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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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I have heard that Indian media is playing a voice note of an army officer talking about bajwa??
IKs last minute change of plans was due to Martial Law threats from the American slave (COAS) orchestrating this whole thing. This is how IK has protected democracy in Pakistan, else he’d have confronted these traitors in assembly today. As the fog is clearing up, we are finding more and more about why IK recalled Speaker minutes after the first meeting and also didnt attend assembly session as was initially planned. I hope every Pakistani who’s loyal to Pakistan do whatever they can to highlight how the neutrals sold us out to the highest bidder.
Imran Khan was a kind of lottery to them. They never would had got such high rates for treason had it been not Imran Khan,.
IK made a big mistake to align with MQM, BAP, PMLQ and lotas. He needs to start building up his workers, people should not be following IK but an ideology. I dont see IK coming back but his ideology of Allama Iqbal Rahimullah Pakistan should continue, his followers need education, learn their history, culture, values, teach their children. From 16Million votes, it will go 3x more votes to 48Million votes, who will then remove IK and his government and even if they do, he will be back in the next elections. What choice will the masters have put to bow down and work with the new Pakistani people.

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Bushra Bibi

There are two camps. One thinks that it all started when IK delayed the appointment of the new DG ISI. People in Islamabad think that the decision of delay had something to do with sufism and that didn't go very well with the higher ups who considered it too much involvement in the national security matters. That camp further strengthens its assumption by saying that if the establishment had not been brave enough, it wouldn't have given a serious blow to the NATO forces in Afghanistan covertly.

The other camp says that "hum bilkul hi lait gaey hain" and I am in that camp.

It is now incumbent on @PanzerKiel to give the 2nd name :partay:
According to sami ibrahim the charge sheet is already being prepared against PTI karkunan. Will be in jail soon.
I mean the best option is to lynch these MFS before they deal critical damage to our country.

Parliament se nikal kar maro ina di phen di...

Grab 'em by the neck and show the world we are an alive nation.
Indians are celebrating..... now their favorite jackal is back in power ..
Means nothing. Shabhaz will still be puppet. As said earlier, democratic leaders are puppets who have toe the lines of main establishments. Nothing has changed.
What we lost today can never be undone.

The concept of azad riasat died today.

Of course they will celebrate.

Its not true.
This could be true because court was opened and the petition was filed against the dismissal of that asshole Bajwa.
What we lost today can never be undone.

The concept of azad riasat died today.

Of course they will celebrate.

Alot of people are saying we should trust Allah almighty but what they fail to realise is Allah almighty changes the condition of those people who change themselves. What if 90% of Pakistani public reject PDM, and votes for PTI and IK. What can the Generals do then? Allah almighty will help you when you yourself make a change within yourself, when you have zero tolerance for corruption, bribery, when you never give your hands to the corrupt. When the public changes their condition then the country will change within a blink of an eye.
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