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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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No way all the opposition parties will be able to wield a united front for long.

Biggest criticism of Khan is inflation, but it's bad everywhere.

Khan should keep on fighting, the opposition only care about properties in West. They seen how easy it is for their authorities to seize assets of Russians. Hence worked together to protect their loot.
No way all the opposition parties will be able to wield a united front for long.

Biggest criticism of Khan is inflation, but it's bad everywhere.

Khan should keep on fighting, the opposition only care about properties in West. They seen how easy it is for their authorities to seize assets of Russians. Hence worked together to protect their loot.
Hopefully, they'll send most of their family members to the West before the election. Once the results will start getting against them they'll leave immediately for they're not ready to be at the receiving end of the public wreath...

Thanks to Brain-less Biden and B@!!$-less Bajwa, IK won't be at the power when the Pak folks would see the worst governance....

HE puts even your enemies in your service if HE likes you and wants to make you a Vesile for the Khair...
What a spineless country. At least the Turkish people stood up for their ideals. At this rate, we might as well just become part of India again and call it quits. The problem is that there are simply too much illiterate/uneducated people in Pakistan not realizing how they're being fooled. No nation will ever rise from the ashes until it starts respecting itself and its sovereignty. The only way to break these shackles is for a revolution where the people start revolting. If IK really has the support of 2/3 of the country, then now is the time to show it.

Either that, or be enslaved for eternity until Pakistan gets swallowed by India or breaks further apart into multiple states.
what makes you think we want a population with 55 % literacy level ?
Its the land we want, not the people.

Bottom line is that they are afraid of IK and he can't be controlled by them - it is all about power ultimately. His wife and her influence in his decision making is an easy excuse to spread internally to justify his removal.
and @PakSword

Bushra bibi is only an excuse.

The real issues are:
1). US
2). another extension for Bajwa sahab.
and @PakSword

Bushra bibi is only an excuse.

The real issues are:
1). US
2). another extension for Bajwa sahab.

Bajwa and his group especially DG ISI are CIA moles. There is no other explanation of this level of servitude.
IK was an unwanted man and their mole was to retire in Oct. America could not afford that.

Yeh bhi khush hai IK k janai sai

Good work guys

@Areesh and other who have supported Indian Muslims on this forum. My commiserations are with you on this unfortunate events.

I am truly amazed that a PM has been removed from office and not for corruption or a major policy blunder. We Indian Muslims have lost a voice - someone who, at the least, spoke up for us. I don't expect Shahbaz Sharif or Nawaz Sharif to speak up for Indian Muslims like Imran Khan did.

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