengthened, not by using extra legal methods to stay in power.
IK is not absolved of blame though.

His decision regarding Usman Buzdar was stupidity of the highest order. Paghalpana tha. He may have done some good things too, but overall it was underwhelming.

And he needs to reduce on his ego a bit, and learn how to take political allies together and pander to their egos as well.
Come on man , his allies was puppets of military, they left PMLQ with IK just for game because they knew numbers of opposition were enough to change the khan regime without PMLQ , this have nothing todo with dealing good or bad with allies

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