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PMIK's policies and strict crack down on corruption was the only reason I invested and bought land in Pakistan. With him gone, I fear losing a lot of money. I'm already in the process of getting my money out, and already have contacted the relevant people to sell the land that I own.

I was also planning to buy some land and invest, the last few years I was proud to call myself a Pakistani. However right now I am not spending a single dime. For decades people would frown when you said you originated from Pakistan, the last few years I felt a sense of pride and respect coming back to me, something I longed for while being abroad. All gone with the wind, this country is doomed.
IK is not absolved of blame though.

His decision regarding Usman Buzdar was stupidity of the highest order. Paghalpana tha. He may have done some good things too, but overall it was underwhelming.

And he needs to reduce on his ego a bit, and learn how to take political allies together and pander to their egos as well.
But thing is, we all know how this will play in the international media and politics. Nukes will come into play, and the usual BS.
@R Wing @Acetic Acid @Areesh

No mutiny at all.. As much I like seeing these traitors dragged in streets, and public running over them, unity in Army is most important. Perhaps, regime change was a samller goal, the bigger is distancing army from public.

IK may know more inside news. That is why he is saying again and again, that we must stand with the army.

We must play long game like chinese. Wait for our turn.
I want a legislation that judges are appointed by the parliament.

That Judges are held responsible for any illegals actions by a Judicial commission consisting of parliament and civil society. And they can NOT stop their cases from going there.

That lawyers get their licenses invoked if they ever threatened a judge or indulge in illegal activity.

That media face the wrath of the law if they spread fake news breaking law of the country.

And I can dream on...
How will china react?

Chinese businessmen had a great time in Pakistan during PMLN government, the kickbacks, the corruption, some even bought Pakistani brides to take home. They had the perfect place next door to do dodgy deals and come back to China like nothing happened.

Pakistan has always been used like a whore.
How will china react?
China is gonna stay quiet. They may start putting pressure in certain quarters in Pakistan's pillars of power to make sure their influence and investments are endangered. They may quietly back PMIK fully, knowing he's now their best bet to kick US influence out of Pakistan.

Not that I want this to happen, mind you. As much as I criticize the US, I still maintain that Pakistan needs a realistic approach to maintaining good relations with the US, one that maintains Pakistan's dignity. We all know where Shahbaz Sharif stands, so you can kiss a balanced approach goodbye.

I wonder if Bajwa realizes, whether he was involved or not, that his name will forever be regarded as nothing more than mud from now on. Trust in the military is at the level of Musharraf's late era, as in almost nonexistent, and Bajwa has done nothing to improve that image.

As for Pakistani awam, I wish you luck. The last few years overseas Pakistanis had grown proud to be called Pakistani, that pride is gone now. All that's left is disappointment and bitterness. I will be looking get my investments out of Pakistan, as well I will be looking to get my family out.

Next elections are Pakistan's last chance to take back its soul from the corrupt. Until Pakistan figures out whether it wants to have a long term good future, or one filled with regret, I will no longer risk my family nor my hard earned money in Pakistan.

By the way, I'm not the only one over seas that thinks like this.

Same sentiments and planned steps here.
I think we are looking at two possibilities-
1) they now go over after PTI and rig the next elections, this might have horrible civil war type consequences for Pakistan
2) they don’t do that- this is the best thing to happen to the PTI and they emerge with an overwhelming majority next time and now have a good grasp of what their mistakes were.

Either way, I, today, am proud of having supported the PTI. The French have a term - “panache”. Loosely, it’s a term for style but often used when you know you lose - its used, for example, Napoleon in Waterloo or Vencengettorix in the Battle of Alesia. Today, PTI showed panache and exposed everyone on their way out. None of us can now afford to be naive.
Just watched a video.

Rafiq Tarar ka pota gallery say MNAs ko hi-five kar raha hai.

Who would have imagined.

Can't wait to see which judge gets to be a senator or a president a few years from now.
Messed up the country and then suddenly leaves, we have seen that many times before. He made a lot of promises but delivered high inflation , CPEC in the doldrums, corruption intact and Pakistan behind Bangladesh in the economic league.

and the imported ones who had already spent 30 years in politics now going to change the economy and we will mark UAE soon
I think we are looking at two possibilities-
1) they now go over after PTI and rig the next elections, this might have horrible civil war type consequences for Pakistan
2) they don’t do that- this is the best thing to happen to the PTI and they emerge with an overwhelming majority next time and now have a good grasp of what their mistakes were.

Either way, I, today, am proud of having supported the PTI. The French have a term - “panache”. Loosely, it’s a term for style but often used when you know you lose - its used, for example, Napoleon in Waterloo or Vencengettorix in the Battle of Alesia. Today, PTI showed panache and exposed everyone on their way out. None of us can now afford to be naive.
Let's pray number 2 happens, all this heartbreak will be worth it then! Never say never , if Allah wants IK to come back then he will more powerful than before!
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